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    Curious George
  1. In my current game, for some reason, the contract just won't generate a male kerbonaut to rescue. The game begins normally, but after I launched two kerbol orbit stations filled with male kerbonauts, the game just don't generate male kerbonaut for rescue contracts anymore, even travel contracts are mostly female. Now my space program is 80% female. Not sure if it's a bug, or the RNG gods just decided to roll this way.
  2. Seems okay indeed, except I resized it down to 1.875m Also seems to have the weight of the 2.5m one as well. Has anyone else got this problem?
  3. I think something went wrong with the pebble bed reactor in the last update. Molten salt scales fine, VAB seems normal, but when I launch the pebble bed it seems to use the default value instead.
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