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Everything posted by JuxuR

  1. First of all a big thank you for everyone making this amazing mod! Can’t play the game any more with out this mod. I was going through the changelogs of 1.4 and 1.5. To me it seems that there isn’t much in the patches that would benefit RO. Am I missing something and is there something major changing that will also benefit/affect RO? Cheers, Juxu
  2. I just noticed that people have got RO already working with 1.2.2. I was wondering if anyone has managed the same with RP-0? I started a stock career and it just isn't the same (a minor understatement :D)
  3. That was it, didn´t do this step correctly. Thank you for your help! JuxuR
  4. Hi Sol! I thought so too that I´m missing the scatterer effects, but I checked and I do have \scatterer\scatterer.dll in my Gamedata. The black sky seems to affect only space center view, but the launch pad view is missing the water and scatterer effects if I´m right. Cheers, JuxuR
  5. Hi all! I´ve been trying to get RVE+EVE+Scatterer working as instructed in this thread but here is my result so far; Clouds look fine in the map view, but ground view shows black sky and the water is really something different from all the great pics posted in these forums. Log here: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=08831741985455890974 I´m sure the problem is my end and I´ve made some really embarassing rookie mistake with the mods. But I´m willing the take the heat from you guys if I can get these great mods to work and I get to start a new RSS career with some amazing graphics. Cheers, JuxuR
  6. Any ideas what to do about it? If possible I wouldn´t like to start the whole career over as I´ve invested the upgrade points in Kourou...
  7. Hi and first of all thank you for the hard work in this and other mods! I started a new career and I´m loving the amount of mods we can now have in the game. I´m having just on problem; I wanted to play with a different launch site and chose Kourou in South America. Rocket launches are going fine, but planes are literally running into a problem; the starting end of the runway is inside the terrain and the planes explode when coming to contact with the border of terrain and runway. Has anyone had similar problems? Cheers, Juxu
  8. Final piece of the puzzle! (others being RSS and RO) Now aggressively updating CKAN...
  9. Should EVE work with RSS? I´ve tried and tried and only get it working with stock.
  10. Thank you! I absolutely won't harass people on their work on the mods. I'm eager to get a realistic career going in 1.1 and I was wondering if I could do it with RO within a couple of weeks from the release. Vanilla just doesn't cut it after getting a taste of that sweet RO .
  11. Based on the prerelease build and the planned changes, do you have any idea if it will take weeks or months (or even longer(!)) to have RO and/or RSS to work with 1.1? I'm really looking forward to 1.1 but after playing RO there isn't really going back to vanilla or close to it. Absolutely brilliant mod, great work!
  12. Removing them from the parts catalog would help! How should one go about to achieve said result? Thank you! Cheers, JuxuR
  13. Hi and thanks for the great mod! Is there anyway to clean away the non-R-0 parts? There seems to be quite a few of them around. Cheers, JuxuR
  14. Hi, Absolutely great mod! I've only got one problem; the logos are not showing ingame at all. There is just a white box where the logo should show on the contract. Cheers, JuxuR
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