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    Curious George

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  1. you might be able to read the delta v of the stages. (I am not sure how available this is for k-OS) but it is information displayed on screen.
  2. The only reliable source of power that can be sourced from a hydrogen gas gigant would probably be wind power. this seam counter intuitive when airships glide with the wind. but we make a tall craft with a wind turbine below, hanging like a pendulum beneath the craft. the the craft is placed in a way that allows the bottom part to drag in another another region with a different wind direction. since it will act like a neutrally buoyant pendulum it would be stable and gravity would counteract the torque from the wind differential. the downside is that you would have winds potentially blowing stuff of the platform. since the entire craft would experience relative motion compared to the surrounding atmosphere . i have no idea if using wind shear to power stuff will work, but it is a fun thought experiment.
  3. the Wikipedia article you liked only applies to metals, i am no chemist but there should be other materials that could be viable? also the temperature does not need to be too high for the system to work, it needs to be hotter than its surroundings. as far as i could see the embrittlement process is still an active area of research, it might not be an unsurmountable obstacle.
  4. the best analogy for real science gathering in KSP 1 are the science gathering contracts to be asked to take specific measurements at specific locations sound like real science gathering to me. but i would love to have different type of science missions. prototype missions to unlock parts by testing them in certain conditions. constructing science bases that explore the surroundings with rovers. deploying telescopes to study planets (and find areas of interest for new science) my main suggestion is to make science mostly a subsection of the contract system. the contract system is neat since it gives you missions based upon what you have done in the game so far. if you place a surveyor in Duna orbit you would be more likely to get a science contract to the surface. if science is more focused on contracts we could have mission specific science parts. imagine being asked to build the James Kerman space telescope or the JKST for short, and to put it in a LaGrange point (yea i know N body physics is not in the game). different contract Corporations could be focuses on different things for example the life on Duna society would like you to invest in Duna exploration missions and science. if you do successful contracts for them they will give you bigger contracts in the future. but the science gains from contracts should be diminishing returns for the same type of study on the same body. just studying the mun would be boring, and going to other planets would give much more valuable science.
  5. this is a feature i would like, controlling planes with fine maneuvers is hard, and the SAS system in its current form is not the best autopilot. we would need some sort of autopilot with a target altitude and target heading. and it would keep level flight on its own.
  6. hot air balloons will work in a hydrogen atmosphere, since hot hydrogen still occupy more space than cold hydrogen. if hydrogen leaks... it is not relevant with leakage in an open system. the question is at what depth could we expect to get enough buoyancy. if it is too deep then we cannot rely on solar power for the heating, and must rely on an onboard heatsource , like a nuclear reactor. weight constraints would be an issue. but if we give players the tools for this they could find ways within the realm of physics. the other thing we can consider is to build a Venus analogy in KSP 2. a rocky planet with a thick dense atmosphere. and a surface that is perhaps to hot or with pressure to high for vessels to operate. in this kind of atmosphere blimps, dirigibles and hot air balloons would all work great. If wind is added to the system airships would drift with the wind and would only be susceptible to changes in windspeed. or wind shear. this would make them drift across the surface in a controllable way without much risk. we as surface dwellers see high winds as something scary since we have a relative speed compared to the wind. high up in the clouds there is no debris to fly around with the wind either. it would create an interesting landing puzzle to land on a platform drifting with the wind.
  7. having more symmetry options enable new things. 5x symmetry is my favorite modded symmetry from KSP 1. now you as a reader probably think: who would ever want 5x symmetry and why. the answer is: me and here comes the why: my first argument for 5x symmetry is redundancy when designing a lander how many legs should it have? well at least 3 because the center of mass needs to be within the triangle formed by the legs. 4 legs is not the best option (sorry Apollo) if any one leg fail the craft is unstable and it will fall over. 5 legs will allow for any single leg to fail and still be upright, and up to two legs could fail as long as they are not next to each other. but for me personally the main reason is to be able to build crafts like this. now how does 5x symmetry stand out from the rest? 5x symmetry allows construction of tesselating structures in 3d space (balls) one great example are the platonic solids, most of the fun ones require 5x symmetry. the one in the image is a Icosahedron that was twisted a bit. note that every node has 5 arms. there will probably be a mod for this, but to simplify craft sharing of designs like this it would be nice if everyone could download and play with them. as a spoiler i will add pictures of other designs that use the same symmetry. adding more symmetries would not be harmfull. 7x could probably be cool for making heptagrams or something. it would be a very smal addition to the game to add this and it would probably go unnoticed by many, but it would make my day!
  8. this should definitely be a ting. but it should be a toggleable option in the VAB, and it should add weight. the weight should be proportional to the surface area of the shell of the tanks. the upper limit on the amount of fuel stored should be based on the volume of the wing.
  9. As a GeoGebra entusiast i am more upset with using GeoGebra calculator, classic 5 is the only version of GeoGebra for me.
  10. the Navball approach is certainly the way to go. it is simple and does not clutter you screen i would like to see an addition to the SAS controls to lock to the docking alignment indicator on the Navball. this would free up the brain for translation controls.
  11. in my testing this works as intended. i just launched a craft in ksp 1 using the TT-38 radial decouplers the tanks with the highest fuel priority number drain first and then they sequentially drain in fuel priority order until the last tank is empty. the main difference with using fuel ducts in this case would be that the engines automatically cut off when the fuel in their tank is depleted. if you do not experience this expected behavior in KSP 1 i suspect it is a bug on your behalf. my hope is that the Developers of KSP 2 implement an identical fuel crossfeed system as KSP 1. i add a spoiler that contain my KSP 1 mission working as intended.
  12. sir_frost

    Ladder Bug

    i do believe this is not a bug but intentional behavior from the developers. it makes falling of ladders "impossible" or at least harder. in KSP 1 we had the option to toggle stop att the end of ladders. i think this is the same thing except that we do not have a toggle for it. this seam like a easy fix with a toggle in the gameplay menu.
  13. I built a snowman that is a fully functional rocket capable of going everywhere in the kerbol system. would make a great mothership for Jool runs.
  14. you are wrong about the decouplers in KSP 1 fuel crossfeed require a upgrade of the RnD building to work when that is done all decouplers have crossfeed as an option in flight or in the editor. fuel lines in KSP 1 was made obsolete when they introduced the fuel tank priorities, because crossfeed does the same thing with no extra part.
  15. in my own testing the vibrations could be because of an imbalance in your craft, making the wheels face the ground at a non 90 degree angle. this cause a lot of difficulty for me, i even built a frankendrive thing that use angled wheels to accelerate.
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