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Everything posted by sir_frost

  1. I designed a version of the Von Braun station from the gateway foundation. for craft file click the link https://kerbalx.com/sir_frost/von-braun-station
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1765113122 https://youtu.be/EDCbWbh2M1Y i made a self assembling ring station
  3. http://imgur.com/a/ this is my spoked ring habitat, this one served the use as a proof of concept and i think i will reuse this concept in the future
  4. i made 3d geometric shapes like no one before please let me know if anyone has done this before the shapes are 1 pentagonal hexecontahedron 2 icosahedron 3 also a icosahedron but with a twist 4 stellated dodecahedron for craft files check https://kerbalx.com/sir_frost
  5. my most solid tip is to click your RCS ports and select actuation toggles and turn of pitch yaw and roll. then you can rotate your craft without changing your speed. and then use the translation controls to get your prograde marker to the target marker. with this method you can have a horrible RCS setup on your craft and you can still dock bulky misshaped things
  6. I made a pentagonal hexecontahedron. witch is a 60 sided geometric shape. it consist of only stock parts but use 5x symmetry. to bad the part count is high
  7. i created a nice display type of space station for my video showing it click here for craft file click here but remember the action groups no not come with it
  8. i dont use struts i place the dockingports close in the VAB and then it autoconnects when the craft is loaded. and thus making a seamless ring with less parts than if i used struts
  9. I did it again now with a stellated dodecahedron. for a video showing it click here for craft file click here
  10. a showcase of my space stations. if you like it check out my video on where i dock the isoctahedron in space if you want to see a tutorial on how to design these please check out this video i have not yet made a video about the twirly isoctahedron in the first picture. both stations are made with entirely stock parts but to get 5x symmetry in the VAB i installed editor extensions redux. i think i am the first to build something like this, please prove me wrong but it would me nice to get credit for this design. please share if you like this for the twirly isoctahedron check out craft file for the rounded isoctahedron check out this craft file
  11. i experience the same problem only have kopernikus and new horizons installed
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