First off, I'd like to say that I've been taken with the mod ever since you started to port it to the new version and it's the thing that keeps me coming back to this game time and time again, and with all the neat updates happening recently I felt I could chime in on a few things. Regarding the refinery; I believe that interstellar could do well with separating mining and refining like the vanilla version does at the moment (plus tweakscaleable), and the old refinery-miner combo should be refurbished for an alternate purpose like; a differently styled science lab that works only when landed and requires more kerbals but has a higher data cap a (TAC compatible) greenhouse like you suggested, and adjust it's efficiency based on the sunlight it gets. (like solar panels, otherwise make it use power)[not really in the scope of KSPI] an inertial dampening field generator, that, when activated, reduces mass on the vehicle it's on (counterbalancing it with stuff like huge power requirements and/or antimatter or exotic particles like the alcubierre drive or maybe something new like stabilized higgs boson) I never really liked USI's take on base-habitation with everything being inflatable, and personally would really love to see some components designed or adapted for long term off-world use. That being said, "cosmetic" builds (like making a station look cool with 14 science modules) don't interest me much, and like everything else in this mod, should follow the path of being exactly the right choice for a specific purpose. Finding that purpose though, is a bit of a challenge, as career/science mode (for me at least) mostly boils down to streamlining different ways of collecting science, and there are lots of ways to do that already. I would think even more long-term goals (10K+ research options, and stupidly expensive new stuff), and the means to achieve those (more sciency stuff, some money generator or über contracts), would benefit gameplay greatly.