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Everything posted by KGE

  1. It's not a huge deal, just a little annoying because I figured it was something wrong on my end. Good to know, thanks for the help! - By the way, what in the logs told you what was wrong? I just don't want to come crying and annoying mod makers every time something goes wrong. Update: I moved all my mods out of my gamedata folder, launched the game and moved them back in, relaunched the game, and that fixed it for some reason even though I didn't reinstall anything. Looks like Reviva wasn't initializing properly until I did that for unknown reasons. Weird. Update 2: That fixed the HUD in the inline mk2 cockpit, but not the mk1 inline cockpit with the MAS+DE IVA or the DE only IVA. The MAS MFD also does not work in the mk1 cockpit. I am generally confused. Re-initializing also did not fix anything this time
  2. Oop, I was looking at the forum guide to figure out where things are and I guess I read the wrong heading. Thanks for the heads up! https://www.dropbox.com/s/6iumec8u7jaxt7r/KSP.log?dl=0
  3. That's my log file, I put it in the dropbox link in my previous message if this doesn't work. Here's the dropbox link for the ConfigCache - trying to paste it in a spoiler causes my browser to crash. https://www.dropbox.com/s/z3i5t5xkpty1p7c/ModuleManager.ConfigCache?dl=0
  4. Hi, I was just trying to solve this issue over on DE_IVA and it turns out this is an issue with MAS so here I am: I am having issues with the green HUDs in aircraft inline cockpits being opaque black in the DE_IVA mod. https://www.dropbox.com/s/b360zzyccg30z6v/Player.log?dl=0 - Here is the log And below are screenshots. For whatever reason, the Mk1 Pod (not inline)'s HUD works but I have no clue as to why only that one works and none of the others. All the HUDs worked when I didn't have MAS installed, but ofc none of the other props existed. Mk1 inline - https://imgur.com/QHL1OP7 Mk2 Inline - https://imgur.com/LKPYZhF Mk1 Not inline - https://imgur.com/VJmugYq The error log - https://imgur.com/AN95pQ6 Anyone know what could be the cause? I should also mention that I have a number of other mods like ScanSAT, DPAI, Vesselviewer, and mechjeb, which could be causing a conflict but I have no clue which or why.
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/b360zzyccg30z6v/Player.log?dl=0 - Here is the log And below are screenshots. For whatever reason an error gets thrown up I just noticed that seems to be MAS related, so I guess I'll try reinstalling that or going over to that thread for help unless you know what's going on. Also the Mk1 Pod (not inline)'s HUD works but I have no clue as to why only that one works. Mk1 inline - https://imgur.com/QHL1OP7 Mk2 Inline - https://imgur.com/LKPYZhF Mk1 Not inline - https://imgur.com/VJmugYq The error log - https://imgur.com/AN95pQ6 Sorry I didn't do this before, I just wanted to know if you were interested in helping first - thanks many. I should also mention that I have a number of other mods installed which could be causing a conflict but I have no clue which or why.
  6. So I'm also having an issue with the green HUDs being opaque black. Weirdly, they worked when I didn't have MAS installed, but none of the other props existed, but when I installed MAS, everything else popped up and worked except for the HUDs which started doing that - any ideas?
  7. I am having an IVA issue, when I load the pod I get the top-of-screen error message: rasterpropmoniter: INITIALIZATION ERROR CHECK CONFIGURATION and when I go into IVA the rpm panels don't work at all, but every thing else does. (help?) (I am using this on a macbook air 13" 2013 i5 core)
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