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Posts posted by UltraJohn

  1. On 4/25/2024 at 7:13 PM, 123sderhy1 said:

    Why when I try to get the texture name in the main menu, I only get this [][][][][][][][][] I downloaded the mod through CKAN

    That is just the spacer used to separate lines in the log. If you don't see any specific textures listed in between, you need to hover over your mouse on the element you want to grab (if using the hotkey D.)

  2. On 3/28/2024 at 3:21 PM, CubertFarnsworth said:

    I installed the mod but the original alarm clock is still running and automatically creating alarms......anyway to turn off original?

    I haven't myself run into a problem of the game creating stock alarms by itself. Do you have a way to reproduce this? Potentially could it be another mod that is making the alarms?

  3. @Nazalassa Hey thanks! I wish there was some easy way to automate this, but unfortunately it's going to be a per-element case where I have to individually write code for every single piece of text in the game. The same goes for adding custom opacity values to textures. Actually thinking about it some more, I have a few ideas I'll have to test when I have the time to do so.

    The challenge is figuring out how to dynamically link the cfg file to the text elements in game. How would the cfg files be formatted to support this? I wonder if every text element has a designated internal name, just like the textures do.. I'll see what I can come up with :D

    On a side note, I have thought about changing the license of the mod, since I never really intended to use the current one, but I just picked whatever at the time to get started. Not sure how I go about that in terms of CKAN metadata. Anyone know?

  4. 21 hours ago, kspbutitscursed said:


    wpuld it be possible to remove diferent parts of the in flight HUD so can make an custom Overlay like the one that spacex uses in the starship launches?

    like this?

    SpaceX Starship Test Flight Ends Early But Major Milestones Were  Accomplished - NASA Watch 

    Hi! You can do that without using this mod, by using the default hotkey to hide the UI (F2), but you'll still have to recreate the custom overlay yourself.

  5. 17 hours ago, Svm420 said:

    I have always wondered. Could we get rid of the -5 to 0 of the G gauge? It doesn't actually function that way. Negative gees still read on the positive side. Also the throttle above 100 :confused: Just a personal peeve of mine.

    Yeah you could replace the navball_bg texture, but the needles would still only move within the original positions. You could probably overwrite that with a mod however. From a quick look, that might be possible by changing the RotationalGauge property of GeeGauge. There's a value for maxRot, and possibly changing the clamping in the SetValue() method. Same for the throttle gauge. :) 

  6. 42 minutes ago, Nazalassa said:

    Nice! Would there be a chance to have full (stock) text recoloring support in HR?

    I will definetely look into it, as I feel like it wouldn't make sense NOT to implement it in a mod that's all about customizing the UI! :D

    With that said, it's a lot of work to do, which is why I've so far only included the ones people have asked me to add. When I designed this mod originally, the intent was for everything to be automated by replacing just textures, without requiring modifying stock code, or adding any more bespoke logic. But that only works for 99% of textures, with a few exceptions like the PAW and the KAL window, etc. And ofcourse all text would then need to be manually coded in.

    If you're up for the task, it would help a lot with a list of elements that needs to be included, such as like you said, the pause/load/save menu. Preferably screenshots with outlines of each element. (I quickly lose track of what is what ingame from just a list of words :D

  7. 23 hours ago, Nazalassa said:

    I wonder... How are text colors stored in KSP? Would it be possible to recolor in-game text as well? For example, the buttons in the load save menu, or in the editor load menu, etc.?

    Most text is stored in the TextMeshProUGUI components. You can set the color directly on these.

    Here's an example of how I did it with some of the PAW stuff.

  8. 13 hours ago, zapsnh said:

    I found a way to "remove" the loading text without using Harmony!

    Basically the loading screen is a GameObject (either LoadingBuffer or LoadingMask) and I can rotate and translate stuff with ZUI so I just rotated the loading text out of the screen.


    Did you use the LoadingBufferMask class? I wonder what would happen if you were to run:



    Edit: I nevermind, that's an internal property. :(

  9. On 1/8/2024 at 8:56 AM, Nazalassa said:

    Would be nice if HUDReplacer had an option to make the throttle/gee gauges fo straight instead of being curved.

    It actually sounds feasible, though not something I'm going to implement. I reckon you'd have to go into the two classes ThrottleGauge and GeeGauge, recreate these two classes to have a LinearGauge property instead of a RotationalGauge. Then finally figure out where these two classes are originally instantiated and use a harmony patch to replace the instantiation with the new version. Though honestly I doubt it would be that easy lol. :D 

    I think the scope of this change alters too much the original code of the game for it to be included in HUDReplacer.

  10. 5 minutes ago, spicyspace said:

    After some editing, I found that while pure color does work, trying to make them look "dark mode" or KSP2-esque resulted in them having a blue hue. Later, I found that coloring these dark grey to white also retains the hue.

    Can you screenshot it? And probably post a zip with those textures, so I can try them out myself and see if I can replicate it. Also just checking to make sure, but it wouldn't happen to be from TUFX post processing or something like that?

  11. 17 hours ago, spicyspace said:

    I have been having a lot of fun messing around with textures and whatnot!

    While experimenting, I found that the editor category buttons (edcat_btn_generic_...) (specifically normal and over, potentially disabled and active) have some set color that cannot be edited with the current config. Would it be possible to make these textures recolorable?

    Glad you're having fun!

    If you mean these, then I have no problem changing the color of these buttons by just recoloring the texture itself. Is there a specific one that doesn't work?


  12. 29 minutes ago, zapsnh said:

    For some reason HUDReplacer (or ZTheme (or RP-1)) now decides to load UIElements_14 instead of rep_background. It also doesn't show the reputation amount. Hovering over the element says that it's UIElements_14.
    I have no idea how RP-1 works so I have no clue how to fix it. Why is it loading UIElements_14?

    Link to github issue

    It probably has something to do with how RP-1 loads its UI elements, and that conflicts with the default behaviour of the game somehow. I can try to take a look at it with the debugger and see if there's any obvious issue.

    I think this is the patch that modifies the original rep bar.

  13. 1.2.10-beta is released.



    What's Changed

    • Added new config option: onScene. Check the readme for an explanation.
    • Potential fix for texture paths containing slashes ( / ), for example RP1 textures.


    @Nazalassa @zapsnh Let me know if this fixes the RP1 issue. It should load the textures now with no additional change necessary in the configs. For example 'RP-1/Resources/confidence_background' is just 'confidence_background.png' the rest is ignored. I haven't tested it much but it seems to work. I've flagged it as a pre-release until I know it won't break other stuff (to avoid ckan update.)

  14. Hey! @Nazalassa

    Sorry for getting back late. I've been quite busy lately, but I will take a look at your proposed idea later tonight.

    At a quick glance, solution1 would probably not be feasible, as files cannot contain slashes (atleast in Windows,) unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean, but option 2 might work. I'm not sure why this needs the prefix specified, as the code just looks for the texture name itself, and not the whole file path. Again, I might be misunderstanding what you mean. Can you provide a link to the textures in question? e.g. the source to the github page or whatever, so I can get a better idea of how to go about this.

    And contextual loading, sounds like a good idea! Will look at that as well. It would be super great if you could provide me with a mockup/test version of what you would like, that way I can quickly plug into my gamedata to implement the functionality exactly how you describe it. Basically just a folder with the textures + config set up for the onScene stuff.


    Edit: Oh and for transparency, I'm not sure exactly yet. I will have to test. And if you can screenshot some of the elements in question, that would also help me visualize! I don't even remember any of those being transparent to begin with. Then again, I haven't played in a while lol :D 

  15. @JadeOfMaar Hey!

    I'm probably not the best person to ask for help, as I just trial and error'd myself along the way looking at the other TURD configs :D 

    But what I used to make mine is enabling the UV export flag in the cfg file for TU. That would be in 000_TexturesUnlimited/GeneralConfiguration.cfg and set exportUVs = true. This will on game load export every UV map for every model, sorted into separate folders for each mod. You can use these SVG files in combination with the DDS files to overlay where on the texture that the RGB paint file needs to be covered. Then it's just simply to create the preset cfg to enable it on the files. Do note that as far as I can tell, your part cannot also have switchable ModulePartVariants modules on them. Or atleast that's what the default TURD config removes from the parts before applying the recolors.

    For the recolor not appearing, did you make sure to add a KSPTextureSwitch module? If you are copying from my preset you should know that it also clones from the stock TURD preset, and thus require that preset installed to work. ( e.g. +KSP_TEXTURE_SET[MWNN_Stock_Paint] )

    The one thing I never got around to figuring out, (as it's above my experience level of graphics design) is to get the specular maps working properly, so I just opted to not use them.

  16. Better Screen Messages

    This is a small plugin that allows you to move the screen message boxes. This is quite useful if you're having the problem of the messages being obscured by other UI elements, or if you're playing at ultrawide resolutions and don't want to break your neck trying to read the text. You can also change the font size used. Keep in mind that both the position and size are dependent on UI scale value as well!

    The position and font size is configurable via settings.cfg file.


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