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Everything posted by CAKE99

  1. 999/999 The way better old quotes!
  2. Same for me, I've been playing KSP since .20, but as my gaming PC back then couldn't run .20 I had to play .19 I got my forums account in August last year.
  3. After I saw this post I looked it up. I just watched 5 episodes, it's 1AM now And I have to wake up at 7:30
  4. I'd like a picture! A short and wide rocket would be easier.
  5. 5636765476565745/5636765476565745 POST ALL THE LINKS!
  6. I got KSP in mid 2013 (0.20) but as .20 didn't work on the PC I used back then I played on .19 I got my forum account in August-ish 2015.
  7. http://atom.smasher.org/error/?icon=skull3&title=Something+broke&url=&text=Hyperedit.exe+has+stopped+working.&b1=Reload+KSP&b1g=x&b2=Ragequit&b3=Update+Hyperedit&b3g=x Yes, I know Hyperedit isn't it's own .exe BTW I made that here.
  8. Gets a LASERSPACESONIC. Inserts Waffle.
  9. 10/10 Pictures of quotes from the previous (and superior) forum software!
  10. Yesterday I installed a bunch of mods and I broke the game For the past week I was launching interplanetary missions, being annoyed at Mechjeb for lying about interplanetary nodes, trying to fix the Mun station I accidentally broke using Hyperedit in my graphic novel save
  11. Yeah, I'm not going to update for a month or so so I can wait for the mods
  12. Will there be versions after 0.13.3 available for people who bought the game from the the website? Basically what it says in this tweet I made.
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