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Everything posted by CAKE99

  1. And now for the start of chapter 3! After 3 MONTHS of chapter 2! Also the OrePlane is based on the Hummlebee from Duna Ore Bust.
  2. SSHETO, *applause* Here is the last page of chapter 2!!!! The first page of chapter 2 was on the 9th of October! That's a really long chapter.
  3. 8/10 Emiko Station is great!
  4. https://baums-craft.net (Thats the server website not the address for Minecraft). Baum's Craft is a server with plots, a economy system and minigames. It's a really good server, also my Minecraft name is UberCAKE.
  5. 4/10 Now I remember. (People say my avatar looks like measles all the time. It's meant to look like a cake, I've been meaning to make a new one since October).
  6. I build a hill out of Tsar Bombas. (The Tsar Bomba was the most explodey nuke ever made). My Tsar Bomba hill.
  7. For @Randazzo 0/10 I've never seen you before. For @monstah 2/10 your name seems familiar. Also my avatar isn't measles.
  8. 0/10 I've never seen you before.
  9. This is the thread for my YouTube stuff! Currently I have 5 videos, but moar are coming! Here's the list of stuff! KSP Randomness: Exactly what it says on the tin I upload every 2-3 days (or at least I hope I will). I made another series back in May with the New Horizons mod, there's a separate thread for it. I also play some other games (Terraria, Warzone 2100, Tube Tycoon and a few other games,) but as this is the KSP forum I won't talk about those much.
  10. 10/10 The old Rep system was way better.
  11. Nope. I guess Lawyer Guy (AKA Dman979)
  12. I restore one of the backups I make every 15 minutes (yes, I actually do that) so I get my hill back. My Minecraft hill with no castle because the backup was from too long ago.
  13. I break the thing holding your hill up, making your hill sink into Jool and be destroyed. My (hard to access) Minecraft hill with a castle around it.
  14. 5/10 I see you a lot in the forum games.
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