In another game (Terraria) there is a title message on the window name, one of them is "Press alt-f4", I tried that once, the game closed, that was before I knew what Alt-F4 did.
It shows up if you hover the mouse cursor over it.
A new quote!
"This is why the saying "For f***'s" sake exists" Brian Cox
Mmmmmmoar quotes!
"Don't have a plan B, have plans B to Z" Me (CAKE99)
Most of the quotes I can think of are from the YouTuber Lost Pause, none of them are suitable for the forums
But here's a forum-suitable one.
"Failiure is an option here. If things are not failing, then you are not innovating enough." Elon Musk.
Anyone remember this?
Since the last post on this I have got a new PC, meaning I don't have the old saves, R.I.P. the Jebediahs.
Herbivore or Carnivore?
Planet name?
And the name for the creature?
Also, a new rule, only post ONE name/action at a time.
Sort of like this, but for avatars!
Earlier I created a Imgur album of a history of my avatars,
Anyone remember when I still used the "Measles" avatar?
(I hope pixel art counts)
I'm (somewhat) good at pixel art, here's some of my stuff:
The left wing on that is my pixel art, the rest is splicing.
I also do a lot of splicing for images for the SAS Conception Wiki, the stuff I have made there.