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Everything posted by CAKE99

  1. Sorry for the 2 month lack of stuff, however! Chapter 14 will be out tomorrow! A spoiler: (The Kuzzter Korporation is the company that makes Kuzzter Cheese)
  2. I've been in the KSP community for so long, I remember when the forum software wasn't absolutely horrible, in both usage and visuals. I also remember the start of Emiko and Forgotten Space Program. Also as I've stated before, I remember waiting for new pages of Duna, Ore Bust.
  3. New avatar!

    1. adsii1970


      Yup...can't tell on mobi what it is beyond being two red and glowing eyes... :rolleyes:

  4. YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES. The first time I read the OP I missed the bit about the KSP store (I also rated this thread 1 star to see what the average score would be )
  5. What are the criteria for becoming part of the media group? And what does being in the media group involve?
  6. Imgur works fine for me on Chrome.
  7. What program do you use to make these?
  8. I've played about 20 minutes of the first one, I don't think I've got past night 2.
  9. While browsing Imgur I found this: http://imgur.com/gallery/3Y2Em
  10. I'd like a speedpaint for my drawing
  11. Day 3-5! http://imgur.com/gallery/RI5k4
  12. Yandere Val. EDIT: Now it's Yuno Kerman! (Reference to Yuno Gasai from Future Diary/Mirai Nikki)
  13. Year 104: Eridrien Kerman attaches rockets to a chair and launches 2 meters of the ground, and survives.
  14. Croissants are usually about 3 to 6 Australian dollars, that's about 2 to 4 US dollars, depending on quality and filling, (ham and cheese croissants are great!)
  15. Day 2! http://imgur.com/gallery/9uUYM
  16. I put you in the list for round 5, check the bottom of the OP.
  17. Day 1! http://imgur.com/gallery/HRZ9O
  18. I forgot about this I will start setting this up now.
  19. You should DEFINITELY get a RAID array, back in February 2015 my hard drive died, I had a backup from November the previous year, but I still lost a lot of stuff. (Also THAT'S A VERY NICE PC YOU HAVE THERE, IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO IT.)
  20. Some art for the SAS Conception Wiki: That's not all of the art I have there, click here for MMMMMMOOOOOOAAARRRR
  21. I plan on watching it, also the person the movie is about has the same birthday as me Which is today
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