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  1. Downloaded and messed around in the VAB enough to see everything had converters, the new filter tab is really nice as well. Thanks so much for this. Haven't had a chance to play around with it in flight yet.
  2. And I'd only have made a hotter mess of it I'm sure haha. I'm happy to leave this one to the pros. Appreciate all the work you all do on these mods. I like this idea too. I would think Air/Water filtration of some degree to be standard on any inhabited part, and the more complicated conversions like water splitting and sabatier for utility modules. More advanced stuff like centrifuges could be jack-of-all-trades?
  3. I went into the SSPX TACLS config and removed the commenting and did copy/paste from other parts with working converters on those that didn't have it. So now all hab, utility, and centrifuge parts have converters (didn't see station cores in the file) parts are showing converters in editor. My remaining question is that each size/type has it's own "conversion factor" from looking at it, this presumably scales with size and tech? I don't know if you have a table of values or anything, but I'd be happy to plug them in and upload it.
  4. It's the "old" parts...the 1.25 and 2.5m habs (rigid and inflatable), utility modules, and centrifuges.
  5. Good morning! I've searched around and haven't been able to find anything on this...I see in the TAC-LS patches that it adds TACLS converters to alot of the hab/utility modules, but in game they don't show up. I'm sure there's a conflict somewhere but have no idea where to start. Modulemanager.log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KxbaH0PB1ooB6-igr7S-undHhjxLywHb/view?usp=sharing KSP.log- https://drive.google.com/file/d/15bP5wRuxbd0q0MmfB0QB4kTX2DSe9U99/view?usp=sharing Let me know if any other info is needed. Thanks!
  6. Good morning... I'm running KSP 1.12.1, I installed KSPIE through CKAN (had 1.11 compatibility checked). I'm also running all the Nertea mods, Cryogenic Engines is the one I'm having trouble with. With IFS installed, the methalox tanks don't fuel the CryoEngines methane engines, as it seems there is a small difference in the resource naming. The same issue seems to exist for hydrolox IFS tanks and hydrolox Cryo Engines. If I remove the LFO tanks patch for IFS in patch manager, I get fuels that work with CryoEngines and not KSPIE (to be expected). Is there a config/are there configs somewhere that I can alter to work with both?
  7. I would have never even thought of this! Thanks so much.
  8. I unfortunately bought from the KSP store. Thanks though.
  9. Is 1.7.0 or 1.7.1 available for download somewhere? I can only download 1.7.2 it seems from the store, and I'd like to use .0 or .1 since Kopernicus is available for those versions, as well as alot of other mods that aren't up to 1.7.2 yet.
  10. @Starwaster your fix worked perfectly, thank you.
  11. Thanks again!! Will report back once I try it.
  12. Pretty mindblowing how you're able to figure that all out. I appreciate it and I'll mess with it/remove it tonight and see what effect it has. Thanks for the help.
  13. I'm at a loss on this. In the link below is a log file and three craft files. The "ApolloTest" flies fine, the other two get stuck on the pad. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hnyoOz5lm8LGN4DbqnTaMIIVudqNQ4GS
  14. If I were to change in GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/SSTU/SSTU_Tanks.cfg- @MODULE[SSTUModularPart] { @diameterIncrement = 0.1 @minDiameter = 0.1 @maxDiameter = 99.0 %enableVScale = true !UPGRADES,*{} } And change the @diameterincrement to =1.0, would that cause all the SSTU procedurals to increase the step size to 1.0?
  15. I looked through the debug at launch and most of the errors being thrown were from modules specific to EngineLightingReLit. I removed it last night and will have to build a new craft to test.
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