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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I encountered a space denier in the wild today. They insist that it's all CGI and fakery, hinted at disbelief towards a spherical Earth too. I showed them a few photos from other planets... ...and I told them "You can continue ignoring the universe, but I'm going to go there." It doesn't matter much to me, for now I'm going to continue right on making a sounding rocket for a space shot, and soon enough I'll be climbing into a capsule and heading off into orbit for the betterment of all Earthly life.
  2. This is seeming like 2001 now, with the strange, secretive excavation project on the Mun.
  3. This SSO-A mission will be the third time this booster is launched, all in a span of 7 months.
  4. Can confirm. I'm only in an engineering student team and I've already been exposed to this. I am even presenting one today!
  5. That seems like a pretty decent approach. As an aerospace engineering student myself, thanks! Your advice is very helpful. @Ultimate Steve, I can't speak for the industry but I can talk about the college experience a little bit. I'm currently in a rocket team that has just entered in a competition - a space race to launch a single stage, liquid propellant rocket to 100 km by the end of 2021. This sort of thing is a great way to get attention from employers in the space industry. You will likely have similar opportunities in college wherever you go, especially going to a school with a good aerospace program. Also the coursework contains a lot of calculus and physics, and later some computer simulation stuff.
  6. Number of times I have slipped onto my butt this winter: 0 1 I was alright outside, went into a building, thought I was fine, and the second I went from the carpet to the smooth tile I was on the ground because of the snow that was melting out of my soles.
  7. I also think that as far as the actual timeline goes, Bridenstine and the other experts at NASA are right. Musk's timeline is unrealistic. But I think that's the point - If we are working on the task as if we want to get it done by 2025, then we are working hard enough to get it done by 2035. It's a way to beat the 20-years-away rule, and I think it's working.
  8. ...off the table This table is made from refined _________.
  9. Nice, it's always good to try something new! Your pixel art is always a win, though!
  10. This game's got no reference frame
  11. So what happened to InSight's parachute? It's presumably just sitting on the surface in a big pile somewhere nearby? I guess it will make a nice museum artifact in 300 years.
  12. Imagine cutting out an irregular polygon from paper (or actually do it, the choice is yours). This is like your proteins. If you rotate it and slide it around, it will always be the same shape. But if you flip it over through a third dimension, it will now be mirrored. And chances are it won't fit into the hole you cut it out of anymore, not without flipping it back. This is what would happen to everything in your body if you were flipped in a fourth dimension and returned to Earth. Your molecules and large structures would now be mirrored, you would see the whole world mirrored through your eyes... I think this phenomenon is referenced in Flatland.
  13. And so if you got flipped via a four-dimensional excursion, you would run into very big trouble when it came time to eat some food.
  14. Look how shiny and still not dust covered it is!
  15. Yeah, I also think the good old lock and key will not disappear completely, and probably will still be the main way to lock your house in 2070. But I can also see the possibility of a future where some countries or building complexes switch to a standardized digital system. The assumption that people will no longer carry keys around to the point of not knowing what they are is a stretch. The hand, however, I'm certain will be typical for what it is and be almost as dexterous as a biological one, although most people will probably not voluntarily switch quite yet.
  16. Just some old guy having a little fun on a spaceship, circa 2070 (also featuring a couple pieces of ancient technology): "This is a CD, or Compact Disk. It's not very compact by today's standards, heh! To read information from it, the disk drive would spin it around real fast and a little laser would read grooves etched on the disk. People would put games, and music on stuff like this. My dad had whole stacks of these back in the day, now you could put all that on a keychain. Oh, yeah, a "key chain." Back when we used mechanical keys for our houses, you would attach stuff to your key on little rings. Helped you grab it from your pocket, and kept you from losing it so easily. You could put multiple keys together that way, I had a little USB drive on there too........."
  17. I would like to point out for those interested that the word "blag" appears in Wreck It Ralph 2. I saw it on Friday.
  18. The dark ones are. There are some actual rocks visible on the right, though.
  19. Looks like there's a few rocks nearby, but not too many!
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