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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Maybe. His personality doesn't quite fit in my mind, but a lot has happened to him since the Olden days.
  2. Hey, let's keep this on topic. It's an interesting question. Because small objects like galaxies (wow, I just called galaxies small) are gravitationally bound, they won't be getting much bigger anytime soon. The closer you are to a massive object (like a galaxy or planet) the more it's gravity pulls on you. That's why most galaxies are not falling into each other unless they are very close (like Milky Way/Andromeda). Similarly, the expansion force is not very strong on objects that are held tightly together. Imagine you are lying on your back on a sphere that is magically floating above the ground. A very large sphere would be quite comfortable to lie on, if it is many times larger than you. That is like what galaxies feel from the expansion force. If the sphere were smaller, it might be less comfortable, because the steeper curve pulls you down more. A sphere that was very small would hurt a lot! When you lie on your back on Earth's surface, can you tell it's round? Probably not. That's because you are so small compared to Earth that the amounts of it's circumference you encounter in daily life (unless you are an astronaut or something) are not large enough to show any noticeable amount of curvature. It is theorized that if the expansion of the universe continues to accelerate, eventually the expansion force would overcome gravity and galaxies, then even stars and planets, and finally atoms until the universe was full of nothing but the most basic sub-atomic particles, which would continue to move away from each other until no two particles are in each others' observable universes, and then literally nothing would happen ever again. Or maybe there would be another Big Bang. We really don't know what will happen. But that would only occur in over 10100 years, so we've got plenty of time. To summarize, galaxies are not expanding significantly with the rest of the universe because they have strong gravity near them, and the expansion force isn't very strong over small distances. I hope this helps explain your question!
  3. I bet he knows why the space program was abandoned...And why does he go nameless like that? Being called "The Boss" instead of "[name] Kerman" sounds awfully suspicious. He's keeping a lot of secrets. I wouldn't trust him. He might even know where Hallock is going. The Boss has something up his sleeve, and it can't be anything good. Hey, what worked? He knows about the drive, the station, the base, and Jool. He knows what happened and he has a reason to keep quiet about it. Something bad happened a long time ago, and he was a part of it.
  4. I prefer Imperfect Lock/The Wormhole for docking, unless the target happens to be spinning out of control and/or I'm about to reenter the atmosphere.
  5. One time, I was blessed by the anti-Kraken. I was loading up KSP (I believe I was just starting to learn about mods, and was testing some combination of EVE folders). Instead of displaying the loading bar screen, it went straight to the black screen with the loading icon in the corner, then to the main menu. I was stunned. It only happened that one time, though, long ago...
  6. @Cydonian Monk you certainly deserve it, great work so far!
  7. on Dres. The building is a base on Dres...
  8. You know you're a nerd when you never leave home without a twisty puzzle of some kind.
  9. I think this would be useful, especially for newer players who don't know the exact atmospheric heights of all the bodies in the game.
  10. Waiter, there's a pale blue dot in my soup.
  11. Granted, but a group of physicists find out and you spend the rest of your life texting yourself for them while they get famous for discovering time travel is possible. I wish I had the power to do anything that is mentioned in xkcd What If.
  12. It discovers that Jool has no atmosphere. I make a space elevator on Minmus.
  13. It doesn't go away. You keep trying, refueling and expanding your station until you realize you have completed the Dres Awareness challenge. I start a base on Minmus.
  14. Right? That was what you were going to post? @Galacticvoyager banned for performing unethical planetary surgery by resizing and stitching together several different celestial bodies.
  15. Well, there is only one that we know of, Xanthippe, and it's overused. Sagittarius A*
  16. *looks west* "Those aren't mountains..." "Oh wait yes they are nvm" *turns around* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I wanna try now! I have to see this with the Endurance mod, flying around with a Ranger! Too bad physics isn't simulated for the waves, that would make for some crazy surfing! @SpriteCoke care to post your OceanSettings.cfg?
  17. I have a pretty standard command pod/reentry vehicle. It's a 2.5 m command pod, with a Science Jr on top, and a 1.25 m parachute on top of that. A 2.5 m heat shield underneath, and a radial drogue chute on the main parachute. I attach whatever science payloads I can fit next to the ladder so that it's easy to EVA and get to them quickly. I may also attach a few static solar panels to the sides of the pod too.
  18. I need to reattempt my evil plan now that there is no memory limit...
  19. I landed and returned from Minmus today. Now I've got a ton of science to spend, I've used it to get a bunch of base-building parts for my future Minmus base. Unfortunately, I found that the KPBS-compatible oxygen containers from Kerbalism had disappeared! I'll have to get them back before I can start building my *awesome* base.
  20. Agreed. I hope they never change the sliding mechanics in KSP, they're hilarious.
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