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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Htfgidgf I was having trouble with the mobile editor. Ironically, I was just trying to get the "paste" option to show up here so I typed some random text. That random text somehow ended up in the clipboard and, well, there you go.
  2. They stop accusing you of not reading the rules, because you and the memory of you are suddenly erased from everyone's memory. Who was I talking about? I don't seem to remember... I wish my phone had an atomic clock in it.
  3. *pauses, taking in the surroundings thoughtfully* ... "I lost the game."
  4. *off-topic* Wouldn't it be cool if Minmus had a ring made of ice cream cones? And sprinkles? *imagines what that would look like* Whoa, literal rainbow rings?? I WANT THAT AS A MOD!
  5. I thought the chart from xkcd (shown on the first page) was interesting in that the average person gets three times as much radiation from living within 50 miles of a coal power plant than from living within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant. And all those levels are tiny. And, of course... ...cell phones don't cause cancer.
  6. Awesome! The Kuiper belt is getting more and more interesting, weird, and diverse! It seems like every object we find there is different from every other object somehow! And we should call this new moon Dresdres. Or Moonmoon. Or Buildbuild. Or maybe just 'Hat'. I like Moonmoon best. Ooh! What about 'Makemoon'?
  7. Eve has a lot of impact craters, especially considering it's dense atmosphere and oceans. There could very well have been such a body a geologically short time ago, which later impacted Eve. Minmus could have been captured in a similar situation, and there is a giant impact crater on Kerbin as well. But yes, Kerbol's density causes it to be a black hole in Universe Sandbox.
  8. I agree that this would be an absolutely amazing experience. To fly the rocket from inside, to look out the cupola and see the world drifting by, and to build rockets by picking up parts and actually, physically moving them around. You could have a VAB where you can pick up parts and build the rocket in small table-size scale, then look up and see the ship in real scale above. That would be really cool.
  9. You moved it over to the side. How did you do that?
  10. Cool! I'll keep an eye out for it.
  11. I like how you really have to pay attention to how long you're going to be in shadow if you want the crew to survive. Yesterday I was flying a Mun mission, and I did the TMI burn at midday local Kerbin time. That put me in Kerbin's shadow for a good chunk of the transit, more than my batteries could handle. I had to relaunch because the Kerbals froze to death!
  12. I've been using this mod for a few days now, and I have to say I really love it! I've only really run into the life support parts of it, but I'll be interested to see what the probe relay system is like when I get around to it!
  13. Dres needs some planet-friends to hang out with it. Right now it's really lonely, with no one around like that.
  14. The navball is dying. Right now it's expanding and heating up, and eventually it will explode, casting off it's outer layers in a blaze of Kraken radiation and leaving behind a rapidly spinning pixel.
  15. The gravitational anomaly is caused by the fact that we thought we discovered Dres, but after looking at it's gravitational influence on Duna it seems that although it should be exerting a little bit of force according to our simulations, we didn't measure any. We looked in the telescope towards where Dres is supposed to be but we didn't see anything. On the other telescope that hasn't been cleaned in a while it still looked like there was a planet. So, that answers that question.
  16. Oh, we're talking about Palpatine 2.0? He's gonna be just like Palpatine, except sliiiightly different because they can't just copy the old movies word for word. They have to make it at least look like it's got a different plot. *actually, I think they were just being cautious at first and now that they know they have fans they'll start getting more creative* Still, it's going to be pretty similar.
  17. Gets a strange stablet. Inserts coin.
  18. Over-sphere has chosen you to be the disciple of the 4th dimension. You may feel some nausea while we transfer you to the over-world. Waiter, there's a nuclear bomb in my soup, and it looks like it's about to de--
  19. The ship was getting low on ice cream. It's not like he can just pick some up from Kerbin; he's an infamous space pirate!
  20. Yep, fuel transfer works with that.
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