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Everything posted by insert_name

  1. https://spaceflightnow.com/2024/07/02/watch-firefly-to-launch-8-cubesats-for-nasa-on-5th-alpha-rocket/
  2. Looks like a last second abort, did anyone hear if they still have more time on the launch window?
  3. Launch number two for PREFIRE, just had nominal transfer orbit insertion and kick stage separation. Update: payload deployment confimed
  4. Looks like DearMoon isnt happening anymore https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/topstocks/japanese-billionaire-maezawa-dearmoon-mission-cancels-moon-flyby/ar-BB1nqRRm?ocid=BingNews
  5. If we are going with previous people that were the first Americans to do something space related that this vehicle is doing then wouldn't the proper name be New Musk?
  6. He said he wanted to heat the atmosphere and use that to cool the ground, going off the spacecraft analogy, this would be like putting the radiator inside of the spacecraft.
  7. This is thermodynamically equivalent to running a freezer with the door open, due to the second law of thermodynamics it will just generate more heat than doing nothing would
  8. Maybe on a gas giant or other H2 atmosphere you could bring along oxidizer and source your fuel from the atmosphere, like the inverse of what is done on earth
  9. SLIM woke up again https://phys.org/news/2024-03-japan-moon-probe-survives-lunar.html | Https canonical: https://phys.org/news/2024-03-japan-moon-probe-survives-lunar.html
  10. Dispatch audio was released, they said that they were blocking traffic with two cars, working on getting a car to get the crew off the bridge when the ship hits https://www.foxnews.com/video/6349808520112
  11. There are stone barriers blocking the towers for the Veranzo narrows bridge in New York https://earth.google.com/web/@40.60439396,-74.05263203,-0.01732777a,228.49768441d,20.58168206y,154.92139924h,64.83115515t,-0r
  12. There's this which claims to be a fusion augmented electric plasma thruster https://interestingengineering.com/space/nuclear-fusion-powered-electric-propulsion-drive
  13. Here's a link, they got a signal but since it's lunar noon it's too hot to consistently operate so they told it to wait until it cools down https://www.iflscience.com/its-alive-japans-moon-lander-has-survived-its-first-lunar-night-73121
  14. sounds like they got a return signal, maybe it isnt as bad as it looked
  15. Sounds like they dont know where or if it landed, doesnt sound good
  16. Mimas has a geologicaly young ocean beneath its surface https://phys.org/news/2024-02-mimas-tiny-moon-young-ocean.html
  17. The telemetry from the stream made it seem like all the thrusters were in a ring on the bottom facing down so it would be hard to tip it with those
  18. seems like water on mars is more widespread than previously thought, with large amounts of water ice on the equator https://www.space.com/mars-water-ice-equator-frozen-ocean
  19. Latest update shows a picture from the spacecraft, distortion to the MLI is visible
  20. Huh, wonder if this will be the irl version of the mun lander that gets stuck as an orbiter due to using too much delta V
  21. Looks like we missed this one, there was an all solid stage launch from jeju. Not many details available that I can find. https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Defense/South-Korea-test-fires-solid-fuel-rocket-and-puts-satellite-into-orbit
  22. Looks like there was an explosion during a test fire at Jiuquan https://spacenews.com/satellite-imagery-reveals-explosion-at-chinas-jiuquan-spaceport/
  23. SpaceX got another X-37b launch, this time on falcon heavy, wonder why they are using it instead of regular falcon https://spacenews.com/u-s-air-force-x-37b-spaceplane-to-launch-on-a-spacex-falcon-heavy-rocket/
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