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Everything posted by drhay53

  1. Huh, I never actually understood what those tick marks meant. Cool.
  2. For my 0.02, as a scientist myself, the 'end-game' for me revolves around setting up stations and bases to do science. So personally I love the science aspect of KSP and wish is was the entire POINT of progression, rather than the method of progression.
  3. I was very disappointed with the Martian compared to the book. They really didn't capture the character or the wonder of the situation very well IMO.
  4. As you know from my previous discussion, those tables in the KSPedia entry are really useful for me. Thanks!
  5. Throw in a recommendation from me for "moon". Sam Rockwell puts on an excellent performance in that one. Apollo 13 is possibly my favorite movie of all time. I watch it a few times a year.
  6. Squad has been on vacation after I'm sure everyone pulled 80 hour weeks getting the updates out. Why would this kill anyone's motivation? Not criticizing just asking, these guys are people and software development for games is a stressful, thankless, overbearing, life-consuming job. It seems to me like they deserve a vacation. People work too much anyway.
  7. In the video for biomatic it looks like it skipped over a biome while de-warping too slowly. I had to watch without sound though. my career is on hold waiting for automated science sampler to work with dmagics new update anyway (playing dcs world in the meantime) so I'm hoping a science alert update is coming soon. Hopefully one day automated science sampler will be able to kill warp, as discussed in the OP that would be awesome as I prefer managing fewer mods edit: watching the biomatic video it skipped over the biome because it was already checked off and the biome switched back and forth really fast. Still, I'm waiting on science alert.
  8. Science alert is the only one I know of, I didn't intend to imply that there was another one... I meant to imply that you either had to wait for science alert or look for a similar one on your own (I don't think there is anything updated for 1.1 that kills warp when uncollected science becomes available).
  9. no, you need a different addon to bring you out of warp when new science is available, like science alert (which is not updated yet).
  10. I don't really care that much about the bathymetry, I was thinking more of the satellites with the hemisphere situations that all show up in my [x] science 'space near <body>" checklists. Those really annoy me because they cannot be checked off in [x] science.
  11. I do also get VAB crashes frequently enough that I literally press save after every time I add even a single part. So that'll be nice too
  12. Just to chime in so you know there's interest; I've been hoping for something to organize my crafts for a long time as I use Champagne Bottle for naming them and basically just keep a text file on my laptop that organizes them and says what they're for. So this will be an instant-install for me as soon as it's updated. Not meant to pressure; I noticed for instance in your KerbalScienceExchange thread you mentioned lack of interest as a reason for not updating it, so I wanted to throw my 'vote' in there for this addon and say it's a wonderful feature to organize crafts and I can't wait to set it up.
  13. Science alert is not updated and does not appear to be in development, or at least it's unclear.... and the latest DMagic update seems to have broken automatedsciencesampler on DMagic parts....I think my world is coming to an end, all I want to do is all the sciences! My OCD will probably feel better by ignoring all of the experiments that don't work, but I may play with the filters a little bit and at least see if I can get [x] science to recognize when I've done one of the experiments on a certain body. I'm probably not likely to do one of the experiments in only one hemisphere, so if I can at least get it to show up at all, then I can still use it to track the experiments.
  14. @Z-Key Aerospace @DMagic Ok, I accept that if you're both telling me it's not possible, I'm probably oversimplifying it. It just feels like between ScienceSubject, ScienceExperiment, ExperimentSituations, and the science ID there should be enough information to construct all of the right combinations, but I guess it sounds like DMagic's experiments are checking their situation 'on-the-fly' and so there's not really any way to know what those situations could be beforehand. It's clever by DMagic, but definitely very frustrating for me. Without a checklist to know what I'm missing, I almost don't even really want to have the parts, to be honest. If either of you don't mind, could you spend just a few minutes explaining your development and code testing process? I've tried asking in a couple of places in the development and help forums but it seems as if people don't generally answer that kind of question. Just seeing if I can get something out of you guys
  15. @Z-Key Aerospace @DMagic Forgive me if this is an oversimplification but is this basically a problem where DMagic adds situations to the experimentSituations object, and [x] Science doesn't support it simply because it doesn't know how to handle situations beyond the default ones? And, is it simply a situation where it needs to convert those situations to a string, and that's why it can't simply handle EVERY situation in experimentSituations? I guess what I'm asking is; if a DMagic experiment adds a situation called for instance ExperimentSituations.southernHemisphere, then why can't [x] Science simply have in the checklist "SIGINT scan from ExperimentSituations.southernHemisphere". From my naive look at the code it feels like the custom situations aren't supported simply because someone would have to hard code strings to convert them to. If everything in DMagic's experiments is buried in non-stock methods or attributes then I suppose that's a different story... but it seems like there should be enough information to do something with these experiments. If you see what I'm missing, please correct me.
  16. This is probably an oversimplification, as I'm trying to read both codes without really being able to test them (which is difficult for me); but why can't any addon get everything they need from say experimentSituations and ScienceExperiment attributes?
  17. Thanks for the response about @DMagic's experiments. I'll try to find a way to do something that satisfies my OCD.
  18. @Z-Key Aerospace Understandably doesn't want to hard-code in support for all science mods, so it seems like I'm stuck on this, unless I'm able to put together an environment where I can change the code and try to get it working myself. Coding experience but no modding or game development experience, and with a 2 month old at home and lots of work piling up, it doesn't seem likely at the moment. Most of my free time I want to spend playing KSP More than likely what I'll end up doing is trying to get [x] science to ignore the experiments that don't work and just do the contracts associated with them once when they come up; there's plenty of science to be had with the experiments that work in [x] science and as long as my checklist doesn't have items that can't possibly be completed then I'll probably be happy. Maybe
  19. Same problem, DMagic experiments seem to have stopped working. No logs available at the moment but I'll try to put something together tonight.
  20. I ended up just leaving AFBW uninstalled rather than trying to troubleshoot beyond the in-game options. I spent most of an evening of KSP time trying to sort out why the thrusters were stuck on, and then narrowing it down to AFBW, and then playing with all of the in-game settings trying to get rid of it. In the end I decided the mod wasn't valuable enough to me to spend any more time on it.
  21. AutomatedScienceSampler works fine on these experiments, but the checklist is great for planning missions and it's really a 'completion' list for me. I have a hard time figuring it out from the stock science archives. Generally I'm just using your contracts, and keeping track of which ones I've done already (i.e. orbital recon of Ike, etc.), and not doing them again if they show up. But eventually I plan to stop doing contracts and just explore and fill out the science myself. [x] science claims to handle custom biomes gracefully, so I would think that it's actually a bug somewhere, unless you're doing something especially weird in orbital science. Hopefully the author of [x] science will have more people ask about it and will want to figure it out. I'm not in a place right now where I have time to learn modding myself in order to fix it, though that's what I'd really prefer to do.
  22. It sounds like you should carefully make sure that the squad files are really stock (if it were me, I would use steam to forcibly re-install them) first. You might have subtly broken something. Then if it's still happening, you'll have to think through your mod list about what else could be modifying stock experiments.
  23. Not an expert by any means, but it sounds like something else is patching your transmission rates after both of those configs are loaded.
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