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    Charlie Munman

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  1. FYI, I recommend you grant Astronomer attribution for the Jool texture if it is his in your pack, and update the OP to document it.  I would also recommend making your own Jool texture as soon as you are able, and then updating your pack with that texture, removing Astronomer's, and then removing the attribution.

    1. Galileo


      I have already started the process of making my own. And I have some older ones that I made that I could already throw in there. I don't want to have to attribute  anything to him if I don't have to

    2. Cetera


      I PMed Red, and he had already read the thread.  He basically said any dispute is between you and Astronomer, and if you can't work it out together, then one of the mods would be involved.  I guess I wouldn't worry about it unless Astronomer makes more of a fuss.  

      I just can't stand that someone would accuse someone else of something like that, especially with all the work you have put into it.  I got a little riled up on your behalf, and I cluttered up your thread with my indignation.  Sorry about that.

      Cheers, sir, and thank you for your efforts.  I've been running your packs, and I love them.

    3. Galileo


      i appreciate the support man and dont worry about the clutter. It was well worth it 

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