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  1. So I removed all mods, uninstalled and redownloaded the game, and put all graphics settings to maximum with the frame limiter set to the highest 180 fps option - It was pretty much pinned at 180. Flew about a bit at supersonic speeds at ground level and it dipped to 140. Kinda noisy at a little warm with the gpu though. I'm going to put reasonable limitations on it now and see what happens
  2. I forgot to mention I’m also running EVE lol. Mine manages a steady, limited 60. Will do more easily but I’m trying to lower temps and noise. Mines an MSI Mech 2x… cheapest one by a wide margin when I bought it last week. Overall, I’m super happy with the performance - just not with the temps and noise. I’ll see if I can give some more performance reports tomorrow regarding frame rates at native resolution vs scaled etc
  3. But is this expected? As in, should modded ksp reach higher temps than doom or the Witcher 3? i will follow your advice though, the temp spikes (and noise) have been a little unexpected… I’ve seen ksp hit maximum junction temperature which was worrying.
  4. Hi all, I’ve been around a long time, played about 3000 hours of KSP on various machines. Recently got my hands on an RX 6700XT to replace my GTX960. Quite a leap really. I’m running visual mods like scatterer, tufx and waterfall, and I’m just incredibly surprised by how hard KSP hits the GPU. Is this normal? im using RSR and up scaling to 1440p, but even then, it seems as though KSP hammers the GPU more than The Witcher 3 at maximum settings or even Doom 2016. im getting a nice steady frame rate which I’ve capped to about 60 (who needs 144 frames of ksp?). I’m just wondering if modded ksp normally hits GPUs so hard (temp gets extremely high). CPU is practically bored lol thanks for any responses!
  5. Key word being “favours”. Also, and someone else will need to confirm this, but you’re missing relay strength. For example, 4% connection direct to KSC is still stronger than relays because of how unbelievably powerful the KSC dishes are at level 3. Also, setting up relays is best practice because it means you don’t need big expensive dishes on landers/rovers plus you’ll have constant connection as the celestial body rotates.
  6. Do you have any other backwards facing parts? I had the same issue caused by a wrong-way-round (correct for the design) engine plate, which I believe was the root part for dV calculations reasons. Essentially this mod ignores what the probe is saying direction-wise and looks at the root
  7. Hey Anyone know what the deal with fairings is? I have one craft with an interstage fairing that deploys when it should through staging (includes a decoupler on that same stage) and another craft where no matter what I add to that particular stage, MJ refuses to autostage it, treating it like its a payload fairing and waiting until correct atm. pressure etc. Any ideas why one interstage works and another does not?
  8. @stupid_chris Hi So I'm using the Mk16-xl chute - place it on top of the mk 1-3 command pod, clip it just inside the pod, whack a docking port on top of that, so the chute is hidden inside (how I wish there was a stock chute docking collar). Anyway, this config works in stock AND at low altitude WITH the mod, I've done a few abort tests at various altitudes and they all worked absolutely perfectly For the specific scenario I mentioned - craft is at 500km circular orbit, perform deorbit burn until PE = 0km, then press stage which separates the pod from the fuel tanks and engines and has the parachute in the same stage. At this point I get the message saying deployment failed cus in space (slightly annoying as this staging technique works in stock and means I can do something else for a few minutes). Now I manually click the 'arm chute' option (I'm testing this as im typing), currently 66km high with the option to disarm the chute, waiting to see what happens. I've just noticed that the Predeployment setting is set to Pressure of 0.01atm, I'm not sure, but that seems to suggest it will attempt to deploy very high up when I'm still going rather fast... yep, deployed at 23km whilst travelling at over 1200m/s lol. I'll change to Altitude and see if that fixes my issue... annnnd yes it did So my bad, basically a user-setting error Though it would be nice if the staging option was changed back to arm, rather than deploy.. maybe in RC2? Changed setting in menu Thanks for your time! Edit: Oh, just discovered that I can't change chute settings in VAB when I right click on the part. Is that normal? I'm an idiot Always helps to read the instructions first Thanks again!
  9. Hi, just an observation/question about intended behaviour I only use RealChute to give the stock chutes much much much nicer chutes and an extra dose of realism - i ignore the custom parts because I only use stock parts in builds (I’m one of those annoying semi-purists lol). Anyway, I designed a craft years ago where the last stage (post re-entry burn) simply separated a command pod from the fuel tanks and armed the parachute, meaning the next time I touched the controls was to click the recover button a few minutes later. With the mod installed, I’ve found this approach no longer works, unfortunately. I’m having to arm the parachute manually despite it being part of the staging PLUS it’s deploying unsafely very high in the atmosphere which of course leads to a failure and kerbal death - bizarrely, post failure I cannot deploy one of the spare chutes or repack the chute. I’ll check what I’m doing again tomorrow and report back after some testing (gone 1am and I’m tired lol) - so don’t consider this a support request just yet, more an anecdote but I must say, thank you for the mod (stock chutes look so bad) and I’m very excited for whatever RealChutes2 brings!
  10. Hey Linuxgurugamer! Thanks for the help previously, only just seen your reply I do have a feature request if I may be so bold... A button to change the Fairing Expansion setting Its state isn't remember by the game unfortunately, and those of us with fairing-heavy builds (see https://kerbalx.com/The_Black_Badger/craft (not mine, but a darn good example)), its incredibly annoying having to turn all the fairings off again I appreciate its a bit niche though thanks!
  11. Marginally more modern - courtesy of this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3fa29t/wacs_deltav_map_continued_ksp_104/
  12. How do I build it? over and over and over and over and over... I have a bad habit of progressing so far and then erasing everything.. then rebuilding the crafts with slight tweaks/optimisations/aesthetic additions. haven’t done so for a while... but probably will when the next update drops and I need to edit all the docking ports and solar panels
  13. As a side question, where does it measure the height from exactly? Both images below feature a 2.5m panel attached to the lowest component of the craft with B set to 2.5m as above the panel is placed *after* pressing B and is only there to give a sense of height This one is okay, albeit slightly out (I'm not *that* fussy) : and this one is a good 1.25m out for some reason: I have another one perfectly aligned with the floor and another a good meter too high :S and again, I do appreciate you're a busy individual and this is by far the least concerning issue you likely have at the moment
  14. Absolutely not I mean, how dare it be 4.9cm too high! Ahh thank you got the little tike I appreciate the help, I know you're an exceptionally busy individual within this community, let alone whatever else it is that you do in life Quite frankly I'm amazed you find time to eat or sleep
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