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Everything posted by gate

  1. Something broken with nuclear ramjet. Every time when i tried launch aircraft with this thing i get this (black screen and space in KSC even after reloading saved game): https://youtu.be/GHKaiPqghlk v.5.2.3 and clear 1.0.4 with FAR and void
  2. Hi, i have 3 issues from KSIPI when i updated it from 1.4.6 to 1.4.11 and 1.5.1. his issues work and with clear 1.0.4. KSP version. 1. In 1.4.11 and higher i can't see information about reactor in infromation window (rigth clik on reactor unit) in 1.4.6 it all works fine: http://i.imgur.com/j2BFdvl.jpg 2. Many reactors and thermal trubojets work nonsymmetrycaly and 3. Many turbojets could be powered from one reactor with other shutdowned, thermal power could be distributed between many thermoojet units. http://i.imgur.com/m6S9mMU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/gz4lx4M.jpg
  3. Hi, i have some issues that can't understand, can you chek it? 1. When i update KSP IE to from 1.4.6 to 1.4.11 or 1.5.1 i have seen that all information about reactor in information window is gone... Pic below explane the situation. Overwrite 1.4.6 again fixes this problem, but in 1.4.11 and higher versions it doesn't work clear - no info about reactors. KSP V.1.0.4 http://i.imgur.com/j2BFdvl.jpg 2. turbojets don't work symmetricaly, there is huge difference between turbojets units at full throttle, but no difference when throttle is in intermediate position. 3. Reactors distribute power between each other, it allow made many "empty" reactor units with turbojets, and shotdown all reactors except one. And this one reactor will produce power for all turbojets, all of them will work and produce thrust. But there is impossible to make all reactors worknig because from p.2. - at high power and full throttle jets will produce different thrusts. http://i.imgur.com/gz4lx4M.jpg http://i.imgur.com/m6S9mMU.jpg In clear 1.0.4 with 1.5.1 KSPIE all this 3 issues appeared too.
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