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Everything posted by Wcmille

  1. Thanks, @MOARdV . How do the signs work? Is North and East positive with South and West negative?
  2. Here's an image of the mod. At present, its showing contours of the surface. I find something like this to be much more helpful than altitude, because I'm looking for areas on the ground that are going to be really flat.
  3. What would it take to make this available on CKAN?
  4. Thanks. To do that, I needed to know whether lat long is radians, degrees, or something else. For example, if I do Math.Sin(lat), will that give a correct number, or do I need to give some kind of conversion first? Are methods provided to convert lat/long into pretty-printed strings with degrees, minutes, and seconds?
  5. I'd like a mod that helps me align parts better. For example, I'd like to make sure that all my docking ports are exactly the same height above the ground for base. Yes, I can test all these things and eyeball them. I'd prefer to just have a mod tell me that I've got it right. Does something like that exist already?
  6. What units are the lat-long in the code? Are they degrees? Are they radians?
  7. Not seeing the change in the .cfg file in the drop box. Is that what you meant by the MM patch?
  8. I deleted the bin and obj folders to isolate that out. Here are some other things I have tried; this did not seem to help: I have run in 32 and 64 bit mode. I have removed all my mods, except ModuleManager I tried adding the System namespace Would anyone be willing to try compiling my project on their machine to see if the error reproduces?
  9. I think those are all correct. The target framework for the assembly is .NET 3..5. Can't see why using statements would create a run-time problem if it resolves unambiguously. If anyone is so inclined, I'd be very thankful to see if this works/runs for anyone else. here's the dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e8ba6mhf52f7lzp/wcmille.zip?dl=0 The test is to make a sandbox game, put a probe core on the launch pad, and open up KerbNet. You'll need to hand-deploy the ModuleManager file to your mods folder, and your game path won't be the same as the one I deploy to in my post-build step.
  10. From an internet search, it sounds like I must not be. That puzzles me. I have only one instance of KSP on my machine. I am referencing these 4 assemblies: Assembly-CSharp Assembly-CSharp-firstpass UnityEngine UnityEngine.UI These come from: <PATH>\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\Managed\<Assembly> I am running in 64-bit mode. I think mscorlib is getting implicitly referenced by the compiler (VS Community 2017), but that could be different. I wonder how else I might try to troubleshoot this?
  11. Thanks for that, @sarbian . When I install the mod, log messages in the Init get called, but the log get's continuously spammed with this message: "[EXC 14:26:09.295] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'KeyBinding.GetKey'." If I remove my mod or I replace the code with the tutorial code, I don't get this message. I'm wondering if I didn't override the class enough or if I have some missing references?
  12. A nice add would be an option to scan the kerbal experiences and award ribbons based on those experiences (e.g. Someone who has planted a flag on Mun must have the surface EVA ribbon). Would be a great feature for adding the mod mid-game or if the ribbons all get lost (happens to me on major version upgrades)
  13. Today, I hit 1000 hours of playing KSP.

  14. @sarbian and @DMagic -- thanks for your help! Here's what I have so far. I'm trying just to see if I can get the code to register inside the game before I go farther. Trying to make my slope KerbNet so that it just displays a red screen. Once I've got it installed correctly, I'll get to work on making the display correct. So far, this doesn't seem to work. Here's my module manager file (all of it): @PART[probeStackSmall] { @MODULE[ModuleKerbNetAccess] { MinimumFoV = 9 MaximumFoV = 81 AnomalyDetection = 0.24 DISPLAY_MODES { Mode = Biome,#autoLOC_438890 //#autoLOC_438890 = Biome Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839 //#autoLOC_438839 = Terrain Mode = Slope, Slope } } } Here's my code file (there's only this file in the assembly): using KerbNet; using UnityEngine; namespace wcmille { public class Slope : KerbNetMode { public override void OnInit() { name = "Slope"; displayName = "Slope"; } public override void CustomPass(Texture2D tex) { base.CustomPass(tex); var pixels = tex.GetPixels(); for(int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; ++i) { pixels[i] = new Color(255,0,0); } tex.SetPixels(pixels); } } }
  15. Thanks for this. Is it possible to supply an argument that will specify a save game that it will load automatically and bypass the opening menu?
  16. How does the game know that the word "Slope" is associated with this new slope class? Does it use reflection to do that?
  17. I'd like to add a Slope mode to KerbNet, so that a vessel can see Ore, Altitude, Biomes, and Slope. This is my first mod, but I think what I want to do is pretty simple. It'd just be the altitude mode, but with slope instead. It looks like I want a PartModule, and I need to subclass KerbNetMode (https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_kerb_net_1_1_kerb_net_mode.html). Looks like I want to attach this to existing parts, so looks like I need to use ModuleManager. I've read through the basic start guide. Any advice on what to research next?
  18. Does KSP take command line parameters? (Windows, if that matters) If so, what are all the arguments I can supply?
  19. I don't think the issue is so much about how long a burn takes so much as what fraction of the orbital arc the burn consumes. If you are burning for 4 minutes when your orbital period is 24 hours, there's probably not much difference over a single impulse burn. @OhioBob has a site that states that the dV for a *really* slow burn -- a burn closer to the entire orbital period, is about the difference in the old and final orbital velocity. You could compare that to a Hohmann transfer to estimate the upper bound of loss. http://www.braeunig.us/space/orbmech.htm#maneuver (see eqn 4.72) I have done a number of high dV burns from Kerbin (say 3000+ ejection). While I would benefit from low orbit oberth effects, I use a higher orbit so that I get a predictable outcome. If I have a 10 minute burn from a 30 minute orbital period, I have a really hard time making that end up like I wanted. I find doing the same burn from an orbital period of say... 3 hours to have a more predictable outcome.
  20. Didn't know that was an option! Where is this setting?
  21. Why SSTO? Is that so you can deorbit the launcher?
  22. What cost/ton are you getting with that?
  23. Occasionally, I've been getting surface missions (e.g. conduct seismic scan) in challenging places like Highlands that are far away. My approach has been to drop science bomb on those targets. With two drogue chutes, the bomb lands a little harder than 10 m/s. The QBE is an ideal computer for this. It's cheap and can take a pretty decent hit (15 m/s). The Altus carries a pilot and two passengers. A scientist can be used as a passenger to reset the scientific equipment. Most scientific equipment can be updated as needed. I circle the bomb as it falls so that it doesn't leave the physics bubble until it lands. Wish I didn't have to do that.
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