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  1. It took some time, probably because I didn't assemble the code in the most direct/intendend manner. What I did was: Get the git repo by LGhassen, which included all the ocean code commented back in. Open the git repo in Unity4, move the shaders in OceanShaders to the subfolder Proland/Shaders/Ocean and compile the Ocean Shaders. Open it in Visual Studio, add Unity references and compile the scatterer.dll. Get the Proland Unity port by scrawk. Open the Proland port in Unity and compile Fourier.shader. Rename all the compiled shaders (remove all hyphens and platform extensions). Get the most recent version of scatterer which included all the config files I would not know how to create. Copy scatterer.dll and compiled shaders into the scatterer directory. Is there a reason, why the uncompiled shaders are moved to a different directory than referenced inside the shaders? I am guessing, they are just copies from the proland port, so others can compile them for scatterer, but then again the Fourier.shader was missing. I am not asking to document any of this, just curious so I can tinker with it some more. Keep up the good work!
  2. Hi all, first time poster. It took me some time, but I managed to get blackrack's/LGhassen's code up and running, yay! Well, first of all, I hope it's okay with you that I'm fondling around with it at all, if not, say the word. I get why water is only sort of working, well actually, I'm not getting why exactly but I know why it's not ready for release at all: the occlusion isn't working (I think). But man oh man performance is way up there, I have a 660ti and it's running flawlessly. Some screenshots:
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