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Everything posted by RenewableRocket

  1. Are you using the extendable radiators, afaik they are the only ones that actively pump heat from other parts on your craft to disperse the heat away from your craft. waste heat is a resource used to simulate the problems of heat buildup over a long period of time, mainly from reactors and microwave sources... if your waste heat is zero, that is a good thing, it means that your radiators are enough to deal with that issue. Not too sure what that green bar is about, unless it's the squad heat mechanic bars you mean? squad heat mechanic is mostly dealt with by extendable radiators, or install a mod called Heat Management at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118189 it has support for both KSPIE waste heat and squad heat mechanics in it if none of this is helpful then please supply more information, pics/logs so that we can advice better.
  2. Have you tried to only have the sas-modules on that big central section active, I sometimes have issues when non-central attachments have sas online. If you are willing to use Kerbal Attachment System I'd warmly recommend it, let's you add on struts for modular crafts like that space-station. And struts always helps deal with shaking...
  3. I always thought that you use actinide-purging as a "reward" for your least productive kerbals, just send a toothbrush with them and let them scrub away
  4. Hey FreeThinker, I just started up the latest release, 1.5.10 and it seems like you forgot to include the fix in the WarpPlugin\Patches\HeatManagement.cfg On line 26 to be "@PART[Heatsink250n]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[WarpPlugin]" instead of the erroneous "@PART[Heatsink125n]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[WarpPlugin]" as this error puts two FNRadiators on the 1.25m part and none on the 2.5m parts available from Heat Management Just letting you know, already fixed the error on my install, but others might have problems.
  5. He's adding in higher tier improvements, for the TTJ, from teching up the branch of aeroplane-ish research, he wrote about it not too far back in this thread. Go read
  6. Freethinker, maybe you could exchange some words with the SolverEngine dev to get some help on making a config so that your engines are excluded from his plugin?
  7. I had something similar happen to me at a time, a specific part disappeared from my VAB list, if you are using a mod that let's you modify part filters you might need to look inside "sort by module" to find the missing parts, but from what you are saying above you now don't even have it on the tech tree? Or is it only that it has been moved to another node there? If it's moved then you might have some issue with a MM file configured it to a different branch of the tree, and that might be why it disappeared from your list More info might be helpful in analyzing your issue, I don't know enough about your problem to reproduce it myself atm.
  8. The reason I made that altered little bit of the config was that all the normal fuel tanks that where in flight where being overwritten with LqdAmmonia, and thus in effect stranding any in-flight craft you might have had when upgrading/installing this latest version of the mod... But I totally agree that it's also really handy to have the three most used setting(for me) as the first, and not needing to click through the entire list if I'm just making a LFO/LF based craft... having the resources in alphabetical order is nice, but not when it takes over standard tanks like this imo.
  9. Sounds good Freethinker. I'm not sure if this is a bug with this integration mod, but I can now make orange tanks that contain 500tons of Xenon... I dunno, but it feels like too much for that volume...
  10. Since ABZB is gone for the hurricane I fixed it for anyone who is interested. Modify line 264 - 301 of \GameData\StarLionIndustries\Mk2_Extended_KSPI_Integration\InterstellarFuelSwitch\IFS_Expanded_Resources.cfg to the following: //retains stock LiquidFuel & LFO if RealFuels (and therefor presumably not any RealEngine config pack) is not installed. [COLOR=#b22222]// Msg from RenewableRocket: // Altered Order so that LFO, LiquidFuel, and Oxidizer are first, then it's in alphabetical order, // this was done to enable this mod being added to existing stock careers where the vessels most often have LFO tanks on current craft. // I've retained the original lines , just in case... hope it helps those like me who refuse to use Hyperedit. enjoy. [/COLOR] @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch],#LionStatus[1]]:NEEDS[!RealFuels,WarpPlugin|CommunityResourcePack] { %LF = #$LFamount$ %Oxi = #$LFamount$ @LF *= .45 @Oxi *= .55 @MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch]:NEEDS[ModularFuelTanks] { //@resourceGui = Ammonia (Cryo);Argon Gas (Cryo);Carbon Dioxide (Cryo);CarbonMonoxide (Cryo);Deuterium (Cryo);Helium (Cryo);Helium-3 (Cryo);Hexaborane;Hydrazine;Hydrogen (Cryo);Hydrogen Peroxide (Cryo);LFO;LiquidFuel;Methane (Cryo);Nitrogen (Cryo);Oxidizer;Oxygen (Cryo);Tritium (Cryo);Water;Xenon Gas (Cryo);Structural [COLOR=#b22222]@resourceGui = LFO;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;Ammonia (Cryo);Argon Gas (Cryo);Carbon Dioxide (Cryo);CarbonMonoxide (Cryo);Deuterium (Cryo);Helium (Cryo);Helium-3 (Cryo);Hexaborane;Hydrazine;Hydrogen (Cryo);Hydrogen Peroxide (Cryo);Methane (Cryo);Nitrogen (Cryo);Oxygen (Cryo);Tritium (Cryo);Water;Xenon Gas (Cryo);Structural[/COLOR] //@resourceNames = LqdAmmonia;ArgonGas;LqdCO2;LqdCO;LqdDeuterium;LqdHelium;LqdHe3;Hexaborane;Hydrazine;LqdHydrogen;HTP;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;LqdMethane;LqdNitrogen;Oxidizer;LqdOxygen;LqdTritium;Water;XenonGas [COLOR=#b22222] @resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;LqdAmmonia;ArgonGas;LqdCO2;LqdCO;LqdDeuterium;LqdHelium;LqdHe3;Hexaborane;Hydrazine;LqdHydrogen;HTP;LqdMethane;LqdNitrogen;LqdOxygen;LqdTritium;Water;XenonGas [/COLOR] //@resourceAmounts = #$/../ LqdAmmoniaamount$;$/../ArgonGasamount$;$/../LqdCO2amount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../Hexaboraneamount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../LF$,$/../Oxi$;$/../LFamount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../LFamount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../XenonGasamount$;0 [COLOR=#b22222] @resourceAmounts = #$/../LF$,$/../Oxi$;$/../LFamount$;$/../LFamount$;$/../ LqdAmmoniaamount$;$/../ArgonGasamount$;$/../LqdCO2amount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../Hexaboraneamount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../XenonGasamount$;0[/COLOR] %tankMass = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 } ArgonGasamountC = #$scalednineLF$ XenonGasamountC = #$scalednineLF$ @ArgonGasamountC *= 450 @XenonGasamountC *= 90 @MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch]:NEEDS[!ModularFuelTanks] { //@resourceGui = Ammonia (Cryo);Argon Gas (Pressurized);Carbon Dioxide (Cryo);CarbonMonoxide (Cryo);Deuterium (Cryo);Helium (Cryo);Helium-3 (Cryo);Hexaborane;Hydrazine;Hydrogen (Cryo);Hydrogen Peroxide (Cryo);LFO;LiquidFuel;Methane (Cryo);Nitrogen (Cryo);Oxidizer;Oxygen (Cryo);Tritium (Cryo);Water;Xenon Gas(Pressurized);Structural [COLOR=#b22222] @resourceGui = LFO;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;Ammonia (Cryo);Argon Gas (Pressurized);Carbon Dioxide (Cryo);CarbonMonoxide (Cryo);Deuterium (Cryo);Helium (Cryo);Helium-3 (Cryo);Hexaborane;Hydrazine;Hydrogen (Cryo);Hydrogen Peroxide (Cryo);Methane (Cryo);Nitrogen (Cryo);Oxygen (Cryo);Tritium (Cryo);Water;Xenon Gas(Pressurized);Structural[/COLOR] //@resourceNames = LqdAmmonia;ArgonGas;LqdCO2;LqdCO;LqdDeuterium;LqdHelium;LqdHe3;Hexaborane;Hydrazine;LqdHydrogen;HTP;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;LqdMethane;LqdNitrogen;Oxidizer;LqdOxygen;LqdTritium;Water;XenonGas [COLOR=#b22222] @resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;LqdAmmonia;ArgonGas;LqdCO2;LqdCO;LqdDeuterium;LqdHelium;LqdHe3;Hexaborane;Hydrazine;LqdHydrogen;HTP;LqdMethane;LqdNitrogen;LqdOxygen;LqdTritium;Water;XenonGas[/COLOR] //@resourceAmounts = #$/../ LqdAmmoniaamount$;$/../ArgonGasamountC$;$/../LqdCO2amount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../Hexaboraneamount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../LF$,$/../Oxi$;$/../LFamount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../LFamount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../XenonGasamountC$;0 [COLOR=#b22222] @resourceAmounts = #$/../LF$,$/../Oxi$;$/../LFamount$;$/../LFamount$;$/../ LqdAmmoniaamount$;$/../ArgonGasamountC$;$/../LqdCO2amount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../Hexaboraneamount$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../scalednineLF$;$/../XenonGasamountC$;0[/COLOR] %tankMass = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 } !MODULE[FNModuleCryostat]:HAS[@resourceName[XenonGas]]:NEEDS[!ModularFuelTanks]{} !MODULE[FNModuleCryostat]:HAS[@resourceName[ArgonGas]]:NEEDS[!ModularFuelTanks]{} } Anyhow, the text in red is my added alterations for you, I only added the color so that it's easier to see the changes here on the forum, it's not meant to be red when applied in your IFS_Expanded_Resources.cfg
  11. 100% oxi ftw and if the hurricane hits, just put on that well known tune by Scorpions ... (j/k be safe)
  12. davidy12 I guess you change the value of maxAtmosphereDensity inside the module named VistaEngineController for it, but fusion engines running inside an atmosphere... shivers...
  13. I guess I'm used to the option since playing with Stock Fuel Switch, but I would appreciate the addition since you've removed my ability to use that mod, ie it does nothing anymore
  14. ABZB has got the latest version functioning together with KSPIE
  15. Sweets, it even works Only wish I still had my old choice of Oxidizer only tank... really useful for making my refueling-stations, one tank of oxidizer for multiple fuel variable-engine options. ModuleManager: 8628 patches applied ^ nah, it won't break if I just add in one more mod, will it?
  16. No modular Fuel tanks, I did have Stock_Fuel_Switch-1.1 but I tried removing that, which did nothing... It's happening to all formerly LFO tanks, oscar, orange and such. No such description on the tanks. I tried loading in sandbox, same issue. A clarification, the tanks has the "option" LFO and LiquidFuel, but the resources in those modes are Kerosene and LqdMethane respectively
  17. The lynx worked, and I was happy, then I noticed that none of my formerly working LFO tanks can now store LFO they are altered just like the LF tanks where to contain all those nifty new resources... but you know, I kinda need me some LFO fuel from time to time
  18. Whenever I consider an orbital refiner for fuel I always look to why I would go that way rather than having the refiner on the mine... my considerations are: How much mass loss does the conversion entail, if it's large then doing orbital seems a waste of fuel since you bring up mass that gets wasted into nothing at all. Are the resources deplete-able, if yes, then an orbital refiner is probably better no matter the conversion loss. Do you have engines that can use the "raw" mined resource, if yes, then orbital station might be better. Power, how do you supply it? if it's solar then orbital is probably better since you get more continuous production, if it's other then a planetary base makes more sense. Workforce, do you need to do dV expensive resupply runs for them or do you need them for your surface->orbit transfers. Anyhow those are a few of my thoughts on orbital vs planetary refineries, sometimes you might go for one option just because you can build something nifty ofc Unlike the irl space program we in KSP don't need to just do the optimal thing, if we can do something awesome and then watch explosions happen.
  19. Indeed, both the @TANK_DEFINITION[Default,Fuselage,Balloon,Structural] and the @TANK_DEFINITION[Xenon] used Argon, instead of ArgonGas.
  20. Found a little typo in a patch file, \WarpPlugin\Patches\HeatManagement.cfg It adds the values for part Heatsink250n onto the already modified Heatsink125n, so you have both parts interstellar FNRadiators on the 125n part and none on the 250n part. Do you want me to post such little fixes I find in this thread or somewhere else?
  21. Cropped some of the quote. From investigating the MK2Integration the errors seem to come from \StarLionIndustries\Mk2_Extended_KSPI_Integration\InterstellarFuelSwitch\IFS_Expanded_Resources.cfg It's not using the 1.5.7 revision of tanks in regards to Helium storage as far as I can tell... So my personal solution is to change it from a .cfg to a .cfg.notWorking I hope that illuminates your day Thank you for a great mod FreeThinker. (And anyone else assisting in the development of it) // Edit: // Seems just renaming the cfg to not work disables all tanks to be able to switch between fuels, so not a solution for the error-heap
  22. Looks great, though KSC seems too clean to be constantly barraged by red sand storms, they must really love using brooms Anyhow, would love to see a "Marsified" look of the Center, if that is even possible...
  23. I sat down for a little bit and made myself a little Module Manager File for the two main Baha drills if you're interested: @PART[bahaEPLXLAuger]:NEEDS[Launchpad]{ // Changed some values so that it better reflects other drills available that do similar work. @mass = 6 @entryCost = 50 @cost = 1300 @description = Deployable auger for extracting metal ore from the ground. // This large auger is using the Module from KarbonitePlus, except that drill is for Squad Ore, and this is for MetalOre, // easy enough just to change that line if you want that resource instead. !MODULE[KethaneExtractor] MODULE { name = ModuleResourceHarvester HarvesterType = 0 Efficiency = 8 ResourceName = MetalOre ConverterName = Metal Harvester StartActionName = Start Metal Harvester StopActionName = Stop Metal Harvester ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform ImpactRange = 10 AutoShutdown = false GeneratesHeat = false UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 120 } } // Since the resource MetalOre is also located on asteroids I chose to include this module. MODULE { name = ModuleAsteroidDrill DirectAttach = false StartActionName = Start Asteroid Harvester StopActionName = Stop Asteroid Harvester PowerConsumption = 12 Efficiency = 80 ImpactRange = 10 ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform UseSpecialistBonus = true AutoShutdown = false GeneratesHeat = false UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 } // Removed the KethaneAnimation and replaced it with a working standard animator. !MODULE[KethaneDrillAnimator] MODULE { name = ModuleAnimationGroup deployAnimationName = Deploy activeAnimationName = Deploy0 moduleType = Drill } } @PART[bahaEPLsmAuger]:NEEDS[Launchpad] { // Changed some values so that it better reflects other drills available that do similar work. @mass = 1.5 @entryCost = 50 @cost = 1300 @description = Deployable auger for extracting metal ore from the ground. // This standard auger is using the Module from Squads normal drill, except that drill is for Ore, and this is for MetalOre, // easy enough just to change that line if you want that resource instead, though having a duplicate part seems silly to me. !MODULE[KethaneExtractor] MODULE { name = ModuleResourceHarvester HarvesterType = 0 Efficiency = 1 ResourceName = MetalOre ConverterName = Metal Miner StartActionName = Start Metal Miner StopActionName = Stop Metal Miner ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform ImpactRange = 5 AutoShutdown = false GeneratesHeat = false UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 15 } } // Since the resource MetalOre is also located on asteroids I chose to include this module. MODULE { name = ModuleAsteroidDrill DirectAttach = false StartActionName = Start Asteroid Miner StopActionName = Stop Asteroid Miner PowerConsumption = 1.5 Efficiency = 10 ImpactRange = 5 ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform UseSpecialistBonus = true AutoShutdown = false GeneratesHeat = false UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 } // Removed the KethaneAnimation and replaced it with a working standard animator. !MODULE[KethaneDrillAnimator] MODULE { name = ModuleAnimationGroup deployAnimationName = idle activeAnimationName = idle0 moduleType = Drill } } //------\\ //---SETI-CTT---\\ //------\\ //---Tech Tree changes for BahaEPL---\\ //------\\ Moved mining metals from Advanced Construction into Advanced Science, if you use SETI CTT ofc. //---DRL-0R1 Small Deployable Mining Auger @PART[bahaEPLsmAuger]:NEEDS[BahaEPL]:AFTER[BahaEPL]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advScienceTech } //---AGR-XL Large Deployable Mining Auger @PART[bahaEPLXLAuger]:NEEDS[BahaEPL]:AFTER[BahaEPL]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advScienceTech } Anyhow, it seems to work for me, let me know if you use this and have problems and I'll try to troubleshoot... too bad IMO that the author of this mod hasn't kept it up to date, these drills look fantastic. Especially if compared with the normal EL augers.
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