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Everything posted by EliasDanger

  1. There is a polite way to ask for features. Theres a polite way to ask when a release will happen or why there wasnt a simultanious release all over the world. But polite is foreign to spoiled bratty little children who can only whine and insult for not being provided everything they wanted right now. You think Squad is amature hour, then go make your own game or learn respect and manners.
  2. (-) 8 cuz all this positivity is getting on my nerves.
  3. How many games have you work on in the past porting them to console from PC?
  4. Known for being in an exclusive relationship with the forum games.
  5. And here i thought it was just us Americans who always felt entitled.
  6. Are you trying to say his point sucks, mr fancy word?
  7. Banned for using "cause" instead of "because" or "cuz".
  8. As i always say, "Never quote yourself."
  9. Excellent point. Wish i had thought of that.
  10. No elaborating! And by that I mean all rules must be as clear and cryptic as possible.
  11. its not going to seem like a good decision when youre trying to put a space station together at .5 fps
  12. Oh wow, how'd you survive? Did Facebook think you died?
  13. No moderators are allowed to read or post in this thread without the express permission of a moderator.
  14. No no no. You got it backwards. THIS thread is locked. The threads that were merged into it were unlocked prior to the merge, but were locked when this one was locked. It must have been for efficiency. Why have two locked threads when you can simply merge them and lock em both at the same time. Some maybe wondering why we are able to be here now, discussing the locking or unlocking of this thread if the thread is locked. There are two possibilities. Possibilty 1. This thread is locked in a quantum superposition with another reality where this thread remains unlocked. We are in the real reality where this thread is locked, but somehow the quantum superposition entanglement effect lets us post here in a parallel dimension. i checked the box i left my cat in. Its dead, so that must mean my cat is alive in this strange parallel universe. If anyone on the other side where this thread is unlocked sees my cat running around, please return him to my dimension. Possibilty 2. This thread is not real. Therefore it can be locked for some of us and unlocked for others. If this is the case, it is impossible to really lock or unlock this thread without first realizing the truth....there is no thread. Its all in your head. Im hoping its number 1 cuz I want my cat back.
  15. unmanned landing on atmosphereless bodies is a big thing to not be able to do because of signal delay.
  16. i dont use signal delay and most of the streamers and you tubers i watch who might have used it in the past are not using it any more cuz its just a hassle to deal with. i have no scrupples disabling it. i have no idea how to write scripts and i really have no interest in learning, just want to fly me some rockets.
  17. Banned for adding negativity to the thread.
  18. the answer was actually an EZ-up.
  19. 10/10 Known for claiming resistance is futile while repeatedly failing to assimilate lesser life forms.
  20. No tagging @NathanKellin this thread. He's being tagged enough in other forum game threads to bug him.
  21. nope. @NathanKell (guess who will reply next)
  22. i would love to rebuff claims that this thread is not locked...but seeing as how the thread is locked i cannot do that. Can a moderator please unlock this thread briefly so i may properly put these unlocked believers in their place with cold hard facts? You can lock it back up after i get the last word.
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