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Everything posted by NoSyMe

  1. After a successful landing of the SRB-version without payload I'm trying to get the 42t orange tank into orbit, but the shuttle keeps tipping over to a heading of 0° (read: direction of external tank+boosters) right from the launch pad. Also, it barely gets off the launch pad which I assume is by design since the shuttle has a TWR of 1.21 when fully wet. I checked all tanks to make sure they are full as per the description in the OP. I'm at 533t dry and 887t wet. Edit: Just wanted to load the STS-7 to try the LF version but KSP 1.0.4 tells me "Not compatible with this version of KSP" Problem solved: I just now realised that the outher tanks don't have fuel lines going to the middle tank. Well, that's probably because they're just for aesthetics For future derps: Don't fill the outer external tanks. They just hide the SRBs and make the Shuttle look more realistic Just had my first successful 42t Mission with a textbook landing (thx to a lot of luck, obviously)
  2. Took me quite a few attempts and landing is still a struggle (I'm either overshooting or undershooting by a few kilometers), but I finally managed it. It's a great feeling landing a Space Shuttle
  3. I just started using Kerbal Alarm Clock and already love it. Thx for making it!
  4. This is completely off-topic, but are you seriously using Internet Explorer as your go to browser? That's like letting Jeb fly a rocket without supervision… On the other hand I finally know what this CKAN is that people keep talking about. Thx! Edit: You sound exactly like Joe Gatto from Impractical Jokers
  5. I woudn't start a new game anymore without at least USI Life Support, if not even TAC Life Support if you know what you're doing. If you make the decision later, you might need to switch out your manned vessels and design and launch new station modules in a hurry.
  6. I had this problem while using the Procedural Fairings Mod. In my case the problem was that the tip of a fuselage fairing from a lower stage was too high and poked through the decoupler, fairing base and engine of a higher stage. I fixed it by lowering the tip of the lower fairing so that it didn't intersect with the engine anymore (Duh!). Hope this helps
  7. I pulled this through Police Grade Image Compression Software for the RAM-saving Kerbalites. This version is 88.6% smaller in File Size @ only ~1.2% Image Quality Loss. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rtpl3ls0dka8ojm/Raredens_Real_8K_Skybox_ProComp.zip?dl=0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  8. Love the Pack! Thx! Unfortunately, the Docking-Ports T053A and T053B (Soyuz-thingys) don't save/load for some reason. When I try to lunch a Vessel from VAB or SPH or try loading one those Docking-Ports are just gone. Didn't try other Docking-Ports, but other parts from your pack work fantastically.
  9. Is it just me or does it not work to just Upgrade your Tracking Station to Level 3? I upgraded it so I wouldn't need to install one of the KER Parts on every Vessel, but I can't use the KER Features when flying a vessel. This is 1.0.4 on Win7 in Career Mode.
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