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  1. Didn't help. The contract in the save gives 145000 funds for completion. I set the minimum on everything set to 0, and the maximum set to 10000000 and seen here: http://imgur.com/a/dlhSC It is still filtering it out as soon as I click "Start Sorting". Also, clicking the "Save" button doesn't actually save the 10000000 to settings.cfg, it retains the lower values as posted above. Edit: what did work was for me to load settings.cfg in Notepad and manually set all the contract types to: minFA: 0 maxFA: 10000000 minFC: 0 maxFC: 10000000 minFF: 0 maxFF: 10000000 minRC: 0 maxRC: 10000000 minRF: 0 maxRF: 10000000 minSC: 0 maxSC: 10000000 minPar: 0 maxPar: 10000000 minPrstge: 0 maxPrstge: 10000000 And now they are no longer being filtered out. The mod is just not writing or using the numbers from the UI, only the ones it loads from settings.cfg.
  2. Alright, I loaded the same save file I listed above, clicked "Start Sorting" so the flag contract would disappear, then quit the game completely, and grabbed the files: http://patch.savecoh.com/output_log.txt http://patch.savecoh.com/settings.cfg
  3. In my case, I noticed that it's filtering the Plant Flag contracts. It doesn't matter if I set all the numbers to minimum of 0 and maximum of 10 million, or even minimum of minus 10 million. As soon as I click the "Start Sorting" button, the Plant Flag contracts go away. Screenshot of the settings window: http://i.imgur.com/DKl9jJD.png Save file: http://patch.savecoh.com/persistent.sfs
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