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Everything posted by Fulbert

  1. We need something to pass time before the update's released.
  2. Anytime between now and 23:59 International Date Line time.
  3. They could very well release the patch on October 16th 23:59 Little Diomede time and still deliver on their promise, technically;-)
  4. There's a Kerbalizer app that lets users dress kerbals up and give them all sorts of facial features, like long flowing hair or manly beards, or both. I won't be surprised if these features do get into the core game eventually, maybe toned down a bit. It would be nice to have some variation in facial features of our little guys. But then again, if they do stay the same, I won't be sad either.
  5. False. I'm terrible at anything regarding planes in this game:-( the user below me speaks three or more languages.
  6. You'd have to launch at a pretty precise time and have a pretty precise ascent path, but other than that, that shouldn't be much different from trying to achieve a stable orbit first. Might save you some fuel, though.
  7. You might want to try using some sort of patterns to represent different colours. UPD: Oh, too late;-) Yeah, that works, too.
  8. That is positively amazing! I'm going to print it and keep it at hand for reference. Now if this sheet had a legend of some sort... And possibly an mononchrome version... UPD: Oh carp, there IS a legend! I'm sorry, I'm scatter-brained like that sometimes.
  9. It has been suggested by a lot of people that the career mode should feature a space centre that would be a rival to the KSC. So that we had to manage our resources and race against computer to achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time, or something. It would be logical if that rivalry reflected the real space race between the US and the USSR. SO what I thought was, what collective surname would those quasi-Soviet kerbonauts have? One way to name those guys would be to add a -ski to "Kerman" or something, but I feel like a better idea is to use the word Patashnik. According to Geir Jenssen of Biosphere fame, Patashnik is a "Russian cosmonaut slang for "a traveler" or "a goner", a cosmonaut who didn't return from a space mission because his security cable disengaged and he was lost in space."[1] I don't think such a word actually exists in Russian - it's not registered in any dictionaries worth mentioning - but the description suits the KSP theme quite nicely since being stranded in space is something that happens to kerbals quite often. I'm not sure if the word is a registered trademark but there are people with such a surname - a lot of them, actually. The concept of patashnik - a spaceman who has left and who will probably never return and is aware of it - is studied by Russian philosophers. Even though the word sounds somewhat ridiculaous to a Russian ear, I believe the idea of patashnik means something to everyone who has ever had a kerbal stranded in high orbit without the possibility of return. Naming Kermens' rivals Patashniks would do a good job honouring all the lost heroes who gave up their lives in the name of exploration, progress and player's ineptutude. Now I am fully aware that the rival KSP is not confirmed or anything, or that if it were to exist it didn't have to be Russians, but just hypothetically, what would you call those kerbals if you had a choice?
  10. The moment it wobbled off the launchpad I thought they should've used more struts. This usually works for me.
  11. That's the right attitude. When people around me start speaking in memes, I just stare at them as if I don't get it, too.
  12. Sir Nahme, What about all the dramatic and cryptic messages and suspension points and general whining for attention? How do they fit with "NDA, Terms of Termination, Cause of Termination, Professionalism"? Are they the feats of those who have worked "in public relations or in a professional environment"?
  13. Did it really? I mean, it did back when in the day, but by now the publishers have trained us to accept texture packs for 5 bucks as something normal. Take Hat Fortress, for instance.
  14. Regarding the EVA capability of the modded mk1 capsules, I don't think they should have any. Heck, I don't think the current single-seater capsule should be EVA capable since it is supposed to be lo-tech like Vostok or Mercury, and neither of them was supposed to be used for EVAs. Just a thought for the upcoming career mode.
  15. And then there's Energia-Buran that had the carrier so huge they actually built houses and streetlights on it.
  16. I sort of heard a rumour that Squad considered adding a "Soyuz-style" 2-seater capsule.
  17. I got spoilt by the consistent and frequent updates of Klei's Don't Starve, so yes, I've got to admit that I agree with the author of the thread. I understand that Don't Starve is probably a much simpler game under the bonnet but the knowledge when another update is coming out is very, very satisfying, and it keeps me warmed up for what's to come. Would be nice if we could have something like that in the KSP.
  18. And then he did it for several patches in a row;-)
  19. Is the "New Patcher" the Squad's equivalent of Notch's "Removed Herobrine" joke?
  20. Hey, look what a lovely fridge magnet I got for my birthday! Not my work by any means but the author allowed me to demonstrate it to you guys:-)
  21. The sky gets noticably darker even at 10-15 thousand metres, the altitude many commercial liners fly at. Not the inky black but still. There's another thing about the darkness and all. when I was a kid I believed that the sky turned black at night because of the rockets. I would often see the news reports where they would sometimes show the footage of rockets blasting off from Baikonur. There it was, standing in the middle of the desert at day. Then it would launch, and everything around it would turn dark and dusky. I made the only logical conclusion.
  22. The first time I caught a glimpse of the helmet on the Mun I thought it was Wheatley.
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