Incidentally on that note, I'm having trouble with power management. I have 3 solid core nuclear engines below a stack of interstellar fuel tanks with hydrogen, and a couple of droptanks, but power output is zero, so the hydrogen is boiling off.
See the power is zero and all electrical power drains in a few seconds. Reactor control window shows power output but it's not working? (I am aware of the droptanks not having cryo, but even the cryo tanks were draining.)
So I ran a couple tests:
This is just the three reactor engines with 1 stack of tanks, see on this one no power, but no electrical drain. I time warped 4 hours just to see, and it only drains LH during fast time warps, but not electrical....
Same ship just 1 tank and 1 reactor. No power still but no drain whatsoever.
This mod seems all over the place and is not consistent. What am I missing here?