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Everything posted by MaxL_1023

  1. What mods are you using already? Your gamedata folder is where everything needs to go.
  2. I think Ciro is supposed to be a little orange - it is a cooler star than Kerbol.
  3. Well - x4 physics warp causes anything on Tellumo to instantly explode. The krakens must like high-G, rich air and unfathomably deep oceans.
  4. Thanks. I don't think I have played stock in so long that I don't remember what they look like. I thought your artistic ability alone elevated the planets to a new (slightly darker) star system.
  5. Galileo: Are either SVE or SVT compatible with your planet pack? I want trees lol.
  6. I don't think that they completely ionize the atoms - that would take a LOT of energy, more than is practical. The most important factor is first ionization energy (or the first few electrons) and molecular weight. Of all the noble gases which are non-radioactive and naturally occurring, Xenon is the easiest to ionize.
  7. I will need to find an electric propeller mod to use a plane unless I want one large enough to carry drills and an ISRU. Rovers it is. I was debating making one but the last time I tried I couldn't get the rover out of the service bay specifically designed to carry a rover which I swear looked large enough in the VAB, then magically shrunk about 5% in real life. Also, decoupling the rover somehow blew up all the wheels.
  8. I need to hit three biomes - are there enough above 2000m or so?
  9. Alright - I have made the following hacks for increased "realism:" Range of Relay Antennas increased from 2G/15G/100G to 50G/100G/1T The smallest dish weighs more than probes NASA communicated with on frickin Mars - they should be able to get to Tellumo being several times larger. ISP curve of 48-7S spark engine changed from 320/270/0.001 at 0/1/7 atmospheres to 320/270/250 at 0/1/10 atmospheres. It should be worse in thicker air, but since no other tech I have available will work I might as well pick a smallish nozzle engine to use for landing on Tellumo and later Catullus. Attention to detail and general design ability of KSP user "MaxL_1023" increased by 38.6%. I will now forget EITHER parachutes or antennas, not both on the same 5.8 million fund mission.
  10. I also forgot parachutes. I had engines on the probe theoretically strong enough to rocket-assist land (terminal velocity on Tellumo is under 30 m/s at sea level and I had 700 m/s of delta-v left after deorbiting), but I found out that they have exactly 0 ISP at 10 atmospheres. Hack gravity time!
  11. And I goofed. My relay antenna can't reach Gael, and the SIGINT is direct. No probe data for me... I thought scaling both the DSN and Antenna range by 10 (100 times the effective power for 10 times the range) would compensate for the orbital scaling - apparently not.
  12. I have SpaceY - I just have not made it far enough the tech tree for the really good stuff. I will see about real scale boosters.
  13. I am using SMURFF - I would actually prefer full RO (tanks and interstages are much more practical). Otherwise I would have trouble reaching orbit due to how terrible normal Kerbal rockets are. One thing about this pack - there is a HUGE jump in difficulty between iota/ceti and everything else. Niven is worse than Duna and Tellumo is as bad as or worse than Eve.
  14. I am sending probes to Tellumo in a 10x career - I had to cheat on the funds to afford the rocket. The contract wanted 3 landers plus a do-everything orbiter, and I needed the Oversize Signals Intelligence System just to have enough transmitter power (lol). Add in the requirement for 6 km/s of delta-v to enter a decent orbit (good luck aerobraking at 20 km/s) and I ended up with an 11,000 ton rocket. Niven is about the largest body I can land a Kerbal on I think - Gratian might be too much to manage with a single launch.
  15. You can go into Lili's cfg file (It is inside the Tellumo folder) and set "tidallylocked" to false. You can replace that one line with this: rotates = true rotationPeriod = Some Number longer than it's current orbital period tidallyLocked = false initialRotation = 0 If you set the rotationPeriod long enough it should hold on to your bases. I am not sure if it is stable with no rotation at all - to be pseudo-scientific I would set it to an integer multiple of its period, say a 1-4 spin-orbit resonance.
  16. RIngs are not "solid" in KSP - you can't interact with them atm.
  17. It is more likely that the rings were formed by material blasted off a proto-Lili which was somewhat larger than the current body. The gaps and ring structure would then be maintained by orbital resonances. It is also possible that Denser material in the rings accreted into Lili, while less dense material remained dispersed. The Roche limit depends on the material density - metal could accrete closer to Tellumo than rock, which would do so closer than ice. Tellumo should be inside of the snow line, so the most likely solution is Lili first, large impact, then rings formed from the ejecta. The ice dynamics you see with Saturn require a colder environment. Lili's super-rotation does suggest a violent past - it is difficult to spin up that much on your own.
  18. Lili is small enough to be held together by the tensile strength of its material as long as it is a soild rock or metal - it can't be ice due to its distance from Ciro. Usually, bodies smaller than a few tens of kilometers are not that vulnerable to roche-limit disruption and are almost always super-rotating as their orbital velocity is so low. Usually, if it is large enough to be spherical, it will not hold together when super-rotating. Lili is smaller than that - I think even in RSS it would be under 100km wide.
  19. The good news: I made it to Niven after trimming my lander - only needed a 4000 ton rocket! The bad news: I landed in a lake. (I forgot to update to 1.02, also I forgot that flags don't work when wet. Everything else is fine though). The sketchy news: My map view insists I am onshore, which fooled me the entire way down. It turns out...the lake was a lie. (Shoot me into the sun)
  20. Believe it or not, NASA's space probes (especially the earlier ones without a lot of maneuvering capability) had to take solar wind and even photon pressure into account to ensure their trajectories were correct. The Mercury probes were especially vulnerable to this, and would have missed the planet completely if they didn't adjust the angle of their solar cells to perform very slight corrections. On the other side, the Voyager II probe was launched so accurately towards Neptune that it was the equivalent of passing through the eye of a needle from 400km away. Probes are serious business - Kerbal style doesn't cut it (although it is much more fun!).
  21. And I was at about 3 KM/s short of getting what needed to get there to Niven. I am going to test and see how much delta-v it takes to get into Niven orbit - I packed 8800 m/s for some reason and I think that is excessive. Also, most of Niven is 30km high now. Time to edit sigma lol
  22. I am used to RO, where I can make fuel tanks 50m wide and they cost 25 cents per ton. Without realfuels and RO the part selection is a bit sketchier, especially with tweakscale only working for some tanks and engines and the main stock engines not easily clusterable. And, due to a bug in mechjeb I have no clue how much delta-v my rocket has because it doesn't seem to believe that dropped stages will be removed from the rocket. This will be interesting - trying a launch now. Only 6840 tons - nothing too unusual for the equivalent of a mars mission.
  23. Trying to get a Kerbal on Niven in 10x is getting sketchier by the second. My rocket is 153m tall and weighs 5000 tons, and I still need a first stage with 4000 m/s of delta-v to lift it! (I am using SMURFF but its still crazy).
  24. I bet if you started a patreon for RSS-scale textures and heightmaps you would get enough to make it worthwhile. You almost need a third level of dynamic loading. Distant view textures, then at a few hundred KM switch to a rough heightmap (but with higher resolution textures), then below ~50km switch to a very detailed heightmap/textures which are only loaded for a certain area surrounding the observer, as at that altitude the horizon and atmospheric haze prevent very distant observations. I would pay the cost of KSP again to get a RSS version with that kind of detail.
  25. Are you using the same engines and ascent path? There also may have been small changes in interstage masses which may give you more delta-V.
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