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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer (Not joking I am a bottle rocketeer)
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    Jool and its Moons

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  1. Jool-5 rules question:  "3RD LEVEL: There's not enough time left for training one crew member to be an expert on all of the moons, so five Kerbonauts must go to the mission, with at least one unique Kerbonaut landing on each moon."

    I am planning on my Vall and Bop landings, and what I want to do is land Jeb, Bill, and the same 2 scientists on each.  Does this satisfy "at least one unique Kerbonaut landing on each moon" or do I need to leave one each of the scientists in orbit, and land a different scientist on each moon.

    1. JacobJHC


      This works. You can land as many as you want on each moon, but each moon must have a Kerbal unique to them. Your mission for example. Bill, Jeb, and the 2 scientists could land together on four moons, and you would be fine, but a fifth Kerbal would be needed for the final moon. 

    2. jinnantonix


      Ah, well thanks, then I have massively over-provisioned, with 7 Kerbals on my mission.  No matter, I will get there in the end.

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