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Everything posted by Fraus

  1. Welp back at it again for one of my off an on visits to the forums, STS 2 attempt done with my block II of my STS and block III of my STS launching my Kerbler Space Telescope into orbit for a STS 3 attempt.
  2. Oh joyous day, another think to pique my interest and waste time doing at some point! General Score: 47 http://imgur.com/a/LrztW http://imgur.com/a/1crNF Launch Vehicles: 10 Ares I: 5 Ares V: 5 Stage Recovery 1: 3 Stage Recovery 2: 4 Orion: 6 Crew Safety: 4 Commnet: 10 Munar Sortie : 50 http://imgur.com/a/LCzNX Objective: 20 KOR: 8 Accurate Altair: 7 Fuel Cells: 2 Descent Module: 4 KDS: 3 Altair Orbital Insertion: 3 Mun Rover: 3 Total Score: 97
  3. I may get to STS 2 soon™, but as of now here is my new shuttle, I have been trying to make one that visually looks highly realistic but this is what I got. I tryed it with my block II variant of this version of the shuttle and could barely circularize, so went to block II using LRBs similar looking to those proposed to be used with the actual shuttle. So to sum it up, STS Chronus Block II 198.2 km x 198.2 km
  4. Active reaction wheels aren't, check the kerbalX file and you'll see its disabled, originally had it for aesthetic purposes with batteries and I didn't want to rewrite all my prices and the such so I left it Also I am aware that it is a waste of money but I'm not the best at economical decisions
  5. Artemis I Dimensions 19.9x1.4x1.4 The fuel tanks and engines do not extend past 1.25 meters https://kerbalx.com/Fraus/Artemis-I 25,000 Test flights with 2 ton payloads for first stage recovery as well as lunar payload capacity have been completed. LKO : 3 Tons Polar : 2 Tons GTO : 2 Tons TLI : 1 Ton First stage recovery not including refurbishment costs is : 6,542 Description : First generation launcher of the Artemis rocket family, experimenting with engines with gimbal for steering and a high efficiency aerospike upper stage engine
  6. So starting off with mostly test launches and some earlier Apollo missions, My non mission test flights. Little Joe II to test my capsule http://imgur.com/a/mPrmw Apollo I boilerplate and Pegasus launch http://imgur.com/a/RsGJU Saturn IB Test Flight http://imgur.com/a/qhT4m A Saturn MLV "simulation" done by the boys in R&D http://imgur.com/a/6ae5Y Now for some actual missions. Apollo 4 http://imgur.com/a/wgPiF Apollo 7 http://imgur.com/a/jZFyU Apollo 8 http://imgur.com/a/VA2rZ Apollo 9 http://imgur.com/a/SAGaP Apollo 11 http://imgur.com/a/sUERM So for the goals, - Saturn Five uses 5 engines on the first stage, 5 engines on the second stage, and one engine on the third stage. +20 - Free-Return Trajectory until in Mun's SOI. +10 - Lander stored behind a fairing. +10 - Leave Descent Stage on Mun. +5 - Stock. +20 (Use only stock parts) (Stock for life baby) - Launch Escape System. +5 - Use fuel cells for power generation only +10 Total Normal Apollo Program Score: 80 More to come and finish the Apollo Program up to Apollo 18
  7. When you did the last ones somewhat and always ended up getting lazy and stopping, feel like I am gonna start anew even though I was at STS 4 and a flight director, so without further ado, STS-1A, meet Odysseus. http://imgur.com/a/4IBGu When you've been working on your Apollo and Saturn designs and thought you may be the first of the v4 to make a Saturn Shuttle, le sigh.
  8. After some laziness and not playing for a while heres me actually finishing my entry. I think anyway. http://imgur.com/a/JBOkt
  9. So I am assuming the only one I am missing is 8D then right? Or do you want me to deorbit my second one as well? Only asking because I am being cheeky and using this as an excuse to send crew to my station. Also after looking at some of these designs I may start to remake some designs specifically the orbital module.. http://imgur.com/a/kf6vX I will also link a download to my craft file when I am done working on it.
  10. I apologize then, if you could just tell me which ones I will get to it in the morning.
  11. Stock Soyuz entry, I hope you don't mind me using a launch site other than the KSC but the Kosmodrome is just so fitting. For Mother Krussia http://imgur.com/a/CmP5Q Only mod installed that is used is Kerbal Engineer Redux for information no parts affected, BDArmory not used on this craft nor is vessel mover, only have that for moving an aircraft carrier to the ocean and ASDSs Also, @sgt_flyer that Soyuz is just absolutely beautiful for a stock replica.
  12. 4/4R Commander attempt sort of butchered the whole re-entry as far as being anywhere near the runway, and then I had bugs with said runway, hope it is still qualifying even after its rather rough landing BTS-4/4R
  13. I don't suppose its okay to call having two wheels overstress a safe landing now is it? But hey any landing you can walk away from This just gives me more reasons to have my K2 far better and may even leave this in orbit as space junk, sigh.
  14. @Alchemist Thanks man, took some effort to put together and I need to improve it thats for sure but it works for now, your shuttle is absolutely amazing though!
  15. STS-2a commander attempt, and I would like to just make sure since this isnt the same as challenge v2 in that the 1b still makes you eligible for 2a right? If not oh well what a shame but for now, And also the craft file. https://kerbalx.com/Fraus/Orbiter-K1-Buran Also I have the mod vessel mover installed, I didn't use it though, merely have that as I was putting an aircraft carrier in the ocean because I want to try and land on that because it would be a first I think and pretty cool right?
  16. Well my first attempt at something on the forums in a while then again I only really have done one other thing... I hope you can understand that since I quickloaded after two landings were failed so I suppose speed distance etc. aren't correct and if I need to Ill fly it around kerbin again later.
  17. @FCISuperGuy Probably should have mentioned, my shuttle's name was Aspire STS-1
  18. Alright, and its fine, no hassle at all, I've been busy failing the STS-2 attempts.
  19. Ah well I knew I would screw up somehow, my fault for assuming I uploaded all the screenshots and didn't upload about a third of them.. Updated the same album to have the images, also would you like me to get a screenshot of the resource panel on the fuel pod? Its still in the same exact orbit, the helpful part of having engineer so you can see I mean the EXACT same orbit.
  20. Well here is my attempt at a shuttle with the STS Fuel Pod, apologies on being incapable of sharing the imgur properly but I am being idiotic, so I await to be told if I have screwed up somehow. Album - http://imgur.com/a/oVOnj Craft File - http://kerbalx.com/Fraus/Aspire-STS-1
  21. Well it may or may not be useful but have you considered a few sepratrons to use for a suicide burn landing? Enough at least to make your landing survivable and to minimize damage if at all possible I mean.
  22. 1. Never try landing on a gas giant. 2. Never try to land on the sun either of course. 3. If your terrible at making a SSTO and can get one to Eve, don't go into Eve thinking you'll come back out if you land. 4. In general, try to keep the Kerbal flavored pudding to a minimum, unmanned tests of manned things first is usually a good idea.
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