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Everything posted by astroknot

  1. Does something like this exist? A unit-based, configurable tank would be awesome.
  2. Thank you for fixing the radiator issue! It works great now.
  3. I did some testing to see if I could get radiators to work with an active microwave receiver on board. I started with a fresh install of KSP and only installed Interstellar. I put one of each type of radiator on my test ship and none of the radiators dissipate waste heat when I have a microwave beamed power receiver active. I did find a work around though. If I retract the heat radiator, it starts working. If I extend it, it stops working again.
  4. Were you able to find a solution? This is the issue I continue to have. Is there a way to disable waste heat completely?
  5. In my case, it is every time I play. I've tried sandbox and a new install with KSPI being the only mod, and it still happens. Weird.
  6. They don't work at all. 0.0 Megajules and the temp sticks around 267K. As soon as I turn off the receiver, they light up orange and start working. If I turn the receiver back on, they immediately turn back to normal color and stop working.
  7. I've searched far and wide with no luck. Radiators seem to be disabled when I have a microwave receiver activated on my ship. I have to disable the receiver(s) for the radiators to light up and dissipate waste heat. Is that a feature or a bug? It is frustrating, especially when i timewarp.
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