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The Space Core

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    Space designated AI

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  1. Alright not promising an entry just yet. But I have a question. How did you place those two ion engines inside the utility compartment. How do you attach things to your craft in places without a green glove on them (I'm sorry I'm kind of a noob, I only have 1155 hours.)
  2. Thats incredible but you'd ahve to be a LOOOOT more patient when going to eeloo with Ion engines. Given eeloos inky blackness.
  3. Can't complete entirely, body fused to chair. Instead of "Drinking some water" I ate a bag of pork rinds. Instead of "Focusing on something in the distance" I watched some mythbusters. Instead of "Stretching" I scratched my armpits. Instead of doing a situp I did some vigorous mouse movements Instead of doing pushups I typed for a while. And instead of doing "jumping jacks." I ate a bowl of apple jacks.
  4. Nicely done! I decided to add a bonus point option for craft that are SSTO Your score total is -109.082 Good job!~
  5. It is 2018 on Kerbin and space travel is all the rage, but the planet Kerbin has reached a predicament, they have mined out almost all usable resources needed to make space craft. And due to debris exploding, crashing into Jool or being stuck in a ridiculously bizarre Kerboliocentric orbit they can't get much for salvage. They have already scrapped everything in orbit and salvaged the most they could from interplanetary bases. However there is still hope, on the recent mission to Eeloo named "PARTY BUS Mk 50" they met a strange race of creatures whom they invited aboard for drinks. They exchanged phone numbers and departed. Right now on Kerbin Jeb has phoned the aliens and outlined their predicament, they can't get ore back from other planets because they cant reach their interplanetary bases. And the aliens agree to help, on the condition that they land on Gilly and return. Jeb asks them why they can't just help out a friend and the aliens just respond with a vague gurgling sound before hanging up. The KSP has now decided their obvious course of action, build the lightest, cheapest craft to be able go to gilly, land and then return. Or else they'll just have to settle with kerbin. Rules 1 Any form of craft is allowed, space plane, rocket or something that I haven't even heard of. 2. Any method of control is considered fine, except for command seats. 3. Must be a single launch. 4. Mechjeb is allowed All mods except for hyper edit and part mods are allowed Scoring Everyone starts with 10 points, just as in golf the lowest score wins, yes negative scores are possible Score= (10+Weight of craft at launch(in tons)+(Price/1000))-(Bonus points.) Bonus opportunities. Kerbifest destiny: Do the mission manned, conserve that weight to make room for your kerbal! 20 points Nuclear option: Use NERV engines to transit to gilly or to transit back, conserve weight elsewhere. 30 points Prehistoric: Use a mammoth engine to help you escape the atmosphere, slim down everything else. 250 points. Horned beast: Use a Rhino engine to assist your escape from the atmosphere, slim down everything else. 150 points. Aerodynamic: Do not utilize parachutes for reentry, conserve weight to pack room for a slow down stage. 50 points. Techno-phobia: Do not utilize mechjeb. 50 points. Electrophobia: Do not utilize ion engines. 30 points Vertabrate: Do not utilize spider or ant engines. 30 points Huff-Puff: Do not utilize Puff mono propellant engines 30 points. Twitchy: Do not utilize twitch engines. 30 points Sparky: Do not utilize spark engines. 20 points Aerophobia: Do not utilize air breathing engines 100 points. Single stage: What sort of challenge is complete without a SSTO bonus! 150 points More to come. SCOREBOARD 1. JacobJHC: -109.082 (I decided to restart this challenge, it's been a while and last time I did it it kinda got the shaft.)
  6. Ahh! Thank's. Plus I have to add self sufficiency to my Colonies on Dres, which will add extra challenge.
  7. Can I use roverdude's USI mod's like Kolonization? Because I like the aesthetics that USI Kolonies have.
  8. Love to see what you concoct.
  9. I thought I included the scoring cost/1000 thing XD, daylight savings is rough on me. Same thing with the values, editing OP Yep. This one is a good one, editing OP. Keep in mind I'll eventually make a badge for this, just don't count on it being soon XD.
  10. It is 2018 on Kerbin and space travel is all the rage, but the planet Kerbin has reached a predicament, they have mined out almost all usable resources needed to make space craft. And due to debris exploding, crashing into Jool or being stuck in a ridiculously bizarre Kerboliocentric orbit they can't get much for salvage. They have already scrapped everything in orbit and salvaged the most they could from interplanetary bases. However there is still hope, on the recent mission to Eeloo named "PARTY BUS Mk 50" they met a strange race of creatures whom they invited aboard for drinks. They exchanged phone numbers and departed. Right now on Kerbin Jeb has phoned the aliens and outlined their predicament, they can't get ore back from other planets because they cant reach their interplanetary bases. And the aliens agree to help, on the condition that they land on Gilly and return. Jeb asks them why they can't just help out a friend and the aliens just respond with a vague gurgling sound before hanging up. The KSP has now decided their obvious course of action, build the lightest, cheapest craft to be able go to gilly, land and then return. Or else they'll just have to settle with kerbin. Rules 1 Any form of craft is allowed, space plane, rocket or something that I haven't even heard of. 2. Any method of control is considered fine, except for command seats. 3. Must be a single launch. 4. Mechjeb is allowed All mods except for hyper edit and part mods are allowed Scoring Everyone starts with 10 points, just as in golf the lowest score wins, yes negative scores are possible Score= (10+Weight of craft at launch(in tons)+(Price/1000))-(Bonus points.) Bonus opportunities. Kerbifest destiny: Do the mission manned, conserve that weight to make room for your kerbal! 20 points Nuclear option: Use NERV engines to transit to gilly or to transit back, conserve weight elsewhere. 30 points Prehistoric: Use a mammoth engine to help you escape the atmosphere, slim down everything else. 250 points. Horned beast: Use a Rhino engine to assist your escape from the atmosphere, slim down everything else. 150 points. Aerodynamic: Do not utilize parachutes for reentry, conserve weight to pack room for a slow down stage. 50 points. Techno-phobia: Do not utilize mechjeb. 50 points. Electrophobia: Do not utilize ion engines. 30 points Vertabrate: Do not utilize spider or ant engines. 30 points Huff-Puff: Do not utilize Puff mono propellant engines 30 points. Twitchy: Do not utilize twitch engines. 30 points Sparky: Do not utilize spark engines. 20 points Aerophobia: Do not utilize air breathing engines 100 points. More to come. SCOREBOARD None so far... Will you be the first?
  11. Okay, I finally have figured out what Imma do. I'm going to make a giant sign satellite that says ILY facing Dres and send down Dres hug colonies down to the surface. Would that be good? Or is dres in a continual state of neediness?
  12. Ah hell, I took a hiatus and this challenge has already grown so much. Unfortunately I am still having mod troubles, and the installer you suggest does not work, due to me being forced to use a mac system. If any mac users in this forum could help me out with getting all of the mods in place that would be great otherwise I'm keen to observe.
  13. I see you like Space.

    But there can only be one space core.


    1. The Space Core

      The Space Core

      I was here first you heretic!

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