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  1. I've been switching my game back and forth between -force-d3d11 and -force-opengl mode to see which of the two modes results in better performance. But doing that is apparently a bad idea; it causes some interstellar parts not to load, which deletes any crafts they're on. Or at least, it doesn't load the deployable phased microwave transmitter thing, haven't gone through to see if it's any other parts but well.... this is what the error looks like: https://imgur.com/Q4ZTb7q . It seems to happen any time I load the game up with an extant craft with a deployable transmitter, after switching between -d3d11 and -opengl modes. In other news, I just lost my whole damn beamed power network
  2. I got the reactors and everything else working again! I had to delete the WarpPlugin folder and re-download it.
  3. I'm having the same problem. It's not a waste heat problem or a control problem. For whatever reason, the right-click menu just plain isn't loading actions. Can't turn reactors on and off, can't deploy the deployable heat radiators, can't deploy the unfolding microwave transmitter thing. And reactors aren't defaulting to being turned on; they're not generating any waste heat or thermal power, and thus not generating any electricity. I only have KIWI reactors so far on my game, but I can't get them to work no matter what the configuration. I'm just getting to the point where I'd be deploying an orbital power network, if I could get any of the pieces to work :\
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