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Everything posted by the_pazter

  1. Basically is the pilot of the spacecraft, needs a good internet connection, and all the mods in the mod list
  2. Landed, on mun, came back, same with Minmus I was thinking something like a Space Station.
  3. Hay, the_pazter here. My Imagination has gone blank, and I would like some ideas for things to do in Sandbox mode. Please don't make it to hard or have to many mods, I can't handle that much, and if there are mods that will help, please list them. Thanks
  4. a mission history thingy, tells you what flights which kerbals have been on and what kerbals have been on what flight, also how many dockings, any firsts, ect Edit: and a 2 Kerbal Capsule
  5. I have the highlights on my channel also the 2nd is literally THE BEST day for me to do this, I'm available all day
  6. I have to place parts upside-down to place them, this happens with a few other mods to, but I have no fix or explanation, please someone help for once
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