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Everything posted by the_pazter

  1. I once was sending a flyby mission to the mun, and accidentally pressed the time accelerate button too many times, i did not get any science, i did not quicksave the game, i did have to start all over again.
  2. Well I'm off to change my signature XD
  3. hey I'm running of a manual install and i'm having trouble with contract configurator, no contracts seem to be appearing, do i need to put in a contract pack or have i installed the wrong version or something?
  4. We have a Wikipedia page now, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Space_Program Edit -- It was deleted
  5. Launch is delayed to Saturday November 26th at 7PM GMT 3PM EST. P.S. What do you think of my new profile pic (Me with Al Worden)
  6. Real Space Program Official Website is up! http://realspaceprogram.enjin.com/ Sign Up, and post on our forums and keep up to date with EVERYTHING! (I also thought it might decrease clutter here .)
  7. Hey, I want to have a realistic career save, but RSS/RO/RP0 just wont run for me. could i have a mod list of low resource demanding mods that could work for me.
  8. @ZooNamedGames Can you put this in the OP as well? realspaceprogram.enjin.com
  9. Thanks,you guys, for making all our lives easier, funner, and this is an end to a great chapter in ksp history. I do hope the game continues to thrive...... Somehow. this is a tough time for ksp fans, Bake off fans, and..... Elon Musk. his rocket explosion would have looked ten times better in KSP. I hope somehow I can repay you guys, but I cant possibly do that for the 400 hours of fun you gave me. Thanks, -A saddened the_pazter. P.S. I hope i got all my punctuation right.
  10. What the Title says, what is the minimum altitude for a four sat network to see each other and work
  11. 1/10 meh first time seeing you around. Though I do only use one thread pretty much lol.
  12. RSP Website and Forums (WIP) are open! Made by yours truly. http://realspaceprogram.enjin.com Zoo: put this in the OP
  13. Launch Was Scrubbed due to absence of members. A new launch date is under discussion. We would appreciate and are open to accepting new applicants to the team. If you have a Mic and Decent maths skils ( and are able to Port Forward if needed) then just let us know.
  14. Launch In T- 20 mins WE ARE GO FOR LAUNCH OF CLOUMBIA SS CORE Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/realspaceprogram Attendance: ZooNamedGames: GO CliftonM: GO Florid Monkey: GO the_pazter: GO
  15. hello, chaps been a while with exams and stuff, but i was not abducted by kerbals or anything else for that matter. I should be back now to hang around, so yeeehhh - the_pazter, remember me?
  16. can we change FDO to its real Apollo name, FIDO ( Fy-Doh) its a little more pleasant to the tongue than FDO
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