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Joe Couvillion

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  1. Just as a suppose, I could see that with SpaceX shiny starship work, a shiny metal texture options is likely in the cards for KSP2 game parts, but hasn't been done yet. The trailer since it is custom rendered, the artist added a metal texture to almost everything whether it made since or not, because it is cool, eye catching. The actual game will be different from both and both will have wrong elements.
  2. Well I can do that, I've been trying to create a good bug report. Sometimes the robot part detaches some times the station part being moved detaches and I don't understand the in's and out of that. Bug file 22751
  3. I wanted to use jr docking ports on my robot arms because the advanced grabbing unit and pressurized vessels offend my delicate sensibilities. I presume it will get fixed and if we can create a clear explanation as o to when it does happen and when it doesn't, it will happen that much faster.
  4. I can confirm that I have seen this. and I have not found a work around. Seems to require a in game docking. I also created a case in which this behavior didn't recreate, but my docking port that I was moving seemed to go dead, and couldn't reattach. It is a more complicated bug than it might seem at first.
  5. Does this model in any sort of body lift? I was wondering if JP Aerospace airship to orbit concept might work using this mod.
  6. I haven't setup a build to start working on this but some could look at the changes in windows 10 http://blogs.msdn.com/b/usbcoreblog/archive/2015/07/29/what-is-new-with-serial-in-windows-10.aspx it looks like the SerialPort.dll is no longer need.
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