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Everything posted by dragonaether

  1. just updated the craft file, i added a couple of vernor engines, two big info panels on the bridge, added a small reactor near the main missile which is dedicated to (theoretically) the guns system.
  2. Quiet interesting, I would be pleased to give it a try, I have also other ideas. Just a question, weapons are stock only and pilot controlled missiles or every gun that detach from the main ship and that you can control are allowed? Just read the rules, no ramming? Even Skywalker ram spaceships, and he won that time. Other questions, how combat works? Do I need the multi-player mod?
  3. Well, before today I never knew about it. Basically what is it?
  4. Thanks, it was pretty hard doing the front part, in a previous version both side wings were rotated of 45 degrees, but that left a big line uncovered on the upper side. I don't think it will behave so much good on a real combat, wing parts doesn't offer a lot of protection. I think I will change a couple of things, like adding more Vernor engine to make it more manouvrable. And also add some more interior lights, it's pretty dark inside.
  5. I built this fully stock war spaceship and I want to share it. It has 5 turrets, 2 small missiles, 1 bigger missile, and room for 12 kerbals plus the command pod. For additional electricity it has 4 gigantor solar panels. The only problem, I hope, is that it's pretty slow, but with ions i though that would have been more sci-fi and with more delta-v. Hope you enjoy my craft. Here there is the craft download https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx6aw9s3V5WZMjBzM09nYndCXzQ
  6. I deleted jsi and now it works fine, but there is a way to solve this problem and keep JSI installed?
  7. My Iva bugged when i installed the vesselview mod, i tried to remove it, but the problem persist. doors and some other stuff inside the mk1 cockpit turned of 90 degrees. Anyone have an idea of what i should do? http://imgur.com/a/jdpH3
  8. It remind me a rocket car and i absolutely love this design. And your craft is fast, I mean more than 6000 km/h you could circumnavigate Kerbin in less than 40 minutes ! I think you can turn it into an SSTO simply by replacing one of the liquid fuel tank with a rocket tank. I will never win this challenge P.S. where did you found KER? my version doesn't work and I didn't found any 1.2 version, not yet.
  9. I don't know why, but it remember me the star wars droid transport ship, the one to invade the clone ship. Very cool, can I order one from kamazon? I also have the jeb promotion, for each command pod 10% of discount. sorry for my bad humor
  10. In theory is to provide airflow if the plane flip. But pratically is only for decoration. But I set an action group to open or close it.
  11. This is my entry with my "Heat Dart" I hope I have observed all the rules. Gallery http://imgur.com/a/KQ0mn
  12. Thx for the advice, in theory that was another horrible attemp to build a spaceplane but also with some nerv on the mk2 bicoupler i couldn't achive an orbit.
  13. This is my attemp, I kept my altitude below 10km, but my craft can reach 50km of max apoapsis http://imgur.com/a/TzDZw
  14. Kerbal it's not supposed to be a god game, if you would change some thing of planets you could use hyper edit. For the black holes there are mods, but a black holes need a entire galaxy, to become something sensible, not all the stars become black holes, and so you need a lot of other star sistems and that will make ksp so much heavier than now. if you want a Space Silmulation/God game, i recommend you to try universe sandbox 2, it's pretty cool, and maybe some cool things could be added in ksp.
  15. yes, it could be an interesting thing, especially for SSTO, but i think ksp need to integrate a stock waypoint manager, it is very useful and i really would like to see it in the stock game.
  16. I call it "aether space tech" or "aether space agency" but i prefere the first one. Specialized in wobbly rockets and landing disasters.
  17. It could be an awesome thing, kerbals abilities except for the engineers aren't very useful. It could be also interesting a "kerbal curriculum" that show you pre-acquired abilities and from where it came from, like Air Force, or engineer, etc.
  18. I love ksp for career mode, and i don't think ksp is a good game to make a Story, it's a sandbox, management game and it's funny for that. But it could be a funny thing something like kerbal cold war and you can choose one of the two side, but this mean add into the game an AI.
  19. Sorry, for my stupid question. I would like to try make a mod for Ksp, but in don't know which version of unity 5.2 i must use. Thanks
  20. this is my entry, i hope to have respected all the rules. my payload is a rover for minmus. http://imgur.com/sqjc5os&TTDWa4E&8zVjKKv&YuZ2qEu&UGeACGB&SsQEU9Y&LIJy7yQ&G3hIBLb&akmdIkV&nYIXhFo&tXaYWpo&asG2hLD&kSMlPDd&oAmw5a3&r99J32o&DnEevYN&eCfoInt&9MlCGee&kvl9a0Q the lifter cares 3 tons and the cost 19706, plus the payload (the science and the rover cost quiet enough) the total is 40410
  21. wow, really really cool, i really would like the reentry in ksp looks great like that one. great work continue and maybe make some mods, your models are pretty cool
  22. ok, thank you, i'm new here, how i can post screenshot?
  23. i made one, with one wheesley at the bottom and 6 juno engine for the vtol, it's out of the rules or it's good?
  24. OK, thank you, I will drop a buoy every 50km, I will use a decoupler as bouy, it's OK? Or I must do something with a little antenna? For the refueling this will be a difficult thing, but it's nessary
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