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4 IN 1

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Everything posted by 4 IN 1

  1. The first problem is that sandbox player simply ignore campaign and tech tree. The second problem is that people seems to forget real life SSME as advance as it is expensive.
  2. I just created one that can launch a 35t payload into 100k orbit, the KS-25 vector is awesom! Now, if only I can figure out the optimum re-entry profile...........
  3. The good thing with Matt Damon is that he is as versatile as a leatherman in terms of acting, and it is clear he have the required sense of humour otherwise he wouldn't allow the constant roasting by Jimmy Kimmel old joke (that is, TBH, not funny anymore.) AMEN
  4. I've just finished the book, and like Adam Savage, our beloved Mythbusters said, I couldn't stop reading it untill I finish at 3am. This is easily the best science fiction I've read in YEARS.
  5. Possibly the original time is set to going for another orbit for some extra pre-burn testing, but they finished the testes ahead of time.
  6. I wonder who the "Special Guest" is? Is it Chris Hadfield?Is it Chris Hadfield?Please be Chris Hadfield, please?
  7. KSP won't be KSP if the first few flight was not preformed by the little green man in the orange full pressure suits looking terrified(or in JEB case: YEAAAAAAAH!), and I think this is the way Squad intented to keep. Besides, unlike the blue shirt cannon fodders, Jeb, Bill and Bob have unlimited numbers of clone available, who cares if they blow up? I am sure Jeb won't mind that.
  8. We all sent Jeb, Bill and Bob first back in the days since 0.7.5, that is the only thing that matter.
  9. By this time of the game I already can "scan" questionable people and the photo is indeed "HE"
  10. And that's why Arstotzka is the best country in that world! Glory to Arstotzka! 
  11. I am playing Paper Please today, and while I am playing I run into this: Needless to say, this messed up my salary of that day "quite a bit":D
  12. Again I am using the exact same design as yours and it will fly straight up without any input, I even switch out the LV45 and put on both an aerospike and LV30 with the same result.
  13. I am going to support Chirs here, no matter how many **** I put on that test rocket, as long as everything is symmetrical, it will just fly right up.
  14. After fooling around 0.21 a bit I find the change of the SAS behavior doesn't cause any problems for me on the rocket part, the SAS work as intented, spaceplane is a bit different, stock spaceplane works fairly well, but I do get a bit of pitching motion when thrusting forward, all in all I find the new SAS much more "gentle" then the old one, and I am happy with it. TBH you have to be very careful that your craft don't spin too much that it max out your control vector because the new SAS will always fail at this rate, then again, if you managed to built yourself a rocket that you need to max out your control to keep it stable, you better off just learn how to put a rocket together from the start.
  15. Thinking out loud is one thing, not processing and what you want to say and end up shoot your self on the leg is another . The internet is already filled with cheap bastard and lawyers alike that jumps on people who are not paying attention in their speech. Anyway, just make sure the devs don't shoot themselves again and we're fine! Prerecorded streams is OK, but some live scripted streams that ignore chats from time to time will be great.
  16. It means he is off duty, either on vacation or hiding in some kind of cave to recharge. Sometimes it will also be for other reason, like Chaira, who have to go to school for the time being.
  17. While I learn most of the things from the forum, Scott videos helps me to build my first Mun lander that didn't blow up before landing lags is a thing, his video also helps me a lot on proficient my docking skill. And watching him doing things in "Manley mode" is a great fun as well.
  18. Kerbal Space Program The ultimate "Blown away" experience.
  19. I wonder if the the SPH and runway side of KSC be modify to look more like an actual airport. Some might say "thats not kerbal enough", but since they have already made the launch pad looks like "a launch pad", why don't do the same to the airfield as well?
  20. Not to mention the mess you made when you sharpen your pencil in microgravity. Simple and brutal may works, but sometimes it is necessary to go the complex way. Oh, and if you think fixing ISS is scary business, when you going on vacation you better think twice before choosing commercial jets.
  21. The space program build around Jeb, he is the center of KSP, he is rich enough to that he actually have a eve-online style cloning facilities where kerbalnauts all have reserves bodies. Rumors have it that Jeb is actually running for presidency, even through he is actually the king of kerbal kinds.
  22. I usually start by a standard simple lower stage design(usually a 7 tanks column design with paired drop tanks to maximizes efficiency) that I know are capable to put as much payload into orbit, then I rebuild the upper stage to fit the mission profile,. Finally I scale down the lower stage so that it won't become overpowered.
  23. My first time is actually my story of me getting into kerbol orbit and try to work my way out of it by attempting to burn for a 2 to 1 ratio orbit. It worked, for most part, untill I screwed up my aerobraking and I get sling shot into another escape trajectory with no more fuel or RCS....
  24. You can use mech jeb, but it is easy enough to eyeball it, its at the south east edge of a crater north west to a larger crater
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