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Everything posted by Istrati

  1. GOGOGO PART 3 ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM-tIHT_5nY . Soory guys for previos parts off my videos, for those who want JUST and VERY fast result/answer how to have best graphic and a lot off fps. And keep in mind that is JUST graphic mode. You saw allready that i have a lot of mods ^UP in my recent post,and work beautiful without bugs with unity 4.6.4 mod. Sure maybe another mods tend to have bugs (maybe) with these tweaked ksprc and unity,but chance to have bugs is maybe just 5%. So.. GO and LAUNCH THAT SHIP ! If you have questions about everythink just ask.
  2. OMG.... soory guys ! is not unity 4.6.2... i forgote that.. is indeed 4.6.4... i think i will delete part 1 and part 2 of videos.. and make just 1 video 10min max and do ALL the stuff, becouse i manage to understand that if you make long videos (funny) ones, it get bored for others... ... hm....however if i think better, i think i will do part 3 without delete those 2.. i see a lot of people having real fun with my videos 2 , glad to see that duuno what to do... In the meantime i have a problem that i dont remember what boulderCO and Eve i was used to have... .. i will manage to finish this "journey" ........ You are so GOD DAMN RIGHT SUN !
  3. welcome :)).. you got that information, great. Now let others people to get other informations like how to instal ksp+ksprc and have great fps. ( people that comes here that what they want) and few want just a tiny piece of information like you do,becouse you know already a lot of stuf. And yes... you right that for others with low spec on pc they will have lower fps,but i dont have GIGA MEGA PC anyway :). i have i5 3570 and gtx 660. And i guarante that "my performance improvement" it work too on others pc. Tomorrow i will do the finall Part.
  4. In the first place " more fps " is not "just" more. Is from 37 to 60 and in space from 40 to 110... so is not "just".. you think is not enought ? and bytheway is not finish yet. i work now to discover again how to add (what version) of planetshine and distant object to game to not drop fps. "and pleeeease" i made this conversation exactly for this ! to improve fps and graphic.. a lot of players dont know how to instal and tweaking this so.. stay on you'r opinion. becouse if you know allready this thing's a looot of players,dont know even how to make these tweakings.
  5. TKS DUDE :)) youhooooo i manage to find finally after 1 hour again the BIGGEST BUG to ksprc related ! from 20 fps... i have now 60 !! ready to show you how i done ? :)) yes you do ! i know it ! just whait another 1 hour i think?
  6. It says that..yep..on loading screen.. but for me is doesn.t matter becouse i think i have luck becouse i use mods,that probably have no bugs with 64 biti :)). My list from GameData here : and by the way ! it is a lot of mods... FilterExtension and cfg - a new arange tolbarr from VAC Toolbar - to show icons from mods Arkas ( a planet) BoulderCO - folder with clouds/atm cfg,etc CameraTools - that videos with beautifull recording from distance/flyby,etc Community resourcePack/Techtree - it fills techtree with empty new research Crewportraits CrossFeedEnabler - enable easy to transfer fuel between tanks DistantObject - show points of planets with names when you are in space. EngineLight - beautifull lighting on craft/ship from engine EVE - config for atm/clouds/etc FieldExperience - experience on the go, just save/load and you are 2 or 3 level. InterstellarFuelSwitch Kas - parts Kis -parts KerbalEnginer - you know what can do Kerbaltek -hyper edit-you go where ever you want to go (i dont use this) i used for test new mods. Kopernicus/Expansion KerbolPlus(new version) - a lots of planets KSP-AVC -a checkér for new versions KSPRC KWrocketry/community - new rokets MastCam - a cam that enable with one click- like that on gasstations Near future - Electric Near future-props Near future-solar Near future -Propulsion Near future - construction Near future - space craft Part Commander - a very usefull icon with easy acces your parts on ship PlanetShine Portraitstats - it show on face kerbal what are they (engineer/pilot,science) Qickscroll - yep quickscroll your inventory from parts VAC RcsSounds- you hear them now Saru Pack - beautifull planet Scatterer - makes distant fog and BEAUTIFULL water !! (the new version) Stage recovery - yeee we now, how BAD it was to recover parts ! SurfaceLigths - 5 new lights that you can place on your craft to light you Texture replacer - the new one have F@@ING awesome land texture ! Thermometer - show you temperature of parts ThrottleControlledAvionics - when GODDAME ship DONT WANT to go straight ! TweakScale - it's kind of ..cheating? in the first missions yes,but when you are lvl 3/4 rescale everithing is not anymore cheating UbioWelding - o god... save me from a lot of fps drop becouse of more parts VenStockRevamp - new texture for stock parts and more Warp plugin WaypointManager- to activate the "target from missions" to show you distance/heading.etc now with decimal ! HOW I PUT HERE A DOCUMENT ? How to insert ? media is not working for my acount.. dunno why. Nevermind, i found a super recorder. I start now to make a video just whait guys. i hope i will make until 6 hours from now cheers !
  7. yep. you can keep the original texture replacer. That's why you dont have clouds,becouse in default (from textrepl) you have some textures for snow,particles,etc, and when you upgrade the texture replacer, you replace the 'engine" of that,and you need to copy Default and EnvMap folders and paste to new Texture replacer, and with cfg.s there. Just whait to show you for all how i manage to to awesome graphicks and best fps. i think,today.
  8. Nope is not ! is not in ksprc folder..it is in EVE (from ksprc) i tweaked this KSPRC past over 7 HOURS, and If you delete cloud..let say - from boulderCO from clouds/textures/eve.png you will end with no clouds at all, becouse that eve.png is linked to kerbin to,or another like Lathye.... so i deleted from EVE shaders config i think,if i remember well( i do this tweaking a 4 mounths ago...... it's just an example.
  9. :)) and i used to have 23-30 fps with that particles,yes.. just whait to reach the Eve surface :)).. if i used to have 23-30 fps on kerbin,when i reach Eve surface.....SURPRIZE ! 10-12 fps ! definitely is a beauty there with sandstorm and tornado ! but...to much clouds leyers ! .. is 5? i think, you can remove 4 off them and improve 15 fps.... i dont even want to imagine what fps you will have there :))... so that's why i remove EVE (from ksprc) and put another EVE and now where i used to have 10-12 fps, now i have 55 ! on eve surface. Yep it is posiblle, i removed sometime and improve from 23-to 35-40 fps..(that sparckle?) but i dont like fps under 85 (becouse of my crt dell 85 hz) so.. i deleted EVE from ksprc and i put another EVE with MUCH MUCH better fps-like 75-80 on Kerbin, and the difference is not much...
  10. ok.. i will start today to make the video i think?... i think will be video.. i stop record videos since 2005 so.. :)) it will be 1 hour to search/download/make a good video recorder. post (if you can) here a good program to record the desktop (remember that i dont have SSD(for speed)..a program with low resources on rec.
  11. Nansuchao hm.. i'm on win 7 64 bit... and i manage to make ksp work beautifull with unity 4.6 without bugs releated with 64 unity....so .. why the h@ll not 64 than ?
  12. Ok.. becouse i see a lot of players complaining becouse of fps isue, i will post here a link or document how to manage to have BEAUTIFULL graphics and have A LOT of fps and A LOT of mods (like me 42) and still have awesome graphic and fps... (in my recent post UP, was talk a little about that). But ONLY if you come minimum 3-4 players ask me how,becouse it will take some time to write the steps- step by step.. i glad to help (that's why i make a post, up) but apears just 1 person interes to help him,so i "quit". Still the "offer" remains. And when i say "beautifull graphics and fps" i say graphic like KSPRC/64 bit with unity 4.6 and 85 fps + (sure..depends on graphic card too to manage to hold ksprc graphic). + I have i5 3570 and gtx 660, and i have 55-65 fps on Kerbin with ALL max and last scatterer,boulder CO,EVE,etc) and 90-100 fps up to 150/200km from any planet. When we have a ship with over 100 parts, in that point we talk about procesor,it's a diferent point there.
  13. I know,but soory..i forgote that i use unity 4.6.2 for 64bit workaround. that's why i use d9.. but anyway..i dont think i know if mine is working with dx11 becouse of unity. i will try. tks
  14. Forgote about DX11 ! Diference in term of graphic is small,and has impact fps a lot for some users. Dont get it,why you people use dx11 for this game ! is not like battlefield 4 or metro last night,or another game with REAL graphic not like KERBAL. I use dx9 with last scatterer and ksprc and it work GORGEOS with out a bug,and a lot of fps ! if you look UP^ here in my recent post,can read about fps/graphic. And the wawes of wather in new scatterer is SAME as is with dx11.. so..
  15. And i forgote.. Planetshine from KSPRC also causing problems with fps (a lot), i deleted and and i use a diferent planetshine (i think downgrade)
  16. FOR ALL KSP-PLAYERS WHO WANT BETTER FPS with this KSPRC. After 5 hours of tweak,read,write,delete,copy/paste,etc etc etc , i find why THE HELL fps drop to HALF in space (far from every planet) after about 10-15 seconds... I have 120 fps immediately i load a plane in space,and in about 15 second they drop to about 65 fps... and WHEN I DELETE from KSPRC.cfg this excrements - @Body[Sun] { Particles { Particle { target = Sun texture = KSPRC/Kopernicus/Glow minEmission = 10 maxEmission = 500 lifespanMin = 30 lifespanMax = 60 sizeMin = 9 sizeMax = 4999 speedScale = 0.0005 rate = 0.015 randVelocity = 0.3, 0.6, 0.1 Colors { color1 = 1.000, 0.950, 0.747, 0.750 color2 = 1.000, 0.994, 0.707, 0.750 color3 = 1.000, 0.960, 0.724, 0.750 color4 = 1.000, 1.000, 0.803, 0.750 color5 = 1.000, 0.970, 0.800, 0.750 } } } } Next when i loaded again the plane, i have STABLE fps 145 ! NOT DROP ANY !. (except when looking at planets with atmosfere) becouse i have boulderCO and EVE and is normal to drop fps,when looking at planets. And one thing to LISTEN NOW- From KSPRC i deleted folder - Atmosphere/Cityligth and Flags. And cfg's - pgs/texturese and windowed. Not need those becouse with my bolderCO and my EVE (diferent from KSPRC) it's work A LOT better. . For any question how to do it, just ask me. And by the way ! I have 9 DAYS ! yes 9 DAYS looking / search/ reading/ and tweak's to make KSP graphic look F@@NG GORGEOS ! and have a lot of fps !.
  17. [quote name='Scarecrow88']Overheating issues on the way up as well as coming down now have killed this update for me. I'm going back to 1.0.4[/QUOTE] NO ! Just set "re-entry heating" to 90% on custom tab. And BOOM - it will be like 1.0.4 !
  18. Yeap.. sence i play KSP (for about an year) i ALWAYS play Career in HARD and mods just for enhance graphic,etc, but not mods that create an effect like "cheating".. you know.. bad english and hard to explain.
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