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  • About me
    The Man
  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Interests
    Space of course!

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  1. The F-105 Thunderchief and Dassault mirage are now available to download. HAPPY FLYING!
  2. Gloster Meteor and J-29 Tunnan are now available on my KerbalX page! (I decided to post pictures on the Main page for convenience.)
  3. The Sea Dart. I recommend landing this thing on the ocean with your speed below 70 m/s.
  4. I usually start with the cockpit and just go from there... I don't really have a strategy for doing these other than a few reference pictures. I just have to be creative and think of ways to make it look right.
  5. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I saw how big the engine was so I tried my best to make it looks better without using the mk1 fuel tank, still came out a bit small though didn't it? Oh well, I'll see what I can do.
  6. Just a quick one I decided to do: F-104 starfighter
  7. I updated the F-22 with an extra set of engines for higher speed. As for the Su-34 all i could do was turn off gimbal which made it more stable. My advice would be to not turn as fast in that Aircraft, given it is a larger plane it does not have as high of a turn rate. thanks for the feedback! Oh and another thing: f-15 is now available!
  8. Currently working on this one, will hopefully be uploaded later tonight
  9. All of my crafts are below 150 parts, I don't want to make them to part heavy for performance reasons . I cant remember the exact speed specifications for all of them, but i'm sure most of them are able to pass mach 1 or higher. I'm trying to update them with better engines so they are able to go faster. And yes all of them turn easily, some better than others .
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