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Everything posted by Dobelong

  1. Well, TopGravy11, can you please give me some gravy? My kerbwitches just aren't the same without it.
  2. Do Tails and Sonic exist in your KSP universe? And do they fly the planes?
  3. I figured that Tails usually makes aircraft that look a bit shorter and stubbier than the aircraft IRL, so I made this.
  4. Here, Have an X Tornado. I saw that your old X-Tornado broke, so I thought I'd have a go at making one myself.
  5. Here's the LeftLiner Mk1. The FAT-455 Wing makes the right windows of the cabin unable to be seen out of, but that is compensated for by a completely exposed left side! I'll come back to you with something new...
  6. So, I was thinking one day, and I thought, "Can I make a one-winged airplane?" and Eventually did. However, I wanted to see what everyone else could do, so I made this thread. Share your one-winged creations, and make them as crazy as possible!
  7. Hating on being TopHeavy? CHEATER! Instead, to stop the instability, put exactly one wing on your craft.
  8. Well max, I do like myself some croutons.
  9. Hi Maximum Creativity! Wow, that is such a good name!
  10. Dear Squad, I am having some major problems with the 1.1 update. The rover wheel block check seems too strict for me, as it has stopped most of my rovers from working. This is the Ok2Rov, which would have worked in 1.0.5. I needed to clip the wheels in slightly to make the rover fit in a service bay. However, with the new 1.1 update, the check for whether or not the wheel is blocked makes designs like this solid as stone. Can you please remove this feature, or make it less strict? (For example, only count it as blocked if the wheel itself is clipped into another part, and not the wheel assembly.)
  11. Here's a service bay. Oh, it's opening! WAIT WHAT?!?!
  12. Banned for hating on default avatars
  13. Suprisingly, TextureReplacer. For example, imagine this scenario: "Jeb, is that you in the white suit? No wait that's Bill. That's Bob. I don't know who that is."
  14. Banned for wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses. It violates the dress code!
  15. Well, we've haven't seen the last of the UFO things have we? Maybe those things have something to do with the missing twins.
  16. waitwait wati! I have more theo-ries! (Badum-Tish) It seems that all Thomp pod only wanted power, not to destroy Kerbin. The twins just calmed him down, so he can finally have feelings and stuff. Meanwhile, Kerenna still doesn't trust Thomp-Pod, and her worry for the twins seems to have driven her insane. Also, Thomp-pod isn't (completely) evil anymore? I think I'm gonna like this.
  17. Well, I presume Thompberry-bot thing is going after Harfield, and the Jandolin. With a station I never noticed at his disposal, I can't imagine what he'll do. Also, Gem and Theo were saved from having experiments run on them, but what's stopping Thompberry from just experimenting on them anyway?!? Thank the kraken he isn't real life... Yes, yes, do that please. Also, Wernher is being sent to Eve maybe? But how will the kerbals fight back? Thompberry has full control of the Keebol System!
  18. Well, one of my old spud-nick probes has awakened again... and started lifting one of my cuberoves to who knows where..
  19. Perhaps Thompberry will use his newfound powers to attack Harfield? What ever happened to Omega-77? Will these questions ever be answered? Find out in part 40.....?
  20. Behold, the Polaris, 4-engined Learjet. Also, the Mountain Lion, the Twin-panther Fighter-Learjet.
  21. Huh, reminds me of the Xandu Star class jet. (Which was made by Vaos Human)
  22. I've been playing ksp since 0.19, but I just started a forum account after 1.0.5. Does that count?
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