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Everything posted by Astrobug

  1. I have yet to do very extensive mapping of the Mun, but do have a few sites. The most notable of these would probably be Madden plains, where I set down my first Munbase. Other sites include the Bilberry Arch and the Stargazer Highlands.
  2. I do actually keep a small checklist of surface to LKO operations. Nothing terribly noteworthy. Roll to lessen aerodynamic stress, begin gravity turn at 10K, drop ascent stage, solar panels out, so on and so forth. More embarrassing is one time when my roommate walked in during a crew exchange mission to my orbital station. I was completely lost in voicing both sides of mission control/capsule communications. There was a fair amount of chatter going on as I was covering the last 100m or so until dock. Lots of RCS corrections going on. All silly feelings aside, though, it was a great feeling. I don't thing I've gotten so caught up in the role play aspect since I was but a wee lad playing with my Lego figures...
  3. What's wrong with the Poodle, exactly? I've always had pretty good luck with it. nb4Ilooklikeanoob
  4. This is such a well done mission, I'm in awe. And that flag. You have earned much respect from me, sir.
  5. I generally find the KSP community to be pretty trustworthy. At any rate, I seem to have been bestowed with one as well, so anyone else looking to buy this neat little game can shoot me a message. Or has basically everyone got these? I thought it was kind of odd.
  6. My first reliable orbiter, a slight variation took me to the Mun as well.
  7. This thread is the best thread
  8. Been playing around with the new Landercan some today. I think I might find something more efficient for the engines, though. That's an awesome looking ride you've got there!
  9. Dang, I kinda want to try this now... with a simpit... Naturally, I think I'd be sticking with LKO operations, though.
  10. Alright. These parts lack much documentation, so what follows is just my own understanding and YMMV. Command pods, both manned and unmanned, generate their own torque, though the manned capsules generate a great deal more and are easier to control. SAS modules only function to kill a vessels rotation, and will not add to the torque used to steer the craft. ASAS modules maintain a craft's heading at the time it is activated, and will use gimbaling/command pod torque/fins/RCS to do so. To be honest, though, I never seem to have much luck with these, and don't put them on my rockets much. It's probably just the fact I see this as a challenge to my flying prowess. EDIT: It may or may not have taken me more than 12 minutes to get this posted, why do you ask?
  11. Finally getting around to messing with the new flags. Lots of fun to be had there.
  12. As in it went missing completely? Or you just can't find it one the surface? If that's the case, like Rage said, check underground. Otherwise, if it did stop tracking altogether: Did this happen right after the update? It might have had a mod that you forgot to move over. I lost my old sat network like that.
  13. I always like to stream from Digitally imported, and tend to prefer something with a disco beat for my interplanetary shenanigans. http://www.di.fm/discohouse Can't beat that
  14. Spy or not, I think you will find they are all very much quality Bills. I have three on my space station at the moment.
  15. I think I see what your getting at, It's an incredibly promising gaming market that remains sadly unexplored. As mentioned, games like Minecraft are good sandboxes, but really lack much functionality beyond managing resources. Blockade Runner is definitely worth looking into, I was unable to get the hang of it last time I tried but it sounds a lot like what you're wanting. At one point, Roblox was a pretty fun "play around and see what works" game engine, but I would hardly recommend it now. To look a bit farther than sandbox, I would point you towards Mechwarrior Online. Now, bear with me here. It is a sci-fi shooter, but a large portion of the game is effective fielding of the tonnage your chosen weapons platform can provide. I'm sure I've spent hours in the Mechlab swapping weapons, ammunition, and useable heat sinks to find a good loadout. While not exactly realistic, it's pretty dang awesome to play around with the stompy-robots like that. It achieved a great balance in feeding both my engineering brain and itchy trigger finger, great depth for a combat sim.
  16. So, your suggesting we conduct our extravehicular activity... inside the vehicle? BRILLIANT!
  17. Astrobug


    I think part of what makes the Portal series so compelling is how little story they actually tell. Some information can be gleaned from some of the surroundings in the games as well as some of the test chambers later on in Portal 2. As far as the history of GLaDOS and the like are concerned, though, i seem to remember the Lab Rat comic being particularly enlightening.
  18. "Rumors of my death were... Disappointingly understated..." More on the topic of respawning kerbals, though. I currently have a station in orbit crewed by three. All of them Bill Kerman. Still awaiting more to launch up there. Such a brave souls.
  19. Good space suit helmets are surprisingly hard to come by, as are transparent spheres, unfortunately. I do enjoy building stage props and the like, though, and might be able to make a suggestion or two. Do you have any idea what you want it to look like yet? Have you sketched anything up? And what kind of crafting supplies do you have on hand if you were to take a DIY approach? (Tools, Materials, Hot glue gun) Also. While I don't think I'd build it exactly as shown, you might be able to get some ideas from this
  20. I wrote my entire mathematical reasoning presentation in Comic sans once. No regrets. Edit: Well. No Comic Sans goodness for me I guess.
  21. Hi all! Given the sandbox nature of the game, and the resulting "uselessness" of most satellites (mods notwithstanding), I would be greatly interested in seeing just what it is that some of you folks launch into space. So what all do you guys have? Communications? Spy satellites? Monolithic monuments for future races to stumble upon? One of my more recent designs here
  22. Hello, and welcome to KSP! I would assume your talking about ThatBum's Inquisitive 2 pictures? I'm fairly certain those are mods, most of which can be found at http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ I'm not terribly sure about the GUI specifically, though.
  23. Oh gosh, looking back through some old ones now. First successful space station. September 2011 November 2011, docking before it was cool. (Both craft were launched simultaneously. First Munar orbit, from just a few days later.
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