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Everything posted by Astrobug

  1. Finally orchestrated my first Mun landing today deploying the Leeroy Alpha pathfinding rover. http://i.imgur.com/uBUfnQp.png Check out that leftover fuel. Perhaps not the most graceful landing ever. http://i.imgur.com/BF3ba2Q.png LEEEEROY
  2. It doesn't matter what you were trying to land originally, what you did land was a pile of molten slag. More seriously, that is an awesome shot.
  3. Not that anyone really wants to see my ugly face, but here, THE SPOILER TAG COMPELS YOU TO LOOK AT IT ANYWAYS Alternately... http://i.imgur.com/ZF55n.jpg... But that\'s just my day job ;D
  4. Best of luck to you sir! Given that you\'re here out of all the places on the internet, I imagine you\'ll do fine. =P I never messed around with the SATs much, I ended up doing well enough on the ACT to get into school. Oddly enough, the subject I struggled with the most was math, which also happens to be my major. Derp. And remember to try and not second-guess yourself, for that is the path to destruction... Or low scores... It was definitely one of the two, but I forget which...
  5. This. So much. Piracy will only exist for as long a industry refuses to adapt. This is the age of information, completely different from anything that has come before it. As a result, it\'s still not very clear what the best method of utilizing it to its full potential might be. One thing is for sure, though; Inhibiting natural change in favor of keeping an obsolete marketing model alive will only make things worse. Much worse.
  6. Oh, I guess you are, Lol. ;D How exactly do you turn them on their side like that? I\'m kind of a noob at the whole addon making thing still.
  7. Kspcaptain, you are now my official hero. This challenge looks like a lot of fun though, Imma give it a try as soon as I can get a rocket big enough...
  8. Updated some of the textures (Lighter solar panels and centered the lab texture). I\'ll be adding more soon hopefully, but blender seems to dislike my laptop with a passion...
  9. As said above, Orbiter is definitely worth checking out. Be warned, though, it is a VERY involved game (Although equally rewarding when you figure out how to do something right.) There\'s a really fun flight simulator I play at http://www.ysflight.com/, The mechanics are great, the only thing really lacking is the games graphics Also, if your into stuff like this, I\'ve been keeping my eye on a mechwarrior-like game in development at http://www.coldestgame.com/site/. It\'s not anything spectaular yet, but I think it has a lot of potential. Alternativly, if your craving some mech-based combat NOW, Microsoft cleared MechWarrior 4 Mercinaries for free release a while back, you need only figure out how to use MekTeks confusing download system. ???
  10. Glad to see people are interested in the project! I\'m working on some new parts now, untill then...
  11. Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite; Found lying by the side of the road.
  12. So my goal recently has been to build some decent looking space station parts to fling into orbit. So far, it\'s just some retextured parts and a quick-and-dirty solar panel, but I hope to build some more modules soon. At any rate, I thought you guys might like some new cargo to blow up launch. Astrobug Enterprises parts pack currently includes: A generic sapce station module Solar panels (Does not generate fuel) AE Solarpack (Retextured decoupler to attach solar panels) Astrobug Enterprises custom Mk16 parachute I will be adding more once I figure out how to use my modeling software properly. :-[
  13. I've seen the future, and it's solid fueled rockets. :-\
  14. Oh, thats just Jeb. ;P Seriously though, that was amazing!
  15. Sorry, I know this is kind of a nooby question. But what free software can I get that would work for KSP addons, or is there any at all? If someone can point me in the right direction, I would apreciate it A LOT.
  16. *And Jeb Kerman walks away with his head hung low*
  17. I tried to keep my rocket somewhat out of the way on this one to avoid cluttering things up...
  18. I like this. A lot. It's even more fun when you tweak the BOOST booster to be crazy overpowered. ;D
  19. Because we NEEDED another picture with Jeb's face plastered onto it.
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