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Posts posted by STHedgeHog

  1. 13 hours ago, DJ Reonic said:

    Has there been any thought into setting up some sort of compatibility with Real Fuels? If I load a ship in the VAB with RF and Kerbalism installed, all the default Kerbalism resources are gone except a ton of Nitrogen, and my volume and mass are in the red in the RF tank editor.

    What other mods do you have installed @DJ Reonic?

    I've just drooped Real Fuels into my clean install with only Kerbalism and all the food/water/oxygen/shielding and Nitrogen are showing up just fine on my pods?

    I;m using KSP 1.3.1 with ModualManager 3.0.1 (I know MM changed how it does thing recently) and with the Kerbalism Support fixes i mentioned a page ago. But the RealFuels.cfg in Kerbalism's support is unchanged so it should just work out of the box.

  2. Although I do have knowledge of programming in Unity, and a bit of 3DS Max usage under my belt. I have zero idea of how plugins work for KSP.

    I might have to fire Unity up and have a look at Kerbalism source code, but I fairly sure its beyond my level so someone else with previous modding skill would be far more suited.

    Guess I should have a hunt through YouTube to see if there's a few guides...

  3. So, I think I've found a way to make a Radiation scrubber after all, but it involves a fair few changes to the profile cfg file (easy enough to add to any profile if you're using radiation from Kerbalism)

    The way Kerbalism treats Radiation is the same way it treats Food/Water/Oxygen. Its a resource that builds up over time and can be lowered but eating/drinking/breathing. So applying the same settings to Radiation works the same way, adding a resource input and rate to the Radiation rule, then creating a process that makes that resource, you can trick it in to consuming the resource to lower radiation levels when you enable the created process.

    This may seem a bit complicated but I'll break down how to edit the profile to add this so you can all see how it works (hopefully)


    In your Kerbalism profile, find the Rule about Radiation, and add an input, output( if you want) and rate. So..

        name = radiation
        degeneration = 1.0 // just use the modifier

    Becomes something like..

        name = radiation
        input = Decontamination
        output = WasteWater
        rate = 100000.0
        degeneration = 1.0 // just use the modifier

    And Add a Process for the radiation removal..

        name = radiation extraction
        modifier = _RadiationExtraction
        input = [email protected]
        input = [email protected]
        output = [email protected]
        dump = false

    In the section about Life Support, after the "@PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0]..." line, add a MODULE for the new process..

        name = ProcessController
        resource = _RadiationExtraction
        title = Radiation Extraction
        capacity = 1
        running = false

    And below that, in the "MODULE > name = Configure" part add a SETUP for this process..

          name = Radiation Extraction
          desc = Uses masive amounts of <b>Water</b> to scrub <b>Radiation</b> from Kerbals.
          tech = experimentalScience
          mass = 0.1
          cost = 2000
            type = ProcessController
            id_field = resource
            id_value = _RadiationExtraction
            name = Decontamination
            amount = 0.0
            maxAmount = 1.0
            isTweakable = false
            isVisible = false

    And finally, at the bottom of the profile, where the "Pseudo-resources used by processes" are listed, add the two new resources..

      name = Decontamination
      density = 0.0
      isTweakable = false
      isVisible = false
      name = _RadiationExtraction
      density = 0.0
      isVisible = false

    Now, providing I haven't missed anything, and you've got the tech unlocked (Experimental Science, same as the Active Shield) You can choose this option when configuring any command pod that has crew space.

    When its active, it'll use a lot of water, and slowly remove any radiation from a Kerbal in the pod (~1000 water for 50% radiation). Note that it only works for ONE Kerbal, if you have more on the ship/base, they need to be either taken out on EVA, or you'll need to create a separate ship/base for just one Kerbal, lots of water and the Decontaminator.  Once one Kerbal is clean, you can just swap them about to clean the rest, just like having a Radiation Scrubber room. 

    You can always add more pods with Radiation Extractors in them for multiple Kerbals (at a higher water cost) or maybe tweak the settings to get it to work better, but I went this way as I was balancing it for a single Kerbal. Setting it so it cleans 12 at once is all good, but that would then clean a single Kerbal in seconds, which just doesn't feel right to me.

  4. On 1/22/2018 at 8:34 AM, CaspersDK said:

    I've recently run into a series of errors when I try to launch my game. In CKAN I choose to install all the listed compatible mods (on the forum), and the first page of suggested additions to said mods (in CKAN), when I go to launch the game, it says:

    1 error related to GameData/Kerbalism/Support/EPL.cfg

    1 error related to GameData/Kerbalism/Support/JX2Antenna.cfg

    4 errors related to GameData/Kerbalism/Support/OrbitalScience.cfg

    1 error related to GameData/Kerbalism/Support/SoundingRockets.cfg


    And some others which are quite mushed together on-top of eachother. I have no idea what is causing this, or how to fix it. Does anyone know how I could diagnose the problem or does anyone have experience with this?

    Edit: I also unlocked the pressurized tank and other life support containers, but only the planetary base ones show up.

    Thank you in advance.

    To stop Kerbalism throwing lots of errors during loading, you simply need to go into every file in the GameData\Kerbalism\Support folder, and replace every instance of ":FOR[Kerbalism]" with ":NEEDS[Kerbalism]"

    If you have Notepad++ installed (I highly recommend it if you don't) you can open every file at once, hit CTRL+H, fill in Find what and Replace what, and click Replace All in All Opened Documents

    I only have about 3 mods installed that are listed in the support folder, but as its worked for those, it should work for the others.

    3 hours ago, theJesuit said:

    Hi @Nathangun

    Could you please add the line

    @PART[kerbalism-geigercounter]:HAS[@MODULE[*]]:FINAL { @category = Science }

    To your patch as it is missing the geiger counter which is most useful under science :). I couldn't find it in my new Career Save.

    This patch does work with Module Manager 3.0.1.


    Odd that part doesn't show for you. I had to double check my patch and it is indeed missing from there, but I can see the Geiger Counter listed under science in my game anyhow.


    One question I have that I cant seem to figure out is, does anyone know how I can create a part that will Remove Radiation from a Kerbal, without sending them back to the KSC. I've got a small colony going on Duna, and although the ship was shielded, they still have nearly 20% radiation.

    I've tried editing the Active Shielding part and set it's emitter to -100 (its -0.008 default) but that just slows the rad gain to a crawl rather than reversing it.

    I just cant seem to see what property I need to adjust so I can create a Rad Scrubber.

  5. On 9/15/2017 at 5:16 PM, popos1 said:


    The ore mining was totally changed, can someone tell me how to mine and convert ore to liquidfuel (like in the old time couple days to refill)?


    i was find a way, drilling water so free, but you need to take with you waste, eventually if you bulding a outpost / base on the moon create couple green houses.

    But why it takes so long time?

    To get full oxidizer to only 440 i was must wait about 20 days, and to get 163 / 360 liquid fuel takes 60 days.

    and the whole structure weighs more than 7 tons, this is ridiculous !!!


    Good to know is there a good people who create better profile: 


    This is great profil, I wish someday it was in stock version of kerbalism.

    I was reupload just in case files:

    Kyce.cfg - bace config

    https://mega.nz/#!K1ZA0AaI!RsLTD0c_6DG1-v8sltkLNAUUtlEHlgPUpoOmqOFm85g or http://kyce.co.uk/kerbalism/Kyce.cfg

    Put this file in the "GameData/Kerbalism/Profiles" folder and edit  in the main Kerbalism folder, the file "Settings.cfg" and repleace line: Profile = default to Profile = kyce

    KPBS_MM_Kerbalism_Kyce.cfg - for planetary base system

    https://mega.nz/#!7lJ0xS4C!xPRIp5O2w8xvuXOl5KctC_XqR1kffrDd2UBGCmApeN0 or http://kyce.co.uk/kerbalism/KPBS_MM_Kerbalism_Kyce.cfg

    Copy it into your "GameData\PlanetaryBaseInc\ModSupport\Configs\Kerbalism\Profiles" folder.

    Glad to see my profile is helping a few people. I thought the default one was very realistic, but somewhat slow. So speeding it up for game play purposes, but keeping it from just being too easy was what I went for with this.

    If anyone's interested, you can see how I figured out all the numbers (using the actual real world weights of the liquids) here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16S0Ek3rKlmuqUlYpn5REaDo5ZekB6lAoa4ckUGphBi8/edit#gid=1163940653

  6. Hello I've got a question about the rates of things.

    I've made my own profile and am in the process of tweaking the settings to make liquid fuel a bit quicker as it takes an age to fill and orange tank on the default settings. But I not 100% sure I understand how often something happens.

    For instance, the Sabatier process uses 0.5 electric charge. But how often. Is it once per tick, per second, per Kerbal scraficed to the kraken?

    Googling around isn't really giving me a solid answer.

  7. 46 minutes ago, Zombie_Striker said:

    This is a neat mod mod. I just have a few questions:

    -How do you harvest nitrogen? I read somewhere about an atmospheric scoop, but I have not been able to find any parts that would collect anything. Has this been implemented, or is it just a planned feature?

    -How do I disable the alerts for certain crafts?

    -Does this mod make any changes to the gravity scans? After downloading this mod, I was not able to do gravity scans on the surface of planets, so I was not able to complete some contracts. Is this something your mod did (in which case, can you do something about it) or was this from another mod that happened to break/change?


    The Atmospheric Filter can draw Oxygen, CO2 or Nitrogen from anywhere with an Atmosphere. You need to right click it in the VAB/SPH and choose what you want it to do before launch.

    You can disable alerts by going into the Kerbalism settings while in flight, click the craft you want to stop getting alerts from, click the CFG button near the bottom and choose what you want to be alerted about.

    Not sure about the Gravity scans, I've only done them in orbit and they work fine there.

  8. As someone who's been running a Kerbalism YouTube series for a while now. I cant wait to see how this turns out for you.

    Failures are the big reason I'm worried about sending a crewed vessel anywhere out of Kerbins SOI. Using the higher quality parts should really help, but I'd be very worried about them getting half way to Duna and having a scrubber fail and the brave Kerbals dying of CO2 poisoning before you could do anything for them.

    Anyway, good luck with this, will be watching with keen eyes how it all turns out.

  9. Hello IgorZ,

    Firstly I ant to say thanks for keeping KAS alive, its a fantastic mod and definitely on my "Cant play without" list.

    I have, however, found a small issue. The LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine, isn't recognized as a radial mount part. Whenever I try to attach it using the wrench it gives me the Cannot use this node error, but in the VAB the engine can be attached any which way you want.

    Not a big issue, just caught me off guard when I sent a rescue mission with some and found I couldn't attach them.

  10. 2 hours ago, SavageAngel said:

    I have a question because I nearly killed one of my kerbals.

    Here's my situation. I started a new game with a very low science reward to test out Kerbalism. So in order to get science I launched a rocket into a sub-orbital trajectory to do some science in space hitting 80,000m and coming back down. I turned off my scrubbers and pressurization to save battery on the trip because I figured my pilot would be in his space suit the entire time. To my surprise he nearly died from C02 poisoning. So I guess what I'm asking is when I turn the scrubbers off in the command pod does that also turn them off for the space suit? Is this intentional to keep people like me from getting "free" use of scrubbers in the suit wile sitting in the command pod without using electrical charge? 

    From what I understand so far, if a Kerbal is in a pod, they effectively don't have their space suit on.


    Also @ShotgunNinja Thank you, Ive been waiting a very long time for Kerbalism to be updated, and as I've got the day off work I'm going to be testing everything I can.

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