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Posts posted by bewing

  1. Well, it's really best to confirm bugs somehow, rather than just to post them willy-nilly. And you need to get an account in the bugtracker before you can do it anyway.

    @OP: a form of the bug you are describing has been seen before, but it was always linked with retracting the vehicle's landing legs. Did you do that?

  2. 42 minutes ago, regex said:

    It's been how many updates since we've had the command chairs?  Since like, 0.20 at least?  It's 1.1 now, PEOPLE ARE GOING TO FIND WAYS TO LAUNCH JEB ON A DAMN SRB WHY CANT I FLY MY ULTRALIGHT WITHOUT GOING THROUGH ALL THIS?


    Seriously, I'm the last guy here to glorify the jackass-style of play but this is just ridiculous...  Why can't I launch a craft with only a seat?

    I can't imagine that you really need all of that. A crew module + decoupler + your ultralight, perhaps?

  3. 11 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:


    Are you experiencing jitterbugging with anything except the fixed gear? I've seen bug reports for other gear, but can't reproduce them myself.

    Precisely what do you mean by "fixed gear"? The LY10s that jitterbug intensely for me are steerable (see that panther.craft). sgt_flyer faked up an MK3 design with the heavy landing gear out on the tips of the wings, and that jitterbugged, too.


  4. Is your reentering craft built with MK1 parts?

    During beta-testing we did a lot of testing on this issue, because many people are finding aerobraking to be harder. Lots of arguing back and forth.

    Eventual conclusion: the atmosphere model is identical to 1.0.5 -- as the Squad devs were insisting.

    However, it seems that many parts have had their drag coefficients reduced (quite a bit!). And some other parts are still the same as they were in 1.0.5. So some designs have exactly identical performance to 1.0.5 during atmospheric flight and reentry, and some other designs slip through the air a heck of a lot faster (and get a lot hotter). The MK1 parts seem especially slippery now, and hard to aerobrake without being extra clever.


  5. Sorry slashy, but I don't think your theory is right.

    @Renegrade and @sgt_flyer have an alternate theory that a bounce in the wheels gets transmitted as a force into the craft's joints. The joints flex (with no damping) and then return all that force to the wheels, which then bounce again.

    I have a plane that jitterbugs severely -- see the panther.craft file on this bug report: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9288

    -- It supports their theory, because if the wheels are mounted on the wings, the plane jitterbugs. If the wheels are mounted to the fuselage instead, there is no jitterbugging.

    I just made your suggested mod (.9 suspensionDistance, .1 targetPostion) to the LY1.

    I removed all the fuel from panther (the ly1 can't handle the full weight), and replaced the rear LY10s with LY1s.

    After reloading KSP and launching that plane, it jitterbugs for a bit, and then starts spinning in a medium-speed circle. 


  6. I think the devs would agree that fuel transfers are supposed to automatically shut off when the fuel flow goes to 0. So that part may be a bug.

    But yes, there is obviously a special case there when an engine or fuel cell is running, so the fuel flow never does go to 0. If I was programming it, I'm really not sure what the proper behavior should be in that case, truly.

  7. 2 hours ago, jpinard said:

    I did Google this but came up empty for how things work now vs. when I played a long time ago.  It used to be I could attach parachutes to the SRB's and have the decoupler and parachute trigger at the same time. SRB's would float nicely back down to Kerbin.  But now I can't seem to find a way to recover them.  I'd especially like to be able to recover the kickback boosters. But when I have the parachutes open just before decoupling the boosters they're always destroyed.

    Thanks for the help!

    For most of my launches, I recover my first stages (usually a triplet of kickbacks). How to do it:

    You have to understand that if you are not watching a stage as it falls through the atmosphere, then when it falls to about 25km altitude, it gets automatically deleted.

    So you have to switch to it, and watch the stage as it descends all the way to the ground and stops. As long as it is moving in the atmosphere, once you start watching it you are unable to switch away from it.

    So the problem is that this can take a few minutes, and during those minutes the upper stage of your craft is uncontrolled.

    The basics: So, you launch. You do whatever you have to do to get your upper stage into a trajectory where you can ignore it for several minutes. You make sure you switch back to watching your stage 1 before it falls too low and gets deleted. You watch it touch down. Then maybe you switch back to your upper stage and finish putting it in the proper orbit. This method is often a little inefficient with upper stage fuel, but you can save 10 thousand kerbucks per launch by recovering your boosters -- which buys a lot of fuel.

    The details: You can either have a probe core attached to your stage 1, so that you can control aerodynamic surfaces and deploy chutes at a moment of your choice. Or you activate the parachutes on your stage 1 during ascent -- and then use the tweakables to control auto-partial deployment and auto-full deployment on drogues and main chutes. You can also use action groups to prepare your stage 1 boosters for landing, just before you decouple them.

    If you would like an example craft and launch instructions, say so.


  8. Ummmm. Exactly where are you reading that? I'd like to check it.

    Basically a scientist does 3 things:

    1) A scientist during EVA can reset the Mystery Goo and Materials bay experiments so that they can be reused.

    2) A scientist during EVA can operate scientific experiments from outside the ship.

    3) When a scientist is living inside a Mobile Processing Lab, the scientist can convert experiments into data, and data into science points. The speed at which the scientist works depends on his experience level -- very similar to how engineers operate drills at varying speeds according to their experience level. A one-star scientist works 100% faster than a zero-star scientist. But this only applies to scientists inside MPLs.

    Other users have recently claimed that scientists have some kind of bonus when gathering experimental data, but every case that I've seen was proven wrong.


  9. 59 minutes ago, samstarman5 said:

    This also makes me think someone needs to send a counselor over to Danny2462's house asap, as I am pretty sure that Klaw Kraken fix just destroyed his planet buster. 

    Oh, it definitely did. But it's worse than that. His other planet buster (the lance) doesn't work anymore either -- I tested it.

  10. 3 hours ago, N_Molson said:

    Still, what confused me is the description specs that display something like "crash speed : 230 m/s". A Me-262 would use something like the next one (which can be retracted). Maybe its simply a typo in the specifications description then :)

    It's an old/obsolete description from 1.0.5. That number does not correspond in any way to the current functionality of the part.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Draco T stand-up guy said:

    IRL, The re-entry capsules are designed to slow down the craft rapidly during re-entry through aerodynamics. And, no, they're not bad aerodynamics. A brick has bad aerodynamics, a re-entry capsule has very good aerodynamics.

    Depends on your definition of "good". But in KSP 1.1, to get a MK1 command pod landed on the ground you need to be thinking "high drag during reentry" -- or jeb is going to be a little cloud of dust.

  12. One other important feature I forgot to mention in the original post:

    Jets are much more stable now. It's a lot harder to lose control and go into a flat spin or other assorted nastiness.

    And I don't know how many people besides me are affected by this one:

    You can no longer walk up the shafts of the LY01 landing legs. :wink:


  13. 16 minutes ago, Rune said:

    Rune. I'd rather crash to desktop than play without KER's instrumentation.

    Some players seem to have had anecdotal issues with KER when they were in the VAB. But only when designing ships. It may be a bit of a burden until any issue is sorted out, but if there is still an issue on the VAB it may help to have an unmodded copy of KSP where you design ships.

  14. There is a hump in the T1 runway right where the game spawns your jet. You may roll forward, or you may roll backward. It depends entirely on the length of your jet and the positioning of your wheels, as to where on the hump they end up sitting. This has been true since v 1.0.4 at least.

  15. 39 minutes ago, Pawelk198604 said:

    So how to slowdown spacecraft, fast enough to not split poor Jebediah into atoms, :confused: and not force me to resurrect him trough revert :wink:

    even trough other not pilot kerbonauts, like Bob or Bill, especially if it comes to steep suborbital reentry.


    You need to shed speed quickly. Heatshields are not very helpful for this. Tumbling is helpful. Aerodynamics are helpful. You need a ship that has good aerodynamics on liftoff, and very bad aerodynamics during descent. This is definitely possible to do! Think about it. It really is easy to make an RV that reenters from orbit with no heatshield at all, if you are clever about your aerodynamics.

  16. The devs were messing with the settings on the wheels from the first instant of the 1.1 prerelease. Yes, the LY01/LY05 wheels currently are unreasonably finicky during takeoff/landing. The LY10s are much better.

    I agree with stenole here. Remove some fuel, get your weight down. Use a canard setup. Land slow. You are going to need to be a little clever between now and the time when the hotpatch comes out and fixes all this stuff to make it newbie-friendly. You need to understand that all this is going to change again very soon. So don't be going and getting all riled up just yet.

  17. 43 minutes ago, Servo said:

    I tried it out yesterday, and x64 crashed pretty randomly (in the VAB of all places, and I wasn't building anything over 300 parts), I'll try again and report back later.

    Are you using KER or MechJeb?

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