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  1. Does this need improving? Jokes aside, you have made a very small, pretty and functional ship, so well done!
  2. I agree heavily with this. I think music would be a good touch. This is a great theme for Duna. I think it would be even better if the music for the planets was community created!
  3. Big explosion, they died, so sad
  4. Hello! I have a question about general relativity and the space-time continuum. If two atomic clocks were started at the same time and one was sent to Jupiter and back and one was kept at sea level on Earth, what would the time difference be when the Jupiter clock returned? According to general relativity, the time difference should be very substantial. Can anyone explain the maths on how to reach the answer to this question? Would be much appreciated
  5. Here comes Salt! lllllllllllol ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttiiii ..........................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tr iii
  6. Ha! These are adorable khhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ak gv
  7. oh Maltesers, one of the things that make me proud to be English! I love cats, but having rats makes it hard D: Anyway, Pepper wants her say! mmdby yb
  8. Hi! I've been on the forums for a few days now and the time has come for me to post on the spacecraft exchange, but I can't work out how to post images. Do I need to use Imgur or can I post directly from my hard drive? Do I need an Imgur account? Can I do gifs? Please help!
  9. Hi and welcome! I must have joined at a similar time to you then I would recommend posting around a little bit to get your presence known, then just go wild! The forum games is a really fun place to be, so I recommend at least trying it (some of the games are so imaginative!) It is a really nice community here and a truly think that this is one of the nicest corners of computer games
  10. So this game is simple! Put your pet on the keyboard and let them type a few lines for ya Dogs, cats, hamsters, snakes, lizards and anything else is welcome! I own two rats, Salt and Pepper. This is Salt: nh (tries to eat the spacebar and runs off, bored, then sneezes) l.................u/; This is Pepper: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgv de rbdm, edgd Reply with your pet!
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