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Found 21 results

  1. In a shock news release by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), it was revealed that rumours of man's exploration of the moon in the Apollo program, having been observed by alien beings, were in fact true. Pictures released today, show these alien creatures in close proximity to the astronauts of the Apollo missions, appearing to observe and even interact with them. More information on this late breaking story and additional pictures, as we get it.
  2. Push structures normally wobble like crazy. To my surprise, in KSP2, I used a normal-sized docking port to push my medium SSTO and it didn't wobble at all! Full trip to Laythe without a single shake! Here are some pictures from the mission. Leaving Kerbin, full structure without the lifters: Arriving at Laythe, better view of the structure and the SSTO Found the objective of the mission: And returned home Landed the SSTO empty tank
  3. Welcome everyone! I opened this thread for the freedom of uploading the pictures of and discussing the space shuttles that you have made. Stable space shuttles are hard to build, especially if the 'Vector" nozzles are being used. So I thought of creating this thread for you to upload the pictures of your space shuttles or even .craft files to let others see how your shuttles look like. You have the freedom to post your own space shuttle designs, or replicas, mods are allowed, it's just important that you upload shuttle pictures. Screenshots can be taken by using the F1 key on your keyboard while in KSP. Using the F2 key before taking a screenshot is recommended to disable the UI and show the beauty of your picture. You can also link to a YouTube video for the whole mission with your craft. I can't wait to see your amazing space shuttles!
  4. Since KSP2's coming out in February, I wanted to see if I could visit all the CBs with a kerballed craft and bring all kerbals back home before KSP2 releases, to give my KSP1 save a grand sendoff. The self-imposed rules are: No exploits, unlimited quicksaves and reverts (although I'll try to do as few as possible) and mostly stock+dlc except for some invaluable and not-overpowered modded parts (like Near Future Construction's 2.5m to 3.75m structural adapter. I'll also present each mission like a mission report, and try to explain bugs and my errors as malfunctions and stuff. Before I thought of doing this challenge, I'd already visited the Mun and came back, but forgor to take photos. For my next landing, still before I thought of the challenge, I had wanted to visit one of Duna's valleys, so I flew a 4-Kerbal rover there. Unfortunately, I landed very far from a valley, so I needed to make a looong drive. So with those missions described, I'll go on to my first, in-progress mission after I thought of the challenge, which will fully abide by all my rules and stuff: The Dream of the Desert Wanderer, a rescue mission for these 4. (they have no way to get home) Another goal of this endeavour is to improve my writing skills, so if anybody has any criticisms or advice at all, please do tell me! I'm also trying to get to know more classical composers, and I don't have enough patience to just sit in my chair for 2 hours listening to music, so I'll be listening to it while doing these missions. I'll write down which pieces I listened to also.
  5. I really hope that ksp becomes a game with good graphics kinda like the first games's graphics when you add mods to it. I hope reflections to the visors appear just like this, along with the cool sun flares and stuff. Take your time.... please. Oh and the flag is where I'm from lol.
  6. The Tinfoil Times Everyone knows that you can't trust those "original" pictures that show how we spend literally thousands of dollars every year putting people in space just to grow crystals and stuffs. I mean they've gotta be doin other things! There's this guy I know, well he's a friend of a friend... of a friend, who has this special radio and a cool lookin antenna, well it's an umbrella covered in chewing gum wrappers and wire coat hanger sticking out the middle. Anyway... he says he has these secret pictures from space cos his uncle used to be an astronut or sumthin and he gave him all the top secret codes so he could listen in and get the real pictures. He got this one the other day... says he had to "fill in some missing data" I dunno... it was too technical for me. Can someone say interstellar romance If he gives me any more I'll post em here... if they don't catch me first
  7. Have a nice day, I would say first that English is not my native language, so if you don’t fully understand my writing, I ask for your understanding. Feel free to fix it if you have patience. Thanks. If you have any questions I will be happy to discuss the topic.I love the sci-fi genre and this will also be visible on the ships built. I am not an experienced professional KSP mod maker. I’m more of an avid amateur and I make little additions out of my own amusement.Ships are also featured, and so all the craziness I use in ksp. Here I am just presenting, explaining things, nothing can be downloaded for the time being because it does not reach the quality.I may sometimes change my posts for beautification. (I usually think of more data as pictures, etc.) I take care I promise the responses will stay current. That is, all posts will always be valid and current. I hope I don't cause anyone a problem. The point, I figured out, is to share the work that is being done in the shed. You can say your opinion, I also welcome constructive criticism. Also thanks to the forum operators for their work and the opportunity. Thanks guys! So welcome here!
  8. Chapter 1: Slipping the Surly Bonds Chapter 2: Ordained Destiny Chapter 3: Distant Voyager Chapter4: Voyages End Chapter 1: Slipping the Surly Bonds Since the dawn of kerbal kind, on the shores of a peninsular a few hundred kilometers from the KSC, kerbals had stared up at the night sky and wondered about those sparkles of light and the great river that ran through them. Kerbals had evolved from their primitive, even violent beginnings, to become a race of space-farers that had visited the closest of those points of light in the sky and dreamed of journeying even further out into the cosmos. Dr Heywood Kerman took a moment to think of all the talented people at the KSC, who created the wonderful means of transportation that now carried him through the upper reaches of Kerbin’s atmosphere, on a mission so important and so secret, that he was its sole passenger. On the other hand, to hell with them… those guys were jerks, constantly whining about things like “safety” and “laws of physics”. He was the great Dr Heywood Kerman and he had no time for such minor matters. The spacecraft approached the great mass of the recently completed Odysseus, the largest space station in Kerbin orbit, spinning about its center like an enormous Catherin wheel. Heywood’s craft was spinning too, although not at the same speed, the disparity of which almost had him lose his lunch, something no good kerbal wants to do; it is the 6th most important meal of the day after all. Finally the rotation of the two was in sync allowing the spaceplane's pilot to guide it towards the docking bay at the center of the Odysseus. Something requiring a steady hand and keen observation of the instruments and not a mouthy management type shouting that they “wanna have a go” while jabbing at random buttons with their big pudgy fingers. During the remainder of the approach to the station, Heywood sat back relaxed in his seat, idly thinking about what it would be like there. Would there be Martians, what is a Martian… for that matter what’s a Mars. Wow, that sedative the pilot jabbed him with was really good… maybe he wouldn't fire him after all. After a short stay on the Odysseus, although not as short as planned due to the “button jabbing leads to hypo stabbing “incident, Heywood departed for the Mun on an Aries shuttle. On the way, Heywood decided to make use of the new “waste facilities” on the Aries, a major first for the team of crack engineers at KSC that had made it possible. Prior to this the instructions for the crew of a vehicle on any mission was to “hold it ‘til ya get there”. Not so bad on a short trip to the Mun, but the six week flight to Duna base was a bit more of a challenge. Still, astronauts were a tough bunch, plus the savings made by not installing these on the other craft left enough in the budget for that really nice desk in Heywood’s office. Skimming across the Munar surface, Kerbin rose over the horizon. Heywood raised his hand, obscuring the planet with his thumb then pressed it against the window. “Squish… hahahaha”. Maybe a little of that sedative was still in his system. As the shuttle proceeded along its shallow arc towards the Mun surface, Heywood’s destination, Klavius Base came into view. It had taken many years of hard work by the KSP and taken the lives of many kerbals to create, so many, many kerbals and often in such amusing ways. The best of these were on a blooper video that he showed every year at the Christmas party titled “Kerbin’s dumbest astronauts”. Strangely most people had left the party by the time the video ended. Ah well, no accounting for taste I suppose. Finally the great bulk of the shuttle descended the last few metres to the landing pad. Heywood found himself musing, if the engines ran out of fuel now, or the pilot accidentally hit the staging button, then this trip could end with the usual hilarious results. That would make a great addition to my clips collection… maybe… errr... perhaps not. It was time for him to snap out of that train of thought and focus on the reason for his journey. A mysterious object had been uncovered near the Mun’s South Pole, that posed so many questions, but gave no answers. Next in Chapter 2: Ordained Destiny Dr Heywood Kerman travels to investigate the object buried beneath the surface of that distant part of the Mun. What will he discover, will his pilot have to resort to emergency medical measures again and will he take a packed lunch.
  9. Welcome to Mission Complete where I post the missions I have done with pictures, tutorials and the craft I use for download. The way the forum works is the earliest missions are towards the start (eg pages 1, 2, and 3) and the missions done nearest to the time of reading are at the back (eg pages 25, 26, and 27). Happy Reading!
  10. Hello everyone, I hope this is posted in the right place. I suppose it is a 'challenge', so here we go... Every tuesday I have the house to myself from 0810hrs until 2000hrs and I decided to make it "Test-Flight Tuesday". I get the chance to mess with all the amazing designs I have saved during the week. Some designs are too difficult for my poor skills, some are not for me, and some just fail my taste test. I enjoy it and wondered if anyone would like to join-in? All you have to do is show off what you are testing, who designed it (if it wasn't you), take some screen shots, and evaluate the craft in question. You can add a description of your experience and tell tall-tales about the one that got away. I'll start a wee thread called "Test-Flight Tuesday" on tuesday morning (GMT) and we can see what happens. The good thing about being a mental patient is that you can just talk to myself if nobody turns-up. No dicks. Let me know what you think.
  11. Hello guys! Ive been working on a project for two days now taking screenshots in KSP, editing them, and releasing them out to the public on the KSP reddit. This project was originally meant to stay on the KSP Reddit but I've decided to come along here to the KSP Forums. Heres what you need: - A screenshot while playing without the HUD showing - Has to have a subject - No need for Scatterer or EVE and such, just pure talent. - Kerbals Here are some examples - https://imgur.com/a/g7ZvL You may request an edit of the photo(s) you sent in or you may edit them yourselves. I'll do my best to enhance your pictures if you want them edited Enjoy posting your own images! Can't wait to see what you guys have. And here is the Official Album: https://imgur.com/a/sQ9qR - This album will be extended when new content has been added .
  12. World War K A KSP Novel (By: DarkOwl57) 30 years after the Battle of Kerbin, tensions are again rising. Across the NSK, leaders spread rumor and propaganda of war and revolution, while to the East, the Eastern Empire fights among themselves for control. Now, the remains of the NSK must fight for everything, and leave nothing to chance. With all to play for and the stage set, this will be either Kerbin's finest hour.... Or it's final defeat. This is Table of Contents Chapter I: The Gathering Storm Chapter 1: Calling in the Cavalry Chapter 2: First of Many Chapter 3: Farewell Chapter 4: World Kouncil Chapter 5: The Accident Chapter 6: The Lambo Chapter 7: The Battle of Kursk Chapter 8: Aftermath Chapter 9: The Promise Chapter 10: In Veloxia Chapter 11: Heating Up Chapter 12: Kouncil Chapter 13: The Meaning of Sacrifice Chapter 14: Sorry Chapter 15: Goodbye Chapter 16: Lifesaver Chapter 17: Revenge Chapter 18: The Battle of Belfast Chapter 19: In the West Chapter 20: Ace Chapter 21: Closing In Chapter 22: The Big One Chapter 23: The End The Epilogues I: Consequences II: Back to Normal? III: To Duna! IV: On Duna V: So long, Farewell, and The End Conclusion I & A.N.: The Return; An introduction to The Final Stand, and the Authors Note
  13. Hey guys! I thought of a challenge for you guys; if I could draw a design or an artwork/paintings of anything (KSP related), See if you be able to make it and build it in ksp and post your pictures here. (sorry if there are similar challenges like this before in this forum, I did not have time to do a bit of searching) ok let me upload some drawings!!
  14. Part 1: Mun Orbit - Testing the Mun machines - Mun landing for real this time Part 2: A roving we will go - Early station building - A trip to the big cheese Part 3: Seeing Red - Open to the public - Everybody loves Dres Part 4: What's that burning - Far flung Eeloo - Learning the base hics Part 5: Anomalous readings Part 6: Bridge to nowhere Part 7: Monalitha Part 1 "I was never worried, not for one moment" - Jeb Kerman - 01 Mun Orbit This was the first manned flight beyond beyond LKO and carried Jeb Bob and Bill on a single orbit around the Mun before returning to Kerbin. Although there were no hitches reported with the mission, there are few images from this early flight. 02 Testing the Mun machines Immediately following the Mun orbital mission, a command module with lander configuration, was launched, in order to test out approach and docking in the relative safety of low Kerbin orbit. Making good use of their newly acquired docking skills (as in this was the first time they'd tried to do it) an age was spent approaching one vehicle with the other and eventually docking, only to the undock and do the whole thing again, while with the other vehicle being the target. After a few successful (if long winded) cycles of approach and docking, the crew transferred from the lander by EvA'ing (this was in the days before a more high tech solution was developed for this) to the command module before re-entry and a return to the clear blue skies of Kerbin. 03 Mun landing for real this time After the practice missions in Kerbin and Mun orbit, it was finally time to take a crack at a manned landing on the Mun. After an uneventful trip to Mun orbit, the next step was to get the crew over to the lander. Again it was time for a little space walking, for the the intrepid pair of Jeb and Bob. With that done it was time to detach the lander and head for the surface. As this was the first attempt at this, it wasn't known how much fuel this was going to use, so the plan was head was a landing and if the descent stage ran out on the way down, to detach it and head back to orbit (hopefully) using the ascent stage. Fortunately this abort measure back to orbit wasn't necessary, although the descent stage only had about 5% fuel remaining on touchdown. Following the nerve wracking first landing on a body other than Kerbin, Jeb took to the ladder of the lander to descend to the surface, pausing momentarily at the foot of it, to think of something momentous to say when stepping onto the surface. However with nothing coming to mind (he's a do'er rather than a talker) he leapt of the ladder and planted the first pair of Kerbal boots on the Mun. Shortly after Bob joined him on the surface and Jeb erected the flag, only to find that some idiot had packed the flag backwards. After experimenting with moving around in the low gravity of the Mun (ok... havng fun jumping around) Jeb and Bob returned to the lander, Bob grabbing a few rocks to make a few bucks... er, for scientific study before he did so. With the pair safely inside, the ascent stage engine was fired to carry them back into orbit, for a rendezvous with Bill in the command module. With docking made, the lander's engine was fired up to start the burn back Kerbin and when the fuel in that was depleted, the docked vehicles were swung around to complete the burn with the command module engine. It was later noted that detaching the lander before firing up the command module engine would have been a lot more efficient, but the guys in mission control were too busy partying, so didn't get around to giving the crew the instruction to detach. Finally after many hours traveling back to Kerbin, the capsule was detached from the rest of the vehicle before re-entry was made, followed by a splash down in the seas of Kerbin, some distance east of the KSC.
  15. If you have a ground base, either big or small, either running smoothly or insanely framerate breaking, either at ground level or high up, on land or water, and you think that it's worthy enough, then send me pics! Show the rest of the forums how good your basebuilding skills are! Show them how much skill and time it took you to construct it, and last of all, show them links to mods if you used them! To post, you will have to have at least one picture of your base, and a short description (function, goal, objective, etc.) of your creation. And, even though it's called "ground base", that doesn't mean that you can also have a "sea base"! Get building, forumkerbs!
  16. Just a place where I shall put my videos and pictures and streams and run on sentences. Enjoy, or don't. I dont care
  17. Post any pics you want just make sure they are edited in some way Like any filters or drawings N-joy ?
  18. It is a little known fact that Bill has an artistic side, specifically photography. With an unexpected end of budget surplus burning a hole in their pockets, the people at the KSC decided to spend all of it on supporting Bill in his artistic pursuits. With this financing he was able to achieve his long held dream of creating photographic composition series titled.. Day of Destruction The Beginning Clouds of Thunder Man on Fire Sunshine Battlefield Home Inspiration Cloaked in Darkness Tanks for the Memory Clearing Skies Fragments Dawn of the New Age
  19. Welcome to JASA, the JebKeb Aeronautical & Space Administration. We commit a large amount of rocketry and aviation, and we know everyone likes fiery stuff so we are trying to set up a space tourism network. We are also exploring the Kerbol system and are trying to place a permanent settlement on Minimus. I have not posted the early days of the space program because it's boring, but we're now up to about the same level of progress as real life space agencies, so I decided to show you my take on mid career mode.
  20. I was looking at Scott Kelly's pictures of the recent snow storm to hit the east coast. While looking at it I was trying to understand the orientation of the picture and to see which cities were visible. After some time with Google Earth and Microsoft Paint I labeled what I could distinguish in the photo. Just wanted to share and maybe see if anyone can see if something is mislabeled. Scott Kelly's - https://twitter.com/StationCDRKelly/status/690865242327351296/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Labeled - http://i.imgur.com/6O7Kfv4.jpg
  21. Hi! I've been on the forums for a few days now and the time has come for me to post on the spacecraft exchange, but I can't work out how to post images. Do I need to use Imgur or can I post directly from my hard drive? Do I need an Imgur account? Can I do gifs? Please help!
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