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Posts posted by ForsakenVoyager

  1. 1 hour ago, ImperatorAdeptus said:

    KSP is only being released on the Atari 2600 and GameSphere. Sorry to burst your bubble dude. The PS4 just can't handle the sheer magnitude of the game without catching fire and exploding like the Challenger.

    No need to be hateful. It's awesome Squad is expanding KSP to more people. Thanks to FTE games for helping them out too.


  2. 16 minutes ago, severedsolo said:

    Regarding the performance. Don't forget he's running some kind of screen capture at the same time (I don't have a XBone so it may be built in?). It could well be this is taking processor cycles away from KSP, which is a processor hungry game.

    What worries me is that they are still using point and click in the VAB? That seems... odd. Seems to me a better way would be to be able to just thumb through the list of parts, and the cursor "jumps" to the next one, rather than having it be like classic mouse

    The PS4 has built in steaming abilities and so does the Xbox One I believe. When I stream from my PS4 to twitch my console does lag, but that might because of my slow upload speed. As far as the mouse style clicking, it may support both cursor movements and use the d-pad to navigate the VAB and other menus. Most of my games on PS4 use both. 

  3. 4 hours ago, montyben101 said:

    Hmm its a bit to early to tell really as I'm betting it will all change before release... but things arnt looking good. I dont really know how they could get it to run much better without starting to tear the game down a bit, or have part limits. 

    We still have months (I'm assuming) before the game releases. Who knows what they can do to improve performance, hopefully they don't cut too much if that's what they have to do. Hopefully they use that time to optimize the full game and get it on track. If for some reason they needed more time and delayed the game to get it right I would be willing to wait. Sad, but I would wait. 

  4. 2 hours ago, GluttonyReaper said:

    I was initially concerned too ... until I tried doing the exact same thing on my PC. Turns out I get almost exactly the same performance. :P I'm still worried about the reception of the console audience, though, I might not mind half real-time speed on a 70 part ship at launch, but I suspect console gamers who are used to getting a consistent 25-30 fps at all costs might be less pleased.

    I agree there are plenty of "graphic and frame rate whores" on console that complain about those things, but there are many games on console that only get 30 fps that look just fine. Overall it won't bother me and I think it will be accepted by the type of gamers that are looking to play KSP. The average First Person Shooter player may complain but the dedicated players looking for good sims will take it with open arms. For that I have no doubt. :) 

  5. 1 hour ago, Sir_Robert said:

    Ugh, I feel sorry for console WoT players trying to aim with a stick. There's no way for them to reliably aim for weakpoints.

    In the same way, I cringed seeing that guy struggle to get his Mainsail to attach to his rocket. If that already took effort, there's no way they'll ever be able to build some of the things we do here with offset and clipping.


    Also: holy birds that UI is big

    I'm way better at WoT on my PS4 than I am on PC. And the reason why is it boils down to what you are accustomed to playing. I've played with a joy sticked controller for many years and am good at it, but with the mouse and keyboard I'm not so good because I don't tend to use them that much. You on the other may be the opposite because of your own gaming habits. I can put a tank round in a really good spot by just easing the joy stick. Same goes for Minecraft for me, I'm good on PS4 but terrible on PC. 

  6. The game looked like it was running good to me. I see a lot of people playing KSP on PC's and they tend to experience lag from time to time as well, but I really didn't see any lag on the video. My thing is that the console versions should be easier to maintain because every PS4 is the same, every Wii U, and every Xbox One are the same as the other one meaning when you release a patch for PS4 it will work for all PS4's exactly the same. With PC there are different operating systems and different hardware components that operate very differently. I'm not knocking PC at all, but this is part of why I'm a console player. 

  7. 1 hour ago, QPDO said:


    Actually its not a mod but mere download content. A mod accesses / adds to / alters existing program structures to modify it. Hence it is called MOD. Certain DLCs like Hearthfire for Skyrim could actually be called mods. Yet I dont know of any third party PS4 or PS3 mods which would almost all KSP Mods for PC be.

    To be fair they do modify the game so they kinda are mods. PC mods have to be downloaded as well so technically they are kinda like DLC too. The mods for KSP PS4 will be developed by Squad and FTE Games so they won't be third party mods but DLC provided by the developers that modify the original game. So DLC that mods the game. :)

    But seriously I do get what you're saying.

  8. PS4 does support mods for games. Take Minecraft for example. It supports many mods provided by Mojang. Texture Packs and Skin Packs. Not all of them are free but some are. My point is it does already happen and from what I've heard already (can't confirm where) Squad and FTE Games will be adding mods for console versions of KSP. I'm more of a vanilla player myself, but would be happy to try some mods and really hope they add them. 

  9. On January 15, 2016 at 11:19 AM, Engineer of Stuff said:

    I expect many console gamers to be dissatisfied with this game because it it to "realistic" and hard to play.

    I doubt it. The gamers that buy this will probably already have a idea of what they are getting into. I'm looking forward to the challenge. 

    On January 20, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Otis said:

    I'm totally lost trying to play minecraft on ps4. But my nephew, age 10, can fly through the menu's and select tools or objects faster on ps4 than I can on pc. Don't underestimate the console gamer's ability to use the joysticks.

    All it comes down to is what your accustomed to playing with. I can play Minecraft very well on my PS4, but struggle on the PC. For me KSP will be much "easier" to learn and play on my PS4 than on a PC.

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