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  1. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154614-ksp-weekly-we’re-back/ Soonish. Looks like they are working hard on it. So that's good news.
  2. Hopefully you change your mind. I have plenty of games that I play for a while, go play other games, then come back to those first games, over and over. Minecraft is one of those games. KSP is right there for me too. I play it and love it very much until a new game comes out. But after a while I'm right back in KSP and Minecraft. I hope you find your way back too.
  3. I'm a huge fan of KSP on PS4. All of the game crashes do get very aggravating, but I still hold Squad up as a good developer. I even like FTE Games. I'm not sure what happened there but I guess BlitWorks has replaced them? I'm excited we got content on the way, and hopefully some crash fixes.
  4. I'm waiting for PS4 and probably getting a copy for Wii U later this year too. I'm excited our Xbox One brothers get to join us on Friday. I can work the digital keyboard on my phone though. My wife would disagree with you on the manchild thing, but that's another story. About gaming that's a whole different story.
  5. Our hope as console players is that our game is so crappy that it actually lingers a Black Plague into your PC versions and shuts them all down. Muahahaha!
  6. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/07/08/kerbal-space-program-launches-july-12-on-ps4/ Exciting news for us PS4 players!
  7. Congrats! I hope I achieve the same milestone on my PS4.
  8. Sorry, I never did actually answer this. My opinion is it will be fine. Because most of the players purchasing it will be new to the game and won't have every experienced any mods for it.
  9. Sorry, I was just adding a event where Squad said it. I was enhancing your comment. Haha, well at least we had a somewhat civil conversation. It doesn't matter though buddy. I can't speak for everyone, and I shouldn't try. But I can say that I'm very excited for the PS4 and Wii U versions. I'm not the kinda person easily pushed away by bugs so I'm in this for the long haul. I look forward to a great game and being apart of this community.
  10. YouTubers don't represent any type of gamers. PC or console. Simply because they are there to put on a show and act like a idiot. And most of the time it's entertaining, but doesn't represent anyone. I've seen plenty of idiots break keyboards or throw their mouse on YouTube and Twitch. Doesn't meant I follow it with "PC gamers have no respect for personal property". Oh and I've seen plenty of jackass console players. There are plenty of childish people on both, but probably more on consoles simply because of the plug and play convenience. But KSP probably won't appeal to the average FPS gamer who only want to play Call of Duty. And if they buy it and never play it again that's just more money for Squad anyways. I have a PC gaming buddy at work who loves simulation games. He bought KSP, tried it, deleted it. He said it's too complicated. I like complicated. Anyways, my point is we can let a entertaining acting like a idiot represent any platform.
  11. I get what you're saying. If it bombs on console it could affect all versions reputation, including PC. Minecraft is different on PC and PS4/Xbox/Wii U. Although they have added "classic crafting" to consoles. I'm not great at mouse and keyboard so I prefer my controller. I understand that if you are accustomed to playing with mods and suddenly you lose them it's going to kinda ruin your play style. But for us that have never used them we won't "know what we are missing" and it shouldn't bother us. From what I've seen from events like Night at the Nindies that Squad has said all versions will be the same. Play the same and act the same. Only the controls will be different.
  12. Month after month when Sony shows the top games purchased on PSN Minecraft is on that list. It seems to be doing very well still. My sons and I love it. And to be honest they are as excited for KSP on PS4 as I am. Hell, I'm even going to buy it for my Wii U later this year when they finish that version too. I don't understand these comments. Just because someone plays a game on a console they will suddenly stop playing a game because it has a bug/issue? Why just console players? These comments are almost offensive. Because I play on PS4/Wii U I'm a infant that can't wait for a fix? If this was true almost all games would be abandoned. Bugs happen all the time and eventually they get fixed. Most games on PC and console deal with this with players coming back for more.
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